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Surfcomber Yesterday Sanchez Madness!Could it be as good as it gets in Miami??

Guest tekniQz

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Guest lulamishka

So the question is..."Is the Miami EDM scene dead?"

After what I experienced yesterday at the pool party.....i'd say a big HELLZ NO!

I must conclude that yesterday was one of the better parties I have experienced in Miami. Eventhough it was hot as hell and the rain and humidity made for a bad hair, I still managed to dance my ass off and experience a great vibe from everyone.

And, while everyone was drinking nasty ass Bud and Bud Light and paying $7 plus for an energy drink, my friends and I found the the best kept secret of the entire day....just next door they had a 2-for-1 happy hour, clean bathrooms, lovely hammocks and lounge chairs....2 Heinekens for $5.75 and damn good pina coladas....Much better than the pool party for WMC

I will say though that anyone who jumped in that pool, should run to your nearest dr. and get a prescription to get rid of those crabs :-X....I really don't think there was enough chlorine to withstand the given population....I basically saw two people f**king on the stairs of the pool...it was hilarious!!!

Oh and the Space Toes where in full effect!!!

Overall...had a great time!!! ;D

Nasty pool though.If you only knew what happened in the pool the Sunday before you might never even step foot near that thing.lol. :o

Oh, c'mon now... you can't say that and not tell us what happened in the pool the previous Sunday!

michelle its something you wouldn't have wanted to know about...ask steve and major, they got there on sunday just in time to see the droppings...lets just say a kid had an accident in the pool :P it was quite a fiasco to see more people just diving in after we knew what had happened. eww!

im sure it was cleaned out by wed, but it made for a funny afternoon on sunday, i think pod may have the pics to prove it lol!

Awesome! LoL! :-X

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Guest pod

For what it's worth, you had a New York DJ, and 2 DJs known for the more tribal sound, which appeals to guidos. So hence, guidos.

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Guest RzO

For what it's worth, you had a New York DJ, and 2 DJs known for the more tribal sound, which appeals to guidos. So hence, guidos.

very true, the tribal stuff is not for me, not only cause i think it is annoying but the caliber of regulatory talent in the crowd at those events are the ones i usually try to stay away from.

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Guest e360

I just got back from the Surfcomber, LOL... piss and cum in the pool everywhere...LOL

the pool is off limits till the weekend. you know it had to have been a good jam!

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Guest coach

BTW...did anyone catch that chick on the rooptop topless....while most girls would be hating right now, I thought she was awesome...seemed very liberated.

Yep! I'm not a fan of silcone, but the one with the natural B's was great.
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Guest wasted24_7

Was fun party but music couldve been louder. I think every juice ball and pair of implants was in that place yesterday ;D

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miami is more prog n electro overall, so offcourse cnc is not gonna play their own sound...when u have patrick m n cedric playing electro, all cnc could've done was start off with some electro too...

i didnt think patrick m was all that, there was deff a vibe out there i will give u that, i give the guy props but its the same thing ppl hear week in n week out imo, it's good to hear something diff every once in a while.

if u had those guys playing in nyc...no one would really care for the miami electro most ppl down here are fund of, it's the truth, this market is not for cnc's sound...hence u got cnc playing alot more frequently in nyc than miami outside of wmc.

it would be the same for any electro/prog dj in nyc.

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Guest Buck White


Whoever the guy at the back gate was, someone tell him he did an AWESOME job.

I stuffed ten singles into his hand when I left. ;) You have to take care of cats like that .

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Guest coach


Whoever the guy at the back gate was, someone tell him he did an AWESOME job.

I stuffed ten singles into his hand when I left. ;) You have to take care of cats like that .

Fuck, I wish I'd thought of that! Good on ya.
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Guest Clauds

Well for me yesterday started out with a what seemed like the worst concievable start.A 5 hour car ride from PB.Essentially running into traffic the entire way there and listening to someone give the worst advice to go down A1A to get to South Beach from Hallandale. >:( >:(Needless to say we left at 1pm and arrived at Surcomber just before 6.I thought that this would have almost ruined the entire day,

man i was wrong!

As soon as we got there, Roger was going off!!Dropping all diffrent genre's.Classic Sanchez set.Everyone was so nice and the vibe was bonkers.So i forgot about the long drive pretty quick.It was one of the best times ive had in a longtime.Minus my girl Karen not being there. :(

Great hangin out with everyone,nice seeing Claudia,Peter,Miriam,Neil,Rachal,Bobby and Dan you are hilarious!!

