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An opinion of Miami...

Guest pod

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Guest Seb

Never mind that. What about the people that keep admitting they couldnt get past the 1st, 2nd and 3rd paragraph ? Jesus, he's not going into lurid detail about the atrocities in Auschwitz. And this is kind of validating his point about "no one in Miami reads".

The first paragraph kind of tells me all I have to know about what the guy is going to say after that. After you have heard and read the same sentiment over and over you knid of know what to expect...and ya I hate reading anything over a couple paragraphs. People need to be more direct and get to the fuckin point.

exactly! why continue to read endless paragraphs of bitching and complaining, it gets old.

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Guest coach

So if MIAMI was 2 stay like this for the next 50 yrs all u ppl would be content???

or are u content NOW because u know in 5-10 yrs the future of Miami should be pretty bright???

Jeez, dude, why don't you just freaking move? I hear Boise is nice this time of year.

Lol wait 17 ppl had something negative 2 say or agree w/ the article and yet u choose 2 single me out?... Kiss my ass... Twice buddie!... And y would i move... I live in paradise...

Then why are you always bitching? And I didn't see very many people in this thread agreeing with him.
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Guest coach

Never mind that. What about the people that keep admitting they couldnt get past the 1st, 2nd and 3rd paragraph ? Jesus, he's not going into lurid detail about the atrocities in Auschwitz. And this is kind of validating his point about "no one in Miami reads".

No, it's saying that he is a shitty writer. And he's just a whiner, not really anybody with any knowledge or authority on the subject. I'll admit I didn't even make it past the first few *sentences*, not to mention paragraphs. And I'm not even from Miami. I kind of tried to skim the rest, but it was such drek that I could barely do that.
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Guest myles hie

Never mind that. What about the people that keep admitting they couldnt get past the 1st, 2nd and 3rd paragraph ? Jesus, he's not going into lurid detail about the atrocities in Auschwitz. And this is kind of validating his point about "no one in Miami reads".

No, it's saying that he is a shitty writer. And he's just a whiner, not really anybody with any knowledge or authority on the subject. I'll admit I didn't even make it past the first few *sentences*, not to mention paragraphs. And I'm not even from Miami. I kind of tried to skim the rest, but it was such drek that I could barely do that.

Read it throughly, put your notion that the guy is a "whiner" and "loser" or whatever aside and think about what he is saying. Like it or not the guy isn't making what he says up. Just because you are happy with your life now, does that mean the other millions of people who live here are in the same situation? The guy isn't bitching to just bitch, he explains why he feels the way he does.

Its hard to read or listen to someone trash something you love or is fond of, but put aside your ego and pride for a min and look at it from a different perspective.

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Guest speedway

Are you kidding me? This guy actually said this...

"In reality, Miami is no more "special" than anywhere else in Florida, i.e. Jacksonville, Tampa and Orlando"

He then goes on to vent about English only measures.

What he doesn't understand is that despite being anglo, half the people in the rest of Florida don't speak english themselves. I don't know what they speak, but I can tell you it's not english.

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Guest pod

Its hard to read or listen to someone trash something you love or is fond of, but put aside your ego and pride for a min and look at it from a different perspective.

True enough, but why do people move here if the first thing they want to do is complain about everything?

I sometimes think a lot of these people that are coming down here aren't the brightest bulbs in the bunch. They move to a house, apt, condo, duplex, whatever, and they move to it almost sight-unseen. I don't know, but when I change locations I tend to visit them first, and explore.

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Guest myles hie

Are you kidding me? This guy actually said this...

"In reality, Miami is no more "special" than anywhere else in Florida, i.e. Jacksonville, Tampa and Orlando"

He then goes on to vent about English only measures.

What he doesn't understand is that despite being anglo, half the people in the rest of Florida don't speak english themselves. I don't know what they speak, but I can tell you it's not english.

I don't see anywhere where asks or demands for English only. I do see where he wonders why immigrants don't want to make an attempt to assimilate. You don't have to give up your language or culture, (please don't that is part of the allure of a melting pot) but making someone feel like an outsider will only breed contempt and hate. In my schooling i took 4 years of Spanish and there are large parts of S.Fl that i don't feel comfortable enough to go to because i can't speak fluently :(

An intersesting article i came across at lunch regarding one of the issue that the blogger brought up


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Guest myles hie

Its hard to read or listen to someone trash something you love or is fond of, but put aside your ego and pride for a min and look at it from a different perspective.

True enough, but why do people move here if the first thing they want to do is complain about everything?

I sometimes think a lot of these people that are coming down here aren't the brightest bulbs in the bunch. They move to a house, apt, condo, duplex, whatever, and they move to it almost sight-unseen. I don't know, but when I change locations I tend to visit them first, and explore.

