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Any advice for a Non-Spanish speaking guy *The Followup*

Guest tekniQz

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Guest tekniQz

So this weekend im going to my girls family party.Im really looking forward to it because i really like this girl and i want this to go well, but the problem is i dont speak Spanish.Im worried about what to say.I think that only some speak English.I love most parents and normally they love me but im worried maybe the English barrier might throw me a curveball.So if anyone has any advice id like to hear it.Maybe you guys mighthave a couple of things to say. I understand that this could get funny so im deffinitly prepared.So let me have it. :D

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Guest mr.miami

Well does her family not speak english? Your girl should tell them whats up in advance with you before you hit the party so they dont just go lacka lacka all day long. I have spanish family that im not too close to and i dont speak spanish so I usually I end up just watching tv, but I'm cool with that.

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Guest Fuerte44


or say fuck it and make them feel like the idiot for not speaking english....thats the feeling i got when i met my gf's family from spain, and they thought i didnt understand....made me feel like i was the weird one...until i replied back to them

dont let it worry you and take away from your confidence....look them in the eye and revert back to spanish 1 in highschool...basic convo is easy...personality and charisma speaks every language

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Guest malbicho

or say fuck it and make them feel like the idiot for not speaking english....

ding ding we have a winner..lol that or making fun of their accent goes really well when you first meet them.. no but seriously no matter what the language barrier is, latin families I guess as any other family always like a gentleman. Show them that you really respect their daughter, and they'll respect you back. Show interest in where they come from, pictures usually work well...If these fail just show up in a mariachi outfit and you'll be straight :P good luck

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Guest frankthetank

latin families are usually very welcoming regardless of the language barrier. Don't worry about it. Obviously your girlfriend speaks spanish...you should learn it since you have someone you can speak it with daily. It's not hard to pick up if you practice.

Just watch your table manners and you'll be fine. ;D

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Guest tekniQz

or say fuck it and make them feel like the idiot for not speaking english....

ding ding we have a winner..lol that or making fun of their accent goes really well when you first meet them.. no but seriously no matter what the language barrier is, latin families I guess as any other family always like a gentleman. Show them that you really respect their daughter, and they'll respect you back. Show interest in where they come from, pictures usually work well...If these fail just show up in a mariachi outfit and you'll be straight :P good luck

I think im going to go with the el mariachi outfit. ;)

Seriously im a good guy and like what was said before i think im just going to go with the gentlemen aproach which im good at because thats the person i am in general.Y'know maybe im overthinking it but i just think about things too much but i just want her family to like me.Its kinda important,because i do like this girl and i understand the dynamic of the Spanish family being extremelly important.Whereas in the American family it just seems like in general that its less family oriented.I do think that some of her family speaks English so im hoping that there is at least some English going on so that i can be in a the conversations,not the topic of.lol

I like the link from tech4future, im going to check it out.Keep the tips coming guys,i cant thank you guys enough for your input.

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Guest Buck White

Well....what I do, and this is only if someone's making me feel uncomfortable about not being able to speak Spanish, is find out if they speak english...and if so....start using, so-called, "big words". In most cases...your Spanish will be about as rudimentary as their English.

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Guest coach

Regardless....they should speak English!!!!!!

How does that help him? They don't speak it. It's not like he's going to teach them to speak it. His question is how to make a good impression on his GF's parents given the *current* circumstances, not some fantasyland.

Tek, I'd say just go with your first instincts and be nice. Smile and nod a lot. I mean, dad's have a natural dislike for their daughter's BF's, anyway, because in the back of their mind, they know you're boning their little girl. So, bring something good to eat, if it's a picnic or whatever. Eat whatever is put in front of you like you love it (which you probably will), shake the man's hand with a solid handshake and give mom a hug. You'll be cool.

Try not to bang her in her old bedroom while the parents are home.

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Guest Buck White

If they of Colombian descent bring them a bottle of Aguardiente. ;D

Uh, Frank...would I be correct in assuming that you'll be attending the Colombian festival on July 21-22 @ the Fair Expo Center....in Miami ?

