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Erick Morillo @ Karu & Y

Guest LeVeL

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Guest MayLing

20 bucks for a bottle of Jack and a Barry White CD and I can accomplish the same thing.

GO POD!!! now thats smart thinking. :P

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Guest Marina22

it's going to be an interesting weekend.. another FAMOUS deejay will be playing that same night...

Is he famous and does he demand that people have sexual intercourse with him as the result of that fame?

From some friends that went to G-ville hence Simons, I heard that story bout Sasha and how people would bring him their gf's.. When I heard that I thought it was total bs and if was true how appropriate for the roots of the work FUCK.. Dj pimpin'.. ::)

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Guest Orls

Morillo is the man!! I just wish he would come back to Space for another Morillo marathon!!!!!Space just fits him the best out of any club that he spins at in Miami.The old Crobar was a close second.This should be fun nontheless.

Im there.

You know it - Space would be the place but I think LP has given up on this market of DJ's as I have never seen Space have as little appearances as it has this year. >:(

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Guest Orls

Pod I can't agrue w/the economics of the market but it def has slowed down the number of shows that Space is having. Thus the slowest season I have seen in years.

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Guest pod

Pod I can't agrue w/the economics of the market but it def has slowed down the number of shows that Space is having. Thus the slowest season I have seen in years.

That, and if people would actually go out more often rather than sticking to their über-micro-specific preferences, it'd be more viable.

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Guest Orls

Pod I can't agrue w/the economics of the market but it def has slowed down the number of shows that Space is having. Thus the slowest season I have seen in years.

That, and if people would actually go out more often rather than sticking to their über-micro-specific preferences, it'd be more viable.

From what I have observed Space is packed to the gills weekin and weekout. So how would that matter?

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Guest spacecadet

Erick got 50k for this gig..

0% chance anyone makes a profit off of this. With DG at Mansion that night, and no garden open, it's lights out for Karu, you can't charge 100 bucks.

DG ?

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Guest spacecadet

Erick got 50k for this gig..

0% chance anyone makes a profit off of this. With DG at Mansion that night, and no garden open, it's lights out for Karu, you can't charge 100 bucks.

DG ?

David Guetta

Is that a for sure thing already at Mansion?

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Guest lulamishka

Erick got 50k for this gig..

0% chance anyone makes a profit off of this. With DG at Mansion that night, and no garden open, it's lights out for Karu, you can't charge 100 bucks.

DG ?

David Guetta

Is that a for sure thing already at Mansion?

A little birdie told me it might be Cameo.

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Guest Fuerte44

Pod I can't agrue w/the economics of the market but it def has slowed down the number of shows that Space is having. Thus the slowest season I have seen in years.

That, and if people would actually go out more often rather than sticking to their über-micro-specific preferences, it'd be more viable.

"Uber micro-specific preferences"...if we want DJs other than the 4 that miami loves to bring thats uber specific??? more like, enjoy these 4 specific djs and be happy, dont demand alternative sounds or other types of DJs...these 4 work, and make us money....therefore thats all you can hope for....

i dont go out to space anymore BECAUSE they have become TOO uber specific in playing the same sound, with the same guest DJs who mold the residents so they they mimic that same sound....

bring some new talent and new music and we would go out more often as you suggest....

my 2c....but still will fall on deaf ears, because its all about that money man....that money man

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Guest pod

Listen ese, at the end of the fucking day, it is about the money!

Do you think a nightclub can exist on music heads alone?

Pardon me for being blunt, but...

You hardcore people want -

- comp entry

- comp drinks

- comp whores (in certain jurisdictions)

- the keys to the club!

A club does not make money off of you and your friends, Tech4Future.

You're only a kid, but if I can break it down to you....

A large club costs a lot, just to open for an evening.

Factor in:

- Bartender salaries

- Security salaries

- sweepers

- technical support

- rent/mortgage

- telecom

- water

- gas

- Promoter payouts

- Advertising

- Tax

- Power (those amps and lights hog a lot of juice!)

- Off duty PD to keep the peace outside at $50/hr per officer.

- Entertainment sans DJ - (dancers, etc...)


DJ XYZ wants a minimum of a few grand to display his skillz.

DJ Mega XYZ wants tens of thousands for his fee.

A nightclub is a business. How many times do I have to say this?

Clubs go with the 'same' thing because it works and it makes them money. When you've got people below you depending on you to pay their paycheck, all of the sudden, things change.

Tech, I'm gonna be blunt and tell you to grow up. I love dance music as much as you do, but if you think for one second, your simian-esque braying is gonna get 'your' DJs booked, you are so sadly mistaken.

Go work for a club for a few years and then come back to me.

Let's put it this way, we are extremely fortunate to have places like Space, Pawn Shop, and Cameo, all three of which are businesses first and foremost, which are willing to still take a chance on booking dance music DJs. It might not be whichever DJ you're performing fellatio on this week, but by god, it's still dance music.