I think the guy wasn't just trashing Miami. I think his diatribe grew out of frustration with what he found when he moved here and got an idea of how things are down here. There is no way of knowing the intricises (sp) of any area without living there for a period of time. His issues were not about a sweeping generalzation of the area, he mentioned specifics.

I'm not anti-Miami, i have lived down here along time and can see the forest for the trees and take things for what they are. But people shouldnt live in a fantasy world and recognise positives as well as negatives.

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Guest pod

Well, considering he had the resources to move halfway around the world, I would have done my homework first, and stayed for a month before making the final decision to relocate. There's innumerable short-term rentals and hotel-like facilities in this area, where for a reasonable cost, he or anyone could have stayed, and lived in the area. I think anyone could make up their mind about a city in about thirty days.

A lot of these johnny-come-latelies are scary-idiotic. I'd prefer most of them packed up and went home, but that's unrealistic. They'd rather stay and put up Wal-Marts, Barnes & Noble (I have no problem with B & N, just throwing it out there for Eroc), and Starbuckses.

Next thing you know, we'll consider American Idol good entertainment.

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Guest Buck White

i'm assuming you wrote this, pod?

Grow a pair before you started assuming who's a moron and who isnt.

you're not going to win the CJ Congeniality Award with that type of attitude, Buck.

Listen, I enjoy these boards or I wouldnt be on them....everyday. But if someone starts a thread about how much they love the sunshine...and I'm the only who posts that I prefer the rain....I'm going to stick to that. The whole crew can start to berate me...and I will still stick to my guns. I know a lot of you are friends and if I insult one than I, by default, am almost insulting the rest. If that's the way it is...so be it. I said it before...this is one guys opinion. I happen to agree with damn near everything he's saying. Miami DOES have awful traffic, god awful public transit, abject poverty, nouveau rich scumbags,

Miami is indeed portrayed quite differently on TV, I encounter folks everyday that can not speak English ( and I never demean anyone for not being able to speak English but it can get frustrating when you need to communicate with someone and can't )..... Why is it that Myles is the only one able to elucidate a point...or write introspectively

instead of saying "go home" or "go back to Terra Haute". Everyone, almost everyone, is proud of where they're from...I understand that. But most times the truth hurts...and that's clearly evident here.

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Guest pod

Some of these items he spoke about are true, yes. But the whole diatribe reeks of sour grapes. Like I said earlier, how idiotic can someone be, to believe that Miami is all just like South Beach, or all just like it's portrayed on innumerable Travel Channel specials or GMCVB handouts?

Bitch all you want, but I have no sympathy for anyone who has moved here sight-unseen and didn't know how Miami really is. This guy's bitching makes about as much sense as someone moving to Baghdad and complaining about all the gunfire.

He probably saw some rerun of CSI or something, thought Miami looked cool, bought a plane ticket, shoved a few quid in his pocket, and then when he got to MIA, he was probably like "What's all this?"

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Guest myles hie

Well, considering he had the resources to move halfway around the world, I would have done my homework first, and stayed for a month before making the final decision to relocate. There's innumerable short-term rentals and hotel-like facilities in this area, where for a reasonable cost, he or anyone could have stayed, and lived in the area. I think anyone could make up their mind about a city in about thirty days.

A lot of these johnny-come-latelies are scary-idiotic. I'd prefer most of them packed up and went home, but that's unrealistic. They'd rather stay and put up Wal-Marts, Barnes & Noble (I have no problem with B & N, just throwing it out there for Eroc), and Starbuckses.

Next thing you know, we'll consider American Idol good entertainment.

How many people have the time, money, resources to go to somewhere and live 30days before they decide to move? He goes over the area by geographics and talks about issues with those areas. Thats an awefull lot of work to do, just to blog that you don't like somewhere on a website that you have to register to go on and is focused on expatriates.

I'm not sure who or what you are referring to in the 2nd paragraph ???

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buck you need to be straightened out here. ok let's start from scratch...

i asked pod if he wrote this. i was joking. pod knew i was joking. you didn't know, but that's ok. then you go off on your tangent about a pair of something or another, attacking me personally.

now you're back on the original topic but saying everyone is ganging up on you because you are being honest about miami. this is incorrect. you need to read carefully, and (if possible) between the lines.

i don't think your synapses are firing correctly.

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Guest pod

Well, massive relocations aren't something that should be jumped into lightly.

What I'm getting at, is if he had the money to relocate from the UK, he had the money to come here for a month first, and see how it was. Moving yourself and your worldly possessions overseas isn't cheap.

Second paragraph, I'm generally referring to the latest influx of new arrivals, generally from up north. They're scary-idiotic.

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Guest myles hie

Some of these items he spoke about are true, yes. But the whole diatribe reeks of sour grapes. Like I said earlier, how idiotic can someone be, to believe that Miami is all just like South Beach, or all just like it's portrayed on innumerable Travel Channel specials or GMCVB handouts?

