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From Activist Raver to Tourist Raver AKA Why Talk Sh*t?

Guest NicoleC

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Guest NicoleC

For those interested, this is where my travels will bring me in the near future; let me know if you want to meet up:

San Francisco

July 25th – Satellite Party @ Anu

July 27th – Daft Punk @ The Greek Theatre, Berkeley

July 27th – Daft Punk official after party @ Mighty (Rapture DJ sets & The Ed Banger Crew)


July 28th – (if I can handle it) SV2 featuring Sandra Collina & Vello Virkhaus

July 31st Daft Punk @ Red Rocks (& after party to be announced)

Aug 1st – Supefreq with Mr. C & Adultnapper (a.k.a. The Sycophant Slags)

New York

Sept 14th – Underworld and James Holden in Central Park

Sept 15th – Pig&Dan

Sept 21st – Chemical Brothers

And hopefully next year I will make it to DEMF and Burning Man!

I really hope that those of you I’ve connected with will stay in touch and that we can even get together outside of the club environment. If you don’t already have my contact info, please either e-mail me XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

And if there is anything I can ever do for any one of you like-minded souls, please don’t hesitate to get in touch, even if we haven’t had the pleasure of meeting in person.

MANY apologies for the length (if you made it this far) - I tend to be generous with words!



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Guest 4040

We've never met b4 but I wish you well in your travels and adventures. I too grew up in the early 90's scene and it's hard for me to see the negativity that has come over our scene whether it's music genre, dj, club, promoter, and individual ppl.

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Guest JustDade

I don't think I know you so this isn't personal but......

What the hell are you talking about? Are you serious? Someone said something to someone else and now you're never clubbing in South Florida again? Let me give you some advice; when all this gets that important in your life it's not fun or a hobby....it's an obsession and you should seek help. When you refer to yourself as an "adult raver" it's time to grow up and see the club scene for what it is.....a distraction from real life. When you're spending that much time chasing DJs and club nights around the country.....it's time for a new obsession.

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Guest coach

Wow, I wish I could afford that travel schedule.

Hopefully, I'll see you soon, sweetie. I just met you and think you're a really cool chick, even if you aren't a "nightlife worker."

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Guest Marina22

I don't know what to say except that I am not surprised.. You are a genuinely nice person from knowin' ya a bit since last Sept. and this scene tends to chew up people like you instead of welcoming them. I am going to miss your positivity and your childlike (in a good way) enthusiasm that most jaded people on here are too cool to show. I have your number and plan to hit you up still in order to be able to hang maybe have a house rave.. I can't say I would do the same as you cause I am not that tight with most people in the scene. I'd say fuck them and still do my thing cause if I don't dance and get out every now and then I'd go postal.

I have met alot of nice people through cj alone and plan on meeting more but I always take people with a grain of salt. I am the kind of person to think the best of people first and then I sometimes get hurt but I am learning otherwise as I get older. I have a feeling that we are kind of the same in this way so I can see how you made this decision but I don't wanna see you go cause of them either. If you change your mind I think you know you have the people who support you to go out and paint the town red with. In the meantime, maybe we'll hang locally or meet up abroad as I plan on traveling for the rest of my life. Take care and luv ya babe. :-*

P.S.- wtf is PLUR? :-[ ???

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Guest pod

PLUR is an anachronism from the late 20th. It's been replaced by asshole photographers and rifle-toting Mexicans. ;D

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Guest Marina22

PLUR is an anachronism from the late 20th. It's been replaced by asshole photographers and rifle-toting Mexicans. ;D

If it's an anachronism, what exactly do the letters stand for?

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Guest pod

Well, the way I see things is that yeah, if you took some time off and then came back to the scene, the shock would be quite amazing. Now, from our conversations on and off of here, I can sort of see that is what happened to you. The scene of seven years ago versus the scene now are two different beasts. In those intervening times, dance music as a whole has become a business endeavour as much as it is an art. People got into it for the art, sure, but there was people getting into it for the money as well. They figure it looks like fun, and they can make some cash doing it, so they got into it.

As with anything, the pursuit of the economic side of things in the art tends to change the way it is done. It used to be you could book a DJ for cheap and then be done with it. Now, obviously, even new DJs are asking for a grand or more for a gig.

And with the market currently taking a hit, there's more and more fighting going on over what is left over. The established parties are sitting on their territories, and will not move, because especially down here, you take someone in today, and tomorrow they could turn out to be your biggest problem.

While I'm an advocate of the overall theme that the commercial side of dance music helps the non-commercial side and vice versa, I've always felt that in the end, it is about going out and having a good time. Sure, it's nice to know your DJs and producers and be able to trainspot, but at the end of the day, it isn't the do-all-end-all.

I've said that a million times, however. For me, I know a little more than I let on, mainly because I got tired of the comparing-dick-size contests that seem to infest the music community these days. You're not 'cool' if you can't spot every track and know every guy out there cranking out tunes on his MacBook. I'm content to go out to parties where there's people I know, music I like, and drinks I can drink.

I wouldn't be so down, Nicole. My advice is to really just take it as it is, and enjoy yourself. Traveling to see these guys is all fine and dandy, but that could get costly.

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Guest Marina22

Peace Love Unity Respect.....

Ok that makes sense now, I guess we had more of that before and now it has fallen by the wayside more and more. This is still present in the scene I believe and definitely more than in the general club scene or bar scene. Maybe it's just a natural progression and a sign of the times. I partied for years out of clubs and in them until I saw the first fight break out at the new Space. Usually ravers are cool people but like all groups there will always be troublemakers and bullys in a group just a smaller ratio in the rave community for the most part.

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Guest coach

PLUR is an anachronism from the late 20th. It's been replaced by asshole photographers and rifle-toting Mexicans. ;D

It's still more current than what some people around here like (I don't know why I can't let that go).
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Guest pod

Well whatever it is, it's been tainted by the whole bad side of the raver community. Now, I know there's a subset trying to take the term 'raver' back, but it's not gonna work.

It should be updated to: Get Drunk and Have Fun. GDHF.

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Guest Marina22

Well whatever it is, it's been tainted by the whole bad side of the raver community. Now, I know there's a subset trying to take the term 'raver' back, but it's not gonna work.

It should be updated to: Get Drunk and Have Fun. GDHF.

There's a bad side to all definitions of fun and alchohol is not the solution to everyone's fun.. Everyone picks their poison (or not) when out and treating each other with respect should be there no matter what poison you're on and what background you come from. For example, I've never seen people on pot or E that want to beat each other up. On the contrary, they want to socialize more if anything. Now drunk yeah, well we know how that can go down at times.. The bottom line is there are no hard and fast rules to this scene but something was working better before and we just have to find that happy medium to fit into these times so we may have PLUR that made up this scene to begin with. ;)

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