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Erick Morillo @ Karu & Y

Guest LeVeL

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Guest tekniQz

Morillo is the man!!!David Guetta and Morillo shouldnt be mentioned in the same sentence.People talk about Morillo parties for years.

After his ultra cheezy and unbelievably horrible set at Subliminal party Guetta should be glad he's even aloud to come back to Miami.I know they both spin commercial and both play to the ladies sometimes but he played "Smack my Bitch up" which for me was the low point of WMC 07.lol

Morillo everytime i've seen him which has been alot the last 5 years never missing a set from him from Crobar-Space-Suite has been sick.I mean when was the last time Guetta put on a party like the Marathon Morillo put on in Febuary @Space???.never.He doesnt have the skill to put it down like Morillo.And yes i know about his FMIF party WMC 06.

So im sorry for being longwinded but to put it this way Morillo will be sick anywhere he spins Karu and Y it is.IMO

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Guest tekniQz

i last saw morillo about a yr and a half ago.. ive never seen guetta but ive dl a lot of his sets. defffffffffff not my style..

morillo for the win

Thanks Bling you know what the fuck is up!!They might both spin commercial but Morillo brings the dirtyness,fo sho.

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Guest Floribel

A lot of the DJs you listen to aren't my bag of donuts musically, but I check it out and have fun. ;D

I'm gonna have to agree. Trust me, I drug my feet every step of my way to FMIF last WMC because there were just so many parties with better DJs. But I can't fight 12 friends, so Guetta it was and lemme tell you, I had a BLAST! And his stuff is commercial, sure... but he does know how to keep the dancefloor bumping. I'm just gonna keep an open mind for teh fun from now on, ya know?

That being said, I'll be at Karu with my dancing shoes ready on Aug 13th! Morillo FTW!

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Guest tekniQz

A lot of the DJs you listen to aren't my bag of donuts musically, but I check it out and have fun. ;D

I'm gonna have to agree. Trust me, I drug my feet every step of my way to FMIF last WMC because there were just so many parties with better DJs. But I can't fight 12 friends, so Guetta it was and lemme tell you, I had a BLAST! And his stuff is commercial, sure... but he does know how to keep the dancefloor bumping. I'm just gonna keep an open mind for teh fun from now on, ya know?

That being said, I'll be at Karu with my dancing shoes ready on Aug 13th! Morillo FTW!

Thats my girl Floribel!!!No need to say more Morillo is the man and it will be sick.Me and Karen will deffinitly be in attendance so hit me up before we can all pregame before!! ;D

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Guest DJ Christian

Listen ese, at the end of the fucking day, it is about the money!

Do you think a nightclub can exist on music heads alone?

Pardon me for being blunt, but...

You hardcore people want -

- comp entry

- comp drinks

- comp whores (in certain jurisdictions)

- the keys to the club!

A club does not make money off of you and your friends, Tech4Future.

You're only a kid, but if I can break it down to you....

A large club costs a lot, just to open for an evening.

Factor in:

- Bartender salaries

- Security salaries

- sweepers

- technical support

- rent/mortgage

- telecom

- water

- gas

- Promoter payouts

- Advertising

- Tax

- Power (those amps and lights hog a lot of juice!)

- Off duty PD to keep the peace outside at $50/hr per officer.

- Entertainment sans DJ - (dancers, etc...)


DJ XYZ wants a minimum of a few grand to display his skillz.

DJ Mega XYZ wants tens of thousands for his fee.

A nightclub is a business. How many times do I have to say this?

Clubs go with the 'same' thing because it works and it makes them money. When you've got people below you depending on you to pay their paycheck, all of the sudden, things change.

Tech, I'm gonna be blunt and tell you to grow up. I love dance music as much as you do, but if you think for one second, your simian-esque braying is gonna get 'your' DJs booked, you are so sadly mistaken.

Go work for a club for a few years and then come back to me.

Let's put it this way, we are extremely fortunate to have places like Space, Pawn Shop, and Cameo, all three of which are businesses first and foremost, which are willing to still take a chance on booking dance music DJs. It might not be whichever DJ you're performing fellatio on this week, but by god, it's still dance music.

Get a bloody life, go out, have fun, dance, drink, enjoy the light show, and get laid.

I yell at you because I know how you feel. I know, I was there.

Straight from the horse's mouth... That was an interesting read no doubt, and I can commiserate. I spun for a while at other peoples' events and venues, and there's always that tension of "I'm the DJ and I want to snobbily educate the masses" and the owner or promoter saying, "Hey dickhead, just help me make my money back by keeping people dancing and buying drinks, m'kay?"

I am guilty of never waiting in line and spending money to see residents at the Miami superclubs, although this forum has made me think about seeing guys like Oscar G. I only hit the big clubs for headliners. Guys like Morillo, Tiesto, Deep Dish, et al aren't my cup of tea anymore but they DO bring crowds.

As someone who has always made just a few scraps from the parties he's put together, I can feel for what Pod's written here. My troubles, expenses and planning for a small event can get overwhelming sometimes, and I'm a nobody promoter just trying to have fun.

I can't begin to imagine the stress of running a megaclub, but on the other hand, I sometimes wonder how with the incredible plethora of music in the world today, just in dance music for God's sake, how I end up seeing the same DJs on so many fliers (more surprising is the number of repeat records I hear around town). But it DOES come down to money. We can bitch but Pod's right, it's a tough biz and as Miamians we're all a bit spoiled :P

I want to hear the latest and greatest and most unique just as much as the next guy, but I sure don't want to pony up the dough to make it happen. I almost brought Jahcoozi and Tolcha over from Berlin this summer, then I remembered "Wait, I don't have any money, and I don't know how to get 500 people to a party!" Ha...

Cheers for the interesting discussion guys.

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