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Possible demise of No-fault car insurance in Florida.

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Guest swank

already I pay premiums for what are called "uninsured motorists" now I risk getting slammed by people who have one less responsibility to worry about. A fricken FREE FOR ALL!

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Guest RzO

the PIP people in my office are running around scared, they may be out of jobs...

this is a good thing for responsible people albeit what that article says. It is basically going to end up where people will have to carry 3rd party bodily injury liabilty coverage, which if you have more than a penny to your name you already have. So this will lower those peopele's insurance, which includes most of us.

So if it runs out the people who drive around with just the minimum state limits are going to have to fork over more to carry BI, which is the way it should be anyway. Most states don't have PIP because of this. For instance when you buy insurance you now have to pay for pip and you choose to carry BI so if you do whack someone, the ins co gets sued not you. All this does is take the pip away making it that all people will carry bi. This means the lower end of the people who cause the most accidents anyway, and are improperly insured will have to pay more, which is the way it should be.

It hurts people with out health insurance cause basically if they are at fault for a car accident and have no pip or no health insurance, they have to pay their own bills. Not a problem, if everyone were properly insured there would be no problems. Not to mention how many pip scams happen each year making the insurance we all pay go up to pay for the sleazy attorneys and their fraudulent claims.

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Guest coach

So, basically, those people who are responsible to carry insurance will be paying more to make up for those that don't? Did I read that right?

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the PIP people in my office are running around scared, they may be out of jobs...

this is a good thing for responsible people albeit what that article says. It is basically going to end up where people will have to carry 3rd party bodily injury liabilty coverage, which if you have more than a penny to your name you already have. So this will lower those peopele's insurance, which includes most of us.

So if it runs out the people who drive around with just the minimum state limits are going to have to fork over more to carry BI, which is the way it should be anyway. Most states don't have PIP because of this. For instance when you buy insurance you now have to pay for pip and you choose to carry BI so if you do whack someone, the ins co gets sued not you. All this does is take the pip away making it that all people will carry bi. This means the lower end of the people who cause the most accidents anyway, and are improperly insured will have to pay more, which is the way it should be.

It hurts people with out health insurance cause basically if they are at fault for a car accident and have no pip or no health insurance, they have to pay their own bills. Not a problem, if everyone were properly insured there would be no problems. Not to mention how many pip scams happen each year making the insurance we all pay go up to pay for the sleazy attorneys and their fraudulent claims.

insurance industry mumbo-jumbo! :P

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Guest RzO

So, basically, those people who are responsible to carry insurance will be paying more to make up for those that don't? Did I read that right?

no, if you already carry bi, which u should. then it will lower yours by not having to pay for pip.

if you are one who has shitty minimal insurance, then you will either carry bi now, or none and fuck others over.

I think you would be in the former category, or at least hope so for your sake.

pip has always been a joke, it basically made it so no matter who was at fault for an accident, everyone gets 10k in coverage for injuries only. If everyone carried bi, which is basically liability insurance if you hit someone and its your fault that will pay their bills.

pip is the reason why most of our insurance is high, so now if you are hurt in an accident you either have the other person at fault's bi cover your bills, or if they have none, then your health insurance will pick it up like in almost every other state.

This is good for regular people. It will reduce the amount we pay for insurance. Now you will have one coverage that you don't have to pay for since it has been perpetually abused by scumbags who leach of of everyone else.

I deal with this every day so its hard when the stories get skewed by politicians, like in the article pod posted it is not clear and insinuates one side.

this is a good thing, it eliminates the potential for people to mooch the system for guaranteed money, whether injured or not. if any of you have any questions about your policies and the effect's of this, just talk to your agent or shoot me a pm.

and bling did you read what i posted, mr barbarino is 100% right, you will be saving money by this.

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Guest slamminshaun

What so bad about giving people the choice to keep their PIP or dump it? I'll probably dump mine....I have great health insurance, having PIP is overkill.

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Guest RzO

So, what's the downside? There's always a downside.

the downside is that people who are under or not insured will have biils, since most of that type do not have health insurance.

all this basically does is make it so there isn't a guaranteed 10k for someone to use whether injured or not. Now alot of people are in scams with clinics where they don't go, but the bills pile up and then they pay off the patients who they used to pad a stack of essentially fake bills. We bust these places up all the time. It is these places that casue for the PIP rates to be so high to begin with and this cost is passed down to each and every one of us. Without it you can throw that surcharge off your bill, saving you money.

Now if you are at fault for an accident your health insurance will pay like in most states. And if you are injured by someone else their liability coverage is what pays for it. If they don't have that coverage than its just like it would be now cept it would go under health insurance instead of pip.

