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Astronomers view most distant galaxies ever...


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Astronomers using a giant telescope say they have found glimpses of the most distant -- and oldest -- galaxies ever seen, it will be reported Tuesday evening.

The light researchers viewed has been traveling through distant space for billions of years, it will be claimed.

The findings are to be presented to the Royal Astronomical Society. A team from the California Institute of Technology used the giant Keck telescope in Hawaii to make the discovery.

"We are really witnessing our origins," claims astronomer Richard Ellis. "It is exciting we can use this technique to get a glimpse of the universe when it was so young."

"The implication is these are the early generation of stars... when the universe was in its infancy."

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Guest clubchicky

do you think that there is life on other planets??? I always wondered about that...I mean we have to be pretty ignorant to think that we are the only living beings out there....right?

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Guest LdySphynx

do you think that there is life on other planets??? I always wondered about that...I mean we have to be pretty ignorant to think that we are the only living beings out there....right?

Of course we're not, but until they decide to show themselves I still don't believe in UFOs and all that HOOPLA!!!
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Guest yume

I don't know.

We once thought the earth was flat. Now we know it's round.

We once thought the sun revolved around us. Now we know we revolve around it.

We once thought we were the only life in the universe. Now we are starting to realize that may not be the case.

We now think that if there is any other life out there, it has to be less intelligent and less developed than us.

How old are humans? Is it that hard to believe that there is other life out there that has been around much longer than us, and is more intelligent?

Personaly, I don't rule anything out. ;)

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Guest swirlundergrounder

do you think that there is life on other planets??? I always wondered about that...I mean we have to be pretty ignorant to think that we are the only living beings out there....right?

Of course we're not, but until they decide to show themselves I still don't believe in UFOs and all that HOOPLA!!!

I think that there is no life out there and that we define life based on our own paramaters. We define life based on our existence when truthfully life 'as we know it' is just a big cosmic mistake.

Sure the Universe is bigger than any of us can ever concieve and we can say that it would be silly to think that we are not alone and that the becasue the Universe is such a big place that the odds exponentially favor that life exsists in other places in the cosmos.

But think of the enormous combination of things that have to happen in order for life to exsist the way we know it. I couldn't list all of those things that have to happen in 10 of my life times probably.

For example, have you ever looked at an eclipse of the moon or the sun? Isn't odd that during a lunar eclipse that the Earth's shadow is exactly the size of the moon?

Conversely during a solar eclipse, isn't it also odd that when the moon covers the Sun, the moon is also the same size in the sky as the sun is?

So equate what I just said above regarding eclipses to how our solar system was formed. Gases exploded in the middle of our solar system and the clouds of dust and gas that stayed together formed the planets and the planets moons, asteroid belt, etc...to form the correct gravitational forces to keep us all from flying apart...

You have to be really lucky to find somewhere else in the whole Universe that had a solar system form in the exact same way that ours did. The odds against it are astronomical!

Personally as crazy as this may sound, I think the stars are the true inhabitants of the universe, living in communities called galaxies. Stars llive and die just like we do. And a stars life span is closer to that of the age of the Universe..

And with regards to the human race? We are but a tiny germ in the grand scheme of things.

The human race will end someday. And the Universe won't even notice.......

If you all want to be hummbled, pick up a book called 'Other Worlds'.

It is a National Geographic Collection of pictures of our local solar system and other deep space photgraphs taken by the Hubble Telescope.

When you look at those pictures, of stars colliding with one another and the pictures of Quasars an Pulsars etc.. you will truly feel so very-very-very small and insignificant to the affairs of the Universe..

:P ;D

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do you think that there is life on other planets??? I always wondered about that...I mean we have to be pretty ignorant to think that we are the only living beings out there....right?

Of course we're not, but until they decide to show themselves I still don't believe in UFOs and all that HOOPLA!!!


Europa is the sixth nearest and fourth largest natural satellite of the planet Jupiter. Europa is primarily composed of silicate rock, has an outer layer of water, and likely has an iron core. At just over 3000 kilometers in diameter, it is slightly smaller than the Earth's moon. The satellite has a very tenuous oxygen atmosphere and one of the smoothest surfaces in the solar system. Europa was discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei (and independently by Simon Marius shortly thereafter) and is the smallest of the four Galilean moons named in Galileo's honor.

Due to the hypothesized ocean beneath its icy surface, and an energy source provided by tidal heating, but also because of an oxygen atmosphere, Europa has been cited as a possible host of extraterrestrial life. The intriguing character of Europa has led to a number of ambitious exploration proposals; to date, only flyby missions have visited the moon.

I think we need to explore Europa!

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Guest pod

There's one theory that all civilizations get to a certain point technologically, and destroy themselves, thereby never crossing the 'gap' to visiting other civilizations.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

do you think that there is life on other planets??? I always wondered about that...I mean we have to be pretty ignorant to think that we are the only living beings out there....right?

Of course we're not, but until they decide to show themselves I still don't believe in UFOs and all that HOOPLA!!!


Europa is the sixth nearest and fourth largest natural satellite of the planet Jupiter. Europa is primarily composed of silicate rock, has an outer layer of water, and likely has an iron core. At just over 3000 kilometers in diameter, it is slightly smaller than the Earth's moon. The satellite has a very tenuous oxygen atmosphere and one of the smoothest surfaces in the solar system. Europa was discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei (and independently by Simon Marius shortly thereafter) and is the smallest of the four Galilean moons named in Galileo's honor.

Due to the hypothesized ocean beneath its icy surface, and an energy source provided by tidal heating, but also because of an oxygen atmosphere, Europa has been cited as a possible host of extraterrestrial life. The intriguing character of Europa has led to a number of ambitious exploration proposals; to date, only flyby missions have visited the moon.

I think we need to explore Europa!

But in order to live on Europa, you would have to live deep beneath it's icey surface where the volcanic plumes supposedly melt the ice....

Sounds like a dark place to me...

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