Bitch all you want, but I have no sympathy for anyone who has moved here sight-unseen and didn't know how Miami really is. This guy's bitching makes about as much sense as someone moving to Baghdad and complaining about all the gunfire.

He probably saw some rerun of CSI or something, thought Miami looked cool, bought a plane ticket, shoved a few quid in his pocket, and then when he got to MIA, he was probably like "What's all this?"

hahaha, i don't think he was coming here expecting a Will Smith video, i think he was taking poetic license in showing the extremes of reality vs Hollywood.

Most people move to an area for the most part sight unseen. I really think he was dissapointed with what he really found in the area. Rightfully so, things seem to run assbackwards and what a shame to waste such beauty with such iodicy

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Guest myles hie

Well, massive relocations aren't something that should be jumped into lightly.

What I'm getting at, is if he had the money to relocate from the UK, he had the money to come here for a month first, and see how it was. Moving yourself and your worldly possessions overseas isn't cheap.

Second paragraph, I'm generally referring to the latest influx of new arrivals, generally from up north. They're scary-idiotic.

I think he has lived or traveled to a bunch of places from the post, so maybe he has more to compare. Who knows maybe he used all his money to move to Miami, got here and realized he hated it and is now stuck. Who knows.

I have been reading where more and more people are leaving SoFL than moving here. With property taxes and insurance going through the roof, you have to be slightly retarted to move here now, so maybe yes the people you have encountered who have just moved here are kinda off. or the heat has already melted their brain :P

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Guest Buck White

buck you need to be straightened out here. ok let's start from scratch...

i asked pod if he wrote this. i was joking. pod knew i was joking. you didn't know, but that's ok. then you go off on your tangent about a pair of something or another, attacking me personally.

now you're back on the original topic but saying everyone is ganging up on you because you are being honest about miami. this is incorrect. you need to read carefully, and (if possible) between the lines.

i don't think your synapses are firing correctly.

1. Lie 2. That was hardly a tangent 3. I'd hardly call that an attack 4. I never said anyone was ganging up on me and never once felt that way. You're referring to a hypothetical. But that's o.k....you didnt know. 5. I can read between lines. Especially yours because one line is about all your posts ever consist of. That and copious amounts of doo doo jokes 6. My synapses are firing fine.

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Guest coach

Never mind that. What about the people that keep admitting they couldnt get past the 1st, 2nd and 3rd paragraph ? Jesus, he's not going into lurid detail about the atrocities in Auschwitz. And this is kind of validating his point about "no one in Miami reads".

No, it's saying that he is a shitty writer. And he's just a whiner, not really anybody with any knowledge or authority on the subject. I'll admit I didn't even make it past the first few *sentences*, not to mention paragraphs. And I'm not even from Miami. I kind of tried to skim the rest, but it was such drek that I could barely do that.

Read it throughly, put your notion that the guy is a "whiner" and "loser" or whatever aside and think about what he is saying. Like it or not the guy isn't making what he says up. Just because you are happy with your life now, does that mean the other millions of people who live here are in the same situation? The guy isn't bitching to just bitch, he explains why he feels the way he does.

Its hard to read or listen to someone trash something you love or is fond of, but put aside your ego and pride for a min and look at it from a different perspective.

Irrelevant. His writing ability stinks, no matter what he's saying.
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Guest myles hie

Never mind that. What about the people that keep admitting they couldnt get past the 1st, 2nd and 3rd paragraph ? Jesus, he's not going into lurid detail about the atrocities in Auschwitz. And this is kind of validating his point about "no one in Miami reads".

No, it's saying that he is a shitty writer. And he's just a whiner, not really anybody with any knowledge or authority on the subject. I'll admit I didn't even make it past the first few *sentences*, not to mention paragraphs. And I'm not even from Miami. I kind of tried to skim the rest, but it was such drek that I could barely do that.

Read it throughly, put your notion that the guy is a "whiner" and "loser" or whatever aside and think about what he is saying. Like it or not the guy isn't making what he says up. Just because you are happy with your life now, does that mean the other millions of people who live here are in the same situation? The guy isn't bitching to just bitch, he explains why he feels the way he does.

Its hard to read or listen to someone trash something you love or is fond of, but put aside your ego and pride for a min and look at it from a different perspective.

Irrelevant. His writing ability stinks, no matter what he's saying.


Because his writing ability wasn't up to par its immediatly dismissed right?

Way to present your case Coach.

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buck you need to be straightened out here. ok let's start from scratch...

i asked pod if he wrote this. i was joking. pod knew i was joking. you didn't know, but that's ok. then you go off on your tangent about a pair of something or another, attacking me personally.

now you're back on the original topic but saying everyone is ganging up on you because you are being honest about miami. this is incorrect. you need to read carefully, and (if possible) between the lines.

i don't think your synapses are firing correctly.