Get a bloody life, go out, have fun, dance, drink, enjoy the light show, and get laid.

I yell at you because I know how you feel. I know, I was there.

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Guest SpaceLauraVIP

Listen ese, at the end of the fucking day, it is about the money!

Do you think a nightclub can exist on music heads alone?

Pardon me for being blunt, but...

You hardcore people want -

- comp entry

- comp drinks

- comp whores (in certain jurisdictions)

- the keys to the club!

A club does not make money off of you and your friends, Tech4Future.

You're only a kid, but if I can break it down to you....

A large club costs a lot, just to open for an evening.

Factor in:

- Bartender salaries

- Security salaries

- sweepers

- technical support

- rent/mortgage

- telecom

- water

- gas

- Promoter payouts

- Advertising

- Tax

- Power (those amps and lights hog a lot of juice!)

- Off duty PD to keep the peace outside at $50/hr per officer.

- Entertainment sans DJ - (dancers, etc...)


DJ XYZ wants a minimum of a few grand to display his skillz.

DJ Mega XYZ wants tens of thousands for his fee.

A nightclub is a business. How many times do I have to say this?

Clubs go with the 'same' thing because it works and it makes them money. When you've got people below you depending on you to pay their paycheck, all of the sudden, things change.

Tech, I'm gonna be blunt and tell you to grow up. I love dance music as much as you do, but if you think for one second, your simian-esque braying is gonna get 'your' DJs booked, you are so sadly mistaken.

Go work for a club for a few years and then come back to me.

Let's put it this way, we are extremely fortunate to have places like Space, Pawn Shop, and Cameo, all three of which are businesses first and foremost, which are willing to still take a chance on booking dance music DJs. It might not be whichever DJ you're performing fellatio on this week, but by god, it's still dance music.

Get a bloody life, go out, have fun, dance, drink, enjoy the light show, and get laid.

I yell at you because I know how you feel. I know, I was there.

Pod, I am so glad you broke it down like this for everyone. Some people out there just don't understand the definition of running a business. If they still don't get it try busting out the accounting aspect and give them numbers, then maybe people will understand. LOL.

I hope to see everyone out there tonight for the Anniversary party! ;D 8) :o

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Guest Orls

Listen ese, at the end of the fucking day, it is about the money!

Do you think a nightclub can exist on music heads alone?

Pardon me for being blunt, but...

You hardcore people want -

- comp entry

- comp drinks

- comp whores (in certain jurisdictions)

- the keys to the club!

A club does not make money off of you and your friends, Tech4Future.

You're only a kid, but if I can break it down to you....

A large club costs a lot, just to open for an evening.

Factor in:

- Bartender salaries

- Security salaries

- sweepers

- technical support

- rent/mortgage

- telecom

- water

- gas

- Promoter payouts

- Advertising

- Tax

- Power (those amps and lights hog a lot of juice!)

- Off duty PD to keep the peace outside at $50/hr per officer.

- Entertainment sans DJ - (dancers, etc...)


DJ XYZ wants a minimum of a few grand to display his skillz.

DJ Mega XYZ wants tens of thousands for his fee.

A nightclub is a business. How many times do I have to say this?

Clubs go with the 'same' thing because it works and it makes them money. When you've got people below you depending on you to pay their paycheck, all of the sudden, things change.

Tech, I'm gonna be blunt and tell you to grow up. I love dance music as much as you do, but if you think for one second, your simian-esque braying is gonna get 'your' DJs booked, you are so sadly mistaken.

Go work for a club for a few years and then come back to me.

Let's put it this way, we are extremely fortunate to have places like Space, Pawn Shop, and Cameo, all three of which are businesses first and foremost, which are willing to still take a chance on booking dance music DJs. It might not be whichever DJ you're performing fellatio on this week, but by god, it's still dance music.

Get a bloody life, go out, have fun, dance, drink, enjoy the light show, and get laid.

I yell at you because I know how you feel. I know, I was there.

Pod - I can tell you that i am not your typical clubber anymore b/c I am practically retired from the clubbing scene. I do think that u shouldnt generalize b/c I have been going out and supporting the scene in this town (paying cover charges and drinks) for longer than you have actually participated in this scene. So u may not like my uber micro preferences but when I do go out and spend my $$$$ I would like to spend it where I prefer and listening to the DJ I like. My earlier statment is just stating a fact about Space and the lack of DJs that it has brought this year (new and old)compared to years before. Regardless, I think u have some sort of grudge with people who want everything for free but I can assure that is not my case.

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Guest pod

Orls, I wasn't talking about you. You're smart enough not to shit on people for not subscribing to your newsletter, so to speak. I see you out, (gasp!) having fun, even at an event I know may not be your bag of donuts musically.

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