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Clubs that will still be around in 3 years

Guest wasted24_7

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Guest JustDade

Well, you realize that there's variety in the world. I don't fault anyone for liking the Miami "electro-whatever" sound that's prevalent these days. It'll be something else next year. Just like it'll be something else with the cool kids. Minimal is done from what I know.

Lets go to la covacha pod! ;)

I mean, they have extremly good bottle specials & hot, almost underage, latinas. Since Music is not the top reason for going out then it shouldnt be a problem.

Oh, jeez.. some of you take yourselves too seriously...

Went to La Covacha for Bacilo's last concert. Guess what? I had fun dancing to non-EDM music! And guess what? I would probably also able to enjoy myself if for some reason the night ends up taking me somewhere I didn't expect it... not everyone is a music-head like you (by the look of recent threads, I must remove myself from the music-head category).

I get the point of the thread, and it's improtant that there are 'concerned' people... but this trashing other crowds/tastes really gets you nowhere. Is it necessary to trash everyone esle in order to support the type of thing you'd like to see more often?

And the lovely Floribel has touched upon an interesting topic. The same people who are always spouting-off about the "culture" and "spirit" of EDM are the same people belittling others for their tastes. Seems rather like a lousy way of winning people over to the cause.

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Guest pod

Hah, this is so true. Let's be diverse as long as it falls within the range of what I like.

I know people who don't like dance music. Hell, our web designer doesn't. He's a rock guy. Our recently-departed art director didn't either. And he worked for us, and prior to that, LP. So, on any given day, when it was my turn to put on the music, I'd pick something we could all agree on, which is usually rock, Latin, or some ambient background stuff.

But I never faulted them for not liking dance music. Nor do I fault anyone else who doesn't. If they don't wanna go to Space, Pawn Shop, Cameo, etc, that's fine by me, too. But I don't appreciate it when people rip on me and my friends for the choices in entertainment we make.

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Guest pod

Kind of a negatively loaded term these days, but OK. Yeah, in essence, I'm asking for people to respect my entertainment choices, and I'll respect theirs.

It's my free time, after all.

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Guest JustDade

Go through the few threads on this topic and see how many times Nova and the others have used the word "cheese" to refer to any music other than what they like. Count the number of times you read "idiots" used to refer to the customers. Read how many times they use "greed" when referring to the owners.

How in the world do guys like Stryke stand being thought of in the same genre as these guys. Here's a guy who has insane skills, incredible work ethic, worldwide recognition, and a heart of gold. He is still waiting for the "big break" that we all know will come.....yet he still has the best attitude in the world. He is positive. He supports all other genres. He respects the success of others and is actually happy for them instead of whining about how much better he is. He's the man and a class act and guys like Nova only make that more clear.

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Guest Floribel

But I don't appreciate it when people rip on me and my friends for the choices in entertainment we make.

That's what I was trying to say... I enjoy Cameo Thurs for latin, stop by Buck or Slims for an hour or two in the weeknds for my much-needed dose of 80's, hit the big-dj parties that might be in town, Space-it up from time to time, Jazzid is great as well, Oh! and Laundry Bar has been bookin GREAT acts!...

hell, my friend Luis is hell-bent on seeing Tiesto for his bday night and I will go and have fun if that's what he wants to do (and if he pays for my ticket...HAHAHA)....

I agree that I would DIE to see some of the talent we see overseas here more often, or to have a club like Cielo or Deep... the 'talking down' just isnt necessary.

Then again... I remember kind of acting like this myself years ago during the Simons glory days... maybe its an age thing.

And yes.... PLUR :D

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Guest pod

Nova would die if he found out his buddy Stryke was at Space this past weekend. Sure, he was working his magic making sure OG's CD comes out perfect, but he was enjoying himself. ;D

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Guest Jason_B

Nova would die if he found out his buddy Stryke was at Space this past weekend. Sure, he was working his magic making sure OG's CD comes out perfect, but he was enjoying himself. ;D


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Guest JustDade

Nova would die if he found out his buddy Stryke was at Space this past weekend. Sure, he was working his magic making sure OG's CD comes out perfect, but he was enjoying himself. ;D

That's the thing about Stryke....he appreciates it all. I asked him to play a Rock set on the patio at Noc for a special event and he was amazing. Think Nova would have done it at all much less done it well?

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Guest swank

ok...I wanna go dancing with Floribel and Stryke!

we never did answer the age old question....Which clubs will be around in 3 years?

My answer - WHO CARES!?!

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Guest Floribel

ok...I wanna go dancing with Floribel and Stryke!

we never did answer the age old question....Which clubs will be around in 3 years?

My answer - WHO CARES!?!

Easy! Just bring me Jojo at Karu again... dammit! LOL

But anytime my man!

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Guest Floribel

your wish is my command Floribel!

^^ Will Karu be around in 3 years?