1. Lie 2. That was hardly a tangent 3. I'd hardly call that an attack 4. I never said anyone was ganging up on me and never once felt that way. You're referring to a hypothetical. But that's o.k....you didnt know. 5. I can read between lines. Especially yours because one line is about all your posts ever consist of. That and copious amounts of doo doo jokes 6. My synapses are firing fine.

man, you're like the annoying little brother i never had

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Guest eroc0411

i dont know what u ppl have against barnes and noble (i'll take boarders 2) but i love that store... And 2 me it is a shame that i gotta drive pretty far (dolphin mall, and sunset place r the closest)... And ummm its not that i'm a book worm but when u go to 2 the mall w/ ur girl or family it's a great store 2 pass the time... Oh and pod coach, i'm 27... And me personally i live great, i go out 4-5 times weeks i get drunk, i walk home.. don't gotta worri about DWI"s and if i go past the bridge cab ride is $16.00... I live great but when u take in2 account other ppl live's it's not so great (especailly if u start 2 think about raising a family, let's leave that topic for another day) and thats the point i try 2 get across... (sorri u keep on misunderstanding what i mean, and 4 that matter don't pay attention so much, it's just my personal opinion.. This board would be pretty boring if well agreed all the time.. No????

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Guest pod

You're stupid if you're gonna raise a family down here. If I can ask you one thing, if you decide to procreate, move to Orlando. Leave Miami for the grown-ups.

Classic dodge if you ask me, if it's "for the children".

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Guest Buck White

buck you need to be straightened out here. ok let's start from scratch...

i asked pod if he wrote this. i was joking. pod knew i was joking. you didn't know, but that's ok. then you go off on your tangent about a pair of something or another, attacking me personally.

now you're back on the original topic but saying everyone is ganging up on you because you are being honest about miami. this is incorrect. you need to read carefully, and (if possible) between the lines.

i don't think your synapses are firing correctly.

1. Lie 2. That was hardly a tangent 3. I'd hardly call that an attack 4. I never said anyone was ganging up on me and never once felt that way. You're referring to a hypothetical. But that's o.k....you didnt know. 5. I can read between lines. Especially yours because one line is about all your posts ever consist of. That and copious amounts of doo doo jokes 6. My synapses are firing fine.

man, you're like the annoying little brother i never had

Looks like someone slipped on their own sh*t. You were the one that was going to do the straightening out ? Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffft. Laughable. You didnt do it here and I'll give you twenty to one odds you can't do it in person. Stick to the fecalphiliac jokes and try not to get so offended. People get disrespected on these board everyday. But just so we can put an end to this....O.K, the guys a douchebag....blah blah blah...there ARE beautiful parts of Miami....blah blah....annoying brother....( yawn ).....insert poo poo joke here....( yawn ).....Buck's not gonna win the Miss Congeniality award anytime soon...blah blah.....you're off topic when responding to JMT....blah blah...read between lines I knew he didnt write it....I just asked to be funny....douchebag...blah.....I've lived here so long that I know for a fact that everything this guy wrote about is huckpucky....everyone here is a model driver...blah....why is he saying this ? Blah.

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Guest lyrik

You're stupid if you're gonna raise a family down here. If I can ask you one thing, if you decide to procreate, move to Orlando. Leave Miami for the grown-ups.

Classic dodge if you ask me, if it's "for the children".

Bite your tongue you're pissing whitey (me) off! ;D

I may just move back to Miami...and raise a family. Not too worry my wife and I are financially secure and we both make enough to account for the cons in such a decision enabling us to enhance the pros of moving back...both for us and for our child(ren).

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Guest JMT

buck you need to be straightened out here. ok let's start from scratch...

i asked pod if he wrote this. i was joking. pod knew i was joking. you didn't know, but that's ok. then you go off on your tangent about a pair of something or another, attacking me personally.

now you're back on the original topic but saying everyone is ganging up on you because you are being honest about miami. this is incorrect. you need to read carefully, and (if possible) between the lines.

i don't think your synapses are firing correctly.

1. Lie 2. That was hardly a tangent 3. I'd hardly call that an attack 4. I never said anyone was ganging up on me and never once felt that way. You're referring to a hypothetical. But that's o.k....you didnt know. 5. I can read between lines. Especially yours because one line is about all your posts ever consist of. That and copious amounts of doo doo jokes 6. My synapses are firing fine.

man, you're like the annoying little brother i never had

Looks like someone slipped on their own sh*t. You were the one that was going to do the straightening out ? Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffft. Laughable. You didnt do it here and I'll give you twenty to one odds you can't do it in person. Stick to the fecalphiliac jokes and try