This party was why Miami is the besty party place in the US.

So everyone tell me your thoughts on the party.

Nice seeing you too, Zach! I didn't go in the pool but those who did seemed like they were having a blast. It was so freaking hot and I mean, it was a pool party so I can see why people would want to take advantage of the pool. But now that I know about the incident...


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Guest tekniQz

Well for me yesterday started out with a what seemed like the worst concievable start.A 5 hour car ride from PB.Essentially running into traffic the entire way there and listening to someone give the worst advice to go down A1A to get to South Beach from Hallandale. >:( >:(Needless to say we left at 1pm and arrived at Surcomber just before 6.I thought that this would have almost ruined the entire day,

man i was wrong!

As soon as we got there, Roger was going off!!Dropping all diffrent genre's.Classic Sanchez set.Everyone was so nice and the vibe was bonkers.So i forgot about the long drive pretty quick.It was one of the best times ive had in a longtime.Minus my girl Karen not being there. :(

Great hangin out with everyone,nice seeing Claudia,Peter,Miriam,Neil,Rachal,Bobby and Dan you are hilarious!!

This party was why Miami is the besty party place in the US.

So everyone tell me your thoughts on the party.

Nice seeing you too, Zach! I didn't go in the pool but those who did seemed like they were having a blast. It was so freaking hot and I mean, it was a pool party so I can see why people would want to take advantage of the pool. But now that I know about the incident...


Nice to see ya too Claudia.You looked gorgeous as always.I didnt think Peter would have liked the Sanchez but then again women make you do things you wouldnt normally.lol hahaha

I had such a great time,i got to hangout and talk with all my friends and it was really a pleasure.The music was good but the people and the overall party was great. ;DWe need this more often like once a month,i think if Space did this with a big name dj thrown in there with there residents it would be extremelly successful.

The pool was scary though.lol

The funny part was that Rizzo on Sunday had to call me over dinner to inform me of the makeshift oversized toilet incident a.k.a (Surfcomber pool).Kids are soo funny.hahahah C'mon Pod, pictures please. Give'em up!! :D :D

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Guest Willie Morales

I just checked out today (stayed an extra day)... the pool is still closed has a scary milky white color to it.... it has yellow caution tape all around it... naaaaasty.... needs the caddyshack clean up crew...

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I just checked out today (stayed an extra day)... the pool is still closed has a scary milky white color to it.... it has yellow caution tape all around it... naaaaasty.... needs the caddyshack clean up crew...

:-X :-X :-X

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Guest tekniQz

I just checked out today (stayed an extra day)... the pool is still closed has a scary milky white color to it.... it has yellow caution tape all around it... naaaaasty.... needs the caddyshack clean up crew...

The Doubletree is going to need a "HAZMAT" team to clean that mess up.hahahahaha :P ::)

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Guest Devilicious

Wow, what a day! I had a fabulous time on the 4th, thanks to all who made it happen!

The K: sooo good talking to you my friend.

Nichole & Steve: a million thanks for letting us regroup in your room <---this is what enabled me to stay as long as I did!

Sara, Ryry, Imaginary man, ROLLY P, Ray, Dan, James & Annette, Soozin, Tara and many more: you make these parties worth going to!!! <3 you all.

Great setup @ the hotel. Entrance was smooth and a big huge cheer for RE-ENTRY!!! Again, couldn't have handled the off-and-on drizzles without that ability.

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Guest Josephmama

I just wish the weather could be better lately. We thought about going but with it so bad & how tired we were from the night before we stayed in. Had a number of our friends go who had a great time. Can we ask god to hold off on the rain for the rest of the summer please! :P ;D

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Guest coach

Summer is the rainy season in South Florida. And we need the rain badly. The rain on Sunday was a godsend, really. Up until about 2pm it was really hot. The rain cooled it down. It really only rained seriously for about 20 minutes. Plus, everyone's in their swimsuits, so who cares if you're wet!

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Guest pod

Geez, Carlos, can't you look at the bright side of things? Someone threw a helluva pool party that banked and probably did a lot to help Miami become a summer destination as opposed to a winter one.

There was a lot of out-of-towners there, who were definitely jonesing to come back next year.

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