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Guest Buck White

Regardless....they should speak English!!!!!!

Try not to bang her in her old bedroom while the parents are home.

Coach, that is just.....too hot. I've done that. It was a mindscrambler.

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Guest myles hie

you can always rent Que Pasa USA ;)

hahhaha, i actually learned alot of spanish or spanglish from that show

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Guest coach

Regardless....they should speak English!!!!!!

Try not to bang her in her old bedroom while the parents are home.

Coach, that is just.....too hot. I've done that. It was a mindscrambler.

I know, that's why I warned against it. The temptation is very great.
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Guest tekniQz

Regardless....they should speak English!!!!!!

How does that help him? They don't speak it. It's not like he's going to teach them to speak it. His question is how to make a good impression on his GF's parents given the *current* circumstances, not some fantasyland.

Tek, I'd say just go with your first instincts and be nice. Smile and nod a lot. I mean, dad's have a natural dislike for their daughter's BF's, anyway, because in the back of their mind, they know you're boning their little girl. So, bring something good to eat, if it's a picnic or whatever. Eat whatever is put in front of you like you love it (which you probably will), shake the man's hand with a solid handshake and give mom a hug. You'll be cool.

Try not to bang her in her old bedroom while the parents are home.

Ya thats what im thinking.This is good advice,thanks man.

The only thing is that the father speaks the best English out of the family and like you said the father is normally the hardest one to get around.The mother on the other hand from what ive herd is alot more receptive of me and she doesnt speak hardly any English so i hear(problem).So im hoping for the best and expecting the worst so that it hopefully lands somewhere in between.

and 1 Donkey.check I wont forget that.That would just be classless. ;D ;D

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Guest jkfunkee

Seriously im a good guy

me too, I AM A GREAT GUY!

breaking balls, i am sure ur a good guy as evidence by this conscientious post.

ask her to translate, or maybe grab a lil cousin and have him or her translate. don't let her uncles or brothers translate for you, they will rook you for sure

and like someone else said find the TV. should be a match of some sort on during the weekend prolly beisbol or football. help out in the kitchen if possible or help the bartender. relax, have a good time and tell us all about it.



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Guest Electric Eel

I dated a guy for about a year whos family only spoke spanish. My best advice is smile, be friendly and try your best to communicate via spanglish or sign language, lol. They can't be upset with you for not speaking spanish. My ex's family loved me and we were hardly able to talk to each other, lol.

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Guest frankthetank

If they of Colombian descent bring them a bottle of Aguardiente. ;D

Uh, Frank...would I be correct in assuming that you'll be attending the Colombian festival on July 21-22 @ the Fair Expo Center....in Miami ?

Claro ;D

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Guest Buck White

If they of Colombian descent bring them a bottle of Aguardiente. ;D

Uh, Frank...would I be correct in assuming that you'll be attending the Colombian festival on July 21-22 @ the Fair Expo Center....in Miami ?

Claro ;D

Werd. Me and one of my main women are going, as well. She didnt

want to go...she said that there would be too many muffin tops there. But I told her that, quite Frankly, she didnt have any choice in the matter. And that SHE"S GOING TO WEAR those sexy ass red heels....and lots of clothing.

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Guest frankthetank

If they of Colombian descent bring them a bottle of Aguardiente. ;D

Uh, Frank...would I be correct in assuming that you'll be attending the Colombian festival on July 21-22 @ the Fair Expo Center....in Miami ?

Claro ;D

Werd. Me and one of my main women are going, as well. She didnt

want to go...she said that there would be too many muffin tops there. But I told her that, quite Frankly, she didnt have any choice in the matter. And that SHE"S GOING TO WEAR those sexy ass red heels....and lots of clothing.

Thataboy. Speaking of Colombia...looking forward to summer dance festival next year. Should be a hoot.

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Guest pod

I got kidnapped a few weeks ago to a Spanish speaking household where I was kindly fed by the residents. If you've been down here for a bit and know the basics, you can usually meet them somewhere in the middle.

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