What they are going to try to do if this expires, which is what should be done anyhow, is to make everyone carry liability injury coverage (BI). this would make it so if you cause an accident then your insurer pays the bills of the person whom you injured. Makes sense right? The person at fault should be the person whos insurance pays.

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Guest coach

So, what's the downside? There's always a downside.

the downside is that people who are under or not insured will have biils, since most of that type do not have health insurance.

And who ends up paying for this?

So, as far as I can tell, what they are really doing is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The claim is that the fraud from PIP has gotten so rampant that it is having a serious affect either on rates or on the profit margin of the giant insurance corporations. So, instead of reforming the process and doing away with the fraud so that it will perform its proper safeguards, they are just doing away with it, altogether. Is that about right?

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Guest RzO

So, what's the downside? There's always a downside.

the downside is that people who are under or not insured will have biils, since most of that type do not have health insurance.

And who ends up paying for this?

So, as far as I can tell, what they are really doing is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The claim is that the fraud from PIP has gotten so rampant that it is having a serious affect either on rates or on the profit margin of the giant insurance corporations. So, instead of reforming the process and doing away with the fraud so that it will perform its proper safeguards, they are just doing away with it, altogether. Is that about right?

Well its affect on the profit margin isn't as big a deal cause they pass it down to us. But yah they need to throw it out, people should be responsible for themselves. If one is properly insured this is not goign to have really any effect. Basically they say health insurance rates would rise, but the amount is negligible since there is alot more to spread there. Like maybe in a year you would see a 1% raise in health insurance, but your auto insurance would be cut by say 15% (just throwing numbers out that are somewhat in scale) If they the forced BI thing goes through next year, responsible people who already carry this will benefit, and the scum that mooch the system will not.

Auto Insurance has 4 categories. Collison/Comprehnsive, which is 1st party coverage for your own car. PIP, which is the "no fault" medical coverage, this is what they are eliminating. BI, which is third party liability coverage, you have to have so you don't get sued if your negligance hurts someone, although people who have nothing don't buy this and then we all get screwed, when they blast you and it goes on our health ins or um if you carry it. And um/uim, which is also first party coverage that protects u in case someone without bi or not enough bi hurts you. By taking out the pip, you still have everything else that you pay for and don't pay for pip, hence lowering your premiums.

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Guest slamminshaun

So, what's the downside? There's always a downside.

the downside is that people who are under or not insured will have biils, since most of that type do not have health insurance.

And who ends up paying for this?

So, as far as I can tell, what they are really doing is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The claim is that the fraud from PIP has gotten so rampant that it is having a serious affect either on rates or on the profit margin of the giant insurance corporations. So, instead of reforming the process and doing away with the fraud so that it will perform its proper safeguards, they are just doing away with it, altogether. Is that about right?

Not mandating responsible people from carrying insurance they don't need IS a reform!

I already pay for someone else's medical insurance and retirement plan. It's easy to be generous with other people's money. I have an idea, for all those in favor of keeping PIP mandatory, how about you pay extra so people like me who are responsible don't have to pay anything? Again, why should I be forced to carry insurance that I'll never, ever use?

Why stop here....why don't we make life insurance mandatory? How about disability insurance? Renter's insurance? You know what, why don't we make saving 10% of your paycheck the law? Why don't we pass laws that mandate using double coupons at the grocery store?

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Guest coach

But Rzo, who is in the business, said that the reason that they were getting rid of it was because of fraud. My question is, if it worked as designed, would it be a good idea?

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Guest slamminshaun

But Rzo, who is in the business, said that the reason that they were getting rid of it was because of fraud. My question is, if it worked as designed, would it be a good idea?

As designed, people who don't need PIP insurance are still required to pay through the nose for it, so I say "no".

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Guest RzO

But Rzo' date=' who is in the business, said that the reason that they were getting rid of it was because of fraud. My question is, if it worked as designed, would it be a good idea?


As designed, people who don't need PIP insurance are still required to pay through the nose for it, so I say "no".

exactly, thats the point, like shaun is statign as well. there is no well designed idea. Since the whole entity of PIP is a coverage that is really a form of welfare, which whether used fraudulently or not is still money that I am throwing out every month.

The reform is in canceling PIP, and further more making the minimal limits to be carried a BI coverage. This what most of us already pay for is to protect yourself if you injure someone, and vice versa. So now you are paying for both and in the future you will only pay for one. If you are injured in an accident, the tortfeasor (lol, i love that word, and i get to say it alot), which is the person negligent for the accident is the insurance who needs to be paying the bills, not innocent faultless individuals, like the system is now. By eliminating it, and in turn forcing everyone to carry liability insurance is what needs to happen. Thing is that costs more, but we all already pay it, (or should if you like to keep your money god forbid you cause an accident), and we are forced to pay PIP also because of this dumb law we have now.

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