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BSO police shoots lady in head then laughs on video about it!

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Guest Marina22

BSO? That explains even more but either way I am not surprised by the good ol' boys behaviour, in fact, I expect it.. ::)

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Guest mr.miami

Where is the rest of the video? I find it hard to believe that they shot a rubber bullet at her for no reason.For all we know there could have been a riot there not shown on tape.

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Guest JMT

she wasn't even protesting the trade conference, she was just protesting the police presence. they put their collective lives on the line for the general public every day, and they are going to share a common bond because of it. if i was a cop, i would have laughed at that lady getting pelted too. it's just human nature. i guess she plans to live her life without ever needing to dial 911.

if i was trying to get to work that day, i wouldn't want a bunch of people blocking my route and would welcome the police stepping in.

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JMT here is why you are wrong, the cops after the World series in Boston used a rubber bullet and it killed a lady because it hit her eye, this lady could be blind or dead and they are laughing about it. I understand the comradery of the cops, but this wasn't a laughing matter.

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my office is in the port of miami, they used our building as the staging ground for that whole week. it was freaking crazy, thousands of cops in battle gear...they were training in our parking lot. i had to go to work every day through that mess.

the ends justify the means in this case. previous situations like what happened in seattle months before this caused our city's law enforcement to have no choice but to take complete control of the situation. what would've happened if these psychos destroyed our city? sucks for her, but she shouldn't have been there, she knew she was taking a stupid risk. it was really tense around here that whole time. no sane people were out and about, just cops and "protestors".

she was hoping to get inflicted somehow.

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Guest JMT

JMT here is why you are wrong, the cops after the World series in Boston used a rubber bullet and it killed a lady because it hit her eye, this lady could be blind or dead and they are laughing about it. I understand the comradery of the cops, but this wasn't a laughing matter.

but this lady (possibly an instigator) didn't get seriously wounded, and they could have known that. the question shouldn't be about the laughing. the real question is "who pulled the trigger and why?"

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Guest mr.miami

JMT here is why you are wrong, the cops after the World series in Boston used a rubber bullet and it killed a lady because it hit her eye, this lady could be blind or dead and they are laughing about it. I understand the comradery of the cops, but this wasn't a laughing matter.

I doubt there would have been the same reaction if she was killed. In this case she wasnt so I see no problem with them making a joke of it.

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JMT here is why you are wrong, the cops after the World series in Boston used a rubber bullet and it killed a lady because it hit her eye, this lady could be blind or dead and they are laughing about it. I understand the comradery of the cops, but this wasn't a laughing matter.

I doubt there would have been the same reaction if she was killed. In this case she wasnt so I see no problem with them making a joke of it.

i agree...we don't live in a hypothetical world. but whoever did shoot her was a douchebag...who does that???

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Guest iconlite

It's the Broward Sheriff's Office cops that did this and then laughed on the video, not City of Miami cops. They (BSO) were down here to help out for that event, as were a ton of other police departments. I think she asked for it by not doing what the cops told her to do, plain and simple. When 1000 cops tell you to move, just move man. What's the big deal? She's an attorney for god's sake. She was looking for camera time for her cause, and publicity. Heard her say, "Don't cover me up...let them see" or something to that effect.

Just for accuracy, you should change the title of the thread though.

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Guest mr.miami

These cops are assholes, but this lady is a lawyer. So talk about mixed emotions! ???

For all we know they could have been shooting at someone else, but she got in the way of the bullet.

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Guest 029

i'm disturbed at the callous remarks about this victim.

it's only sheer luck that she isn't missing an eye or possibly dead!

to serve and to protect .. yup .. to serve and to protect our glorious war profiteer corporate interests.

fuck that!!!!!!!


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Guest Fernando A

Regardless of any kind of hypothetical, it was totally unnecessary. Those cops are fucking scumbags.

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Guest pod

I know a lot of guys on the various forces in the region, it sucks when you get stuff like this, makes the rest of them look bad.

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Guest pod

That cannon is bad-ass. Select-fire and semi-auto 40mm grenade launcher.

Load it up with XREPs from Taser, and have some fun.


I'm all for civil disobedience when needed, but half those FTAA protesters had it coming. It's one thing to protest against something you believe is wrong, but half these dimwits showed up with the express purpose of causing problems with law enforcement. They had no "cause" to be there other than to piss off PD. Realistically, they didn't care about the economic issues, or any of the other civil rights issues on the table, they were there just to be pests.

What's the saying, 'you piss off the bull, don't be surprised if you get the horns'?

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Guest addictedtospace

You know there are people who are "professional protesters." They are paid to go to different place and protest a cause. I am sure that if you make a good stink and have your voice heard you will be "hired" again.

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Guest pod

Some of the more fringe causes, i.e. socialist and communist movements, in this country have been known to recruit rabble-rousers who really have no attachment to the cause. It's funny cause they have to umm, hire, i.e. pay money, for these people.

Back when this all went down, I saw innumerable blog entries where people were just looking to come down to be annoying.

In my mind, it makes the people who are really dedicated to having their voices heard look bad. They get lumped in with all these other scumbags and degenerates.

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Guest JMT

Welcome to the future.


who's future? i won't be sporting yesterday's clothes while chucking bottles on a Tuesday morning anytime soon.

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