Good way to bring it back on topic... wouldn't they need to be in business for much longer than that to pay for the 25 million they put into that place? LOL

But, hopefully it will be. Gorgeous venue! And the staff is super nice! Though I personally can't hit Karu too too often because I do pay for my own $13 drinks.

I was there about 3 Fridays ago and it seemed to be doing very well. It was a much younger crowd, though. Made me feel younger by osmosis, hahaha

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Guest 4040

We have it so good here in miami that ppl take it for granted. I'm sorry but you will not find another club in the U.S. as good as Space. Does it get better than this:

1. international dj's passing through

2. Kick ass resident dj's

3. 24hr liqour license

4. badass soundsystem

5. patio/rooftop

6. dancedrink pretty much til you drop

7. good lookin women in skimpy outfis

Now tell whats not to love. :)

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Guest pod

Again, like OG, myself, and plenty of others have said, we have it good in this town.

We've got:

- A viable dance music scene

- 5 AM closing on the beach/24 hours Downtown

- Decent weather

- International crowd

- Fairly tolerant PD

- Fantastic clubs

Yeah, there's always room for improvement, but I've found as of late, quite a few of you all focus on what's wrong too much, and forget about what's right. Some of you forgot how to go out and have fun.

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Guest musicalmissionary

That's what I was trying to say... I enjoy Cameo Thurs for latin, stop by Buck or Slims for an hour or two in the weeknds for my much-needed dose of 80's, hit the big-dj parties that might be in town, Space-it up from time to time, Jazzid is great as well, Oh! and Laundry Bar has been bookin GREAT acts!...

Variety is the spice of life. I'm with you on that girl. Although I haven't been to Cameo Thursdays yet and I really want to...

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Guest Clubhopper11

I don't know what clubs will be around in three years because, truth is, I don't go out much anymore (career and family have taken over). Thus I am not at all knowledgeable as to how the club scene is nowadays.

Nonetheless, all I can say is that, compared to many other places, Miami has it made. We should appreciate what we have. Many young people, from other cities in the USA, would give their left nut to have a scene like this one. So enjoy and make the best of it and, from what I have been reading on CJ, it appears that good parties are popping up all over the place. Stay safe and party hard!!!

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Guest wasted24_7

your wish is my command Floribel!

^^ Will Karu be around in 3 years?

I dont think so.. But they may give everyone a surprise..

They should think about hiring some female bartenders, its a cockfest behind that bar :-X

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Guest Buck White

They should think about hiring some female bartenders, its a cockfest behind that bar :-X

I will push my way through the most crowded nightclub to get to a non-female bartender. Ugh. Of course, there's exceptions....but generally. I still can't figure out why cats go goo-goo-ga-ga over some cantankerous slut bartender when there's tons of hot chicks in the club

. All you did was pop the top off of my Heineken....ho. I'm not signing my next paycheck over to you for doing that. Now take this dollar and die soon.

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Guest redcommibastard

Personally I just LOVE the music and everything about it. Yes, minimal/tek/techno/whatever is what I am as a dj all about - caught the bug back circa 1990 with Human Resource/LA Style/Praga Khan/ T99/etc and never could shake it off even though it evolved and mutated over the years with Minimal Techno sound being its latest incarnation - I just love it - I dont have a particular explanation for it nor do I think its "better" than other genres.

As a party goer I do like a lot of other electroninic styles - really dig quality house music, drum & bass gets me jiggy, just plain ol' "cheesy" club tunes could be the bomb too - my ipod is full of them - from classics like Das Boot (the original one) to GunsNRoses remixes to ...yes... World Hold On :) I dig world beat and international lounge tunes and i love the Stones and 80s pop - so what !?!?! Everyone is entitled to freedom of choice and the more the merrier ! I like going to different events and hearing different djs - if it sounds good - it is good. Divercity is the key - I dont want to hear the same shit even if its minimal, to be played everywhere - I dont even like playing the same minimal tracks if I hear someone else playing them - albeit its unavoidable at times - but I do believe that I have my own sound even though I dont have many chances to play it out 'cause its more on the twistedly dark experimentally artistic side of things that majority of people probably wouldnt care for unless its done properly in a proper environment - maybe one day :)

anyway, sorry for this rant, I just felt like spilling my guts. I love music, parties, and positive people - life can really suck at times and this is my refuge. I am an old school raver and back in the early to late mid 90s most of the parties had all genres represented and I seem to remember it being a lot of fun. Yes, there are a lot of great minimal and/or techno djs around the world that pack clubs like there is no tomorrow and if and when the time is right for Miami - I am sure we will see it happen - till then lets just have a good time all together!

This town is full of opportunitites to express ones talents as an artist if one choses to do so.

I am an artist at heart not a politician - I dont bother worrying about who is doing what, I try to live my life to the fullest and let others do the same and if I can am happy to help others in the process - so I will see yall on the dancefloor - just look for a smiling face - 'cause I'm having a good time doing what I love and sometimes I even get paid for it ! :P

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