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The Official CJ BBQ ! reviews

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Guest thelurker

A big thank you to POD for putting this together, to all the DJs that provided the sounds, to everyone who brought food and beverages, and a special thanks to whoever brought the Newcastle ;D.

Sorry I wasn't able to make it to the afterparty, it was a rough week :'(

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Guest Marina22

Had a great time at the bbq even though I was late and upset I didn't bring food cause I came last minute. Glad to meet some new peeps (Knebula, Freshman, Gabe Alvarez a.k.a Gotdrums, Juniper, Obby, DJ Peace, Illmatic, Flip and Bling's girl Pilar and bros 8)) and see some familiar ones too. I wish I could've been there a bit longer cause I would have met the rest of you. Overall I had a good time chatting with people I don't see often and listening to all of our guys spin some tunes. Pod, your organizational skills were not bad for a newbie party planner but your interpersonal skills leave alot to be desired. Also, wtf was up with the bathrooms, not all of us have portable penises. ::) Ramon, bbq at your house next time? ;)

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Guest ramon

Had a great time at the bbq even though I was late and upset I didn't bring food cause I came last minute. Glad to meet some new peeps (Knebula, Freshman, Gabriel Alexander a.k.a Gotdrums, Juniper, Obby, DJ Peace, Illmatic, Flip and Bling's girl Pilar and bros 8)) and see some familiar ones too. I wish I could've been there a bit longer cause I would have met the rest of you. Overall I had a good time chatting with people I don't see often and listening to all of our guys spin some tunes. Pod, your organizational skills were not bad for a newbie party planner but your interpersonal skills leave alot to be desired. Also, wtf was up with the bathrooms, not all of us have portable penises. ::) Ramon, bbq at your house next time? ;)

my house is not big enough for this , i wish it was but i do have a few ideas i will speak to dan about in the near future. :(

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Guest pod

I have no interpersonal skills.

Reason I did this at a public place was so I could make it an "official" CJ event. I can't put the site name on a house party for obvious reasons.

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Guest Juniper

Got there a bit late but was quite nice nonetheless - by the time afterhours rolled around was trying to stay awake - am ready for the next one~

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Guest ramon

I have no interpersonal skills.

Reason I did this at a public place was so I could make it an "official" CJ event. I can't put the site name on a house party for obvious reasons.

I have other ideas. Raver!

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Guest Marina22

I have no interpersonal skills.

Reason I did this at a public place was so I could make it an "official" CJ event. I can't put the site name on a house party for obvious reasons.

I spoke to you before once and you seemed nice enough. ::) Maybe you had more alchohol in ya and didn't have the stress of a party which I know is not always fun.

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Guest Marina22

I have no interpersonal skills.

Reason I did this at a public place was so I could make it an "official" CJ event. I can't put the site name on a house party for obvious reasons.

I have other ideas. Raver!

Let's hear em' and who said pod was a raver?! I vote for the next event when it's a bit cooler out as well..

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Guest coach

Pod is a raver, ask him about the "old days." Marina, did I meet you?

I remember a few folks I met, but my memory is bad.

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Guest Marina22

Pod is a raver, ask him about the "old days." Marina, did I meet you?

I remember a few folks I met, but my memory is bad.

I met you and Annette again, I remember too much, after the first time at the Smirnoff party. My name is Cristina and I was with Peter aka Bassdropper. ;)

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Guest Dj_Peace


Have Peter gimme a call - his number did not save on my phone when we exchanged info yesterday. Again, real good meeting you all - will let everybody know when my next gigs in south florida will be.

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Guest knebula

thats messed up

ronnie brings the pineapple with cinnamon

but i was the one that kicked it up a notch with the rum....

oh well

the fame always goes to the chef

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Guest NicoleC

haha. Nicole was wasted bad. :P


wasted is an understatement :D

OK Dan and Andrew - exaggerate much?? :P

I had a good time - great to meet new faces and see some friends that I hadn't in awhile.

I brought nametags but was too embarassed to subject everyone to them.

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Guest funky monkey

bbq was a really nice time. good, chill music. yummy margaritas (thx nicole & marc). unfortunately we got there too late to partake in the food (although there were corn muffins to be had ;) ).

it was really nice to get to meet more CJ peeps! Pod, thnx for helping make this happen - I really hope we can all do it again soon!

Emmy, Ramon, Phil, Josue, Liam, Nicole, Mark, Maddie, Sebastian, Kat, Gino, Marina, Coach (perv) & Annette, fun time with you, as always. Claudia, sorry to hear you'll be leaving & I hope we get to hang again before you go. Tal, thanks for helping Jorge out with the water - lol, that giant bottle of vodka was quite decieving! Rzo, nice to put a face (& a story) to the name. and Bling, nice to officially meet you (& your lady) - I'm writing this in normal font just for you!! :)

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Guest Marina22

haha. Nicole was wasted bad. :P


wasted is an understatement :D

OK Dan and Andrew - exaggerate much?? :P

I had a good time - great to meet new faces and see some friends that I hadn't in awhile.

I brought nametags but was too embarassed to subject everyone to them.

Nicole, as cheese as the nametags were we obviously could have used them since I know we all missed some peeps. I was thinking you didn't bring them and forgot to ask. Nice to see ya babe, hopefully sometime sooner than later next time. :-*

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Guest alienbeat

pod: great BBQ. hope we don't have to wait a year for the next one.

Nicole: vegetarian kebabs... very good.

Marina: felt like you were there for 5 mins then you left!

coach: i believe the corn muffins were distributed at the after-after party.

bling: somehow i ended up with a cooler in my trunk w/ one of your aguardiente. anyone is welcome to share with me the bottle... just PM me.

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Guest 4040

thats messed up

ronnie brings the pineapple with cinnamon

but i was the one that kicked it up a notch with the rum....

oh well

the fame always goes to the chef

Don't worry my young protoge you are still in training. Soon enough i will pass the torch. ;D

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Guest myles hie

Sorry i did not make it, i caught a stomach bug which kept me in bed all weekend >:(. I was looking forward to meeting everyone, it looks like good times were had.

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Guest Marina22

pod: great BBQ. hope we don't have to wait a year for the next one.

Nicole: vegetarian kebabs... very good.

Marina: felt like you were there for 5 mins then you left!

coach: i believe the corn muffins were distributed at the after-after party.

bling: somehow i ended up with a cooler in my trunk w/ one of your aguardiente. anyone is welcome to share with me the bottle... just PM me.

Josue, I was not there for five minutes.. Try like almost 3 hours plus I left about 20 minutes after Pod gave the "get out of the lot or your car stays here overnight order". :P Were going to have to have a pow wow up here, ready to come North? :P

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Guest coach
I brought nametags but was too embarassed to subject everyone to them.

Several people commented to me that they wished we had some. Next time bust them out. I definitely could have used them. Apparantly I met a number of people who I don't remember, or can't place with a screenname.
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Guest Buck White

Sorry i did not make it. >:(. I was looking forward to meeting everyone, it looks like good times were had.

Likewise. I almost met my demise the day prior to....the barbeque. I was looking forward to some brewski's and fried onions.

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Guest thelurker
I brought nametags but was too embarassed to subject everyone to them.

Several people commented to me that they wished we had some. Next time bust them out. I definitely could have used them. Apparantly I met a number of people who I don't remember, or can't place with a screenname.

I feel bad that I ended up hanging out mostly w/ the people I already knew and only met a few new peeps.

It was nice meeting: Gino(QBA), Pat, Jessica, and Dan.

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Guest tekniQz

The Jerk pork and Chicken stole the show,it was deffinitly worth the drive.As well as Pod taking Homoerotic pictures of Mr.Rizzo.lol

We need those pictures.Hhahahaha.

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Guest Marina22

Maaan, I see at least 4 ppl I didn't meet.. >:( Post pics in the yearbook so I can spot you peeps out and about.. I am great with faces but I have yet to bother takin' a pic of myself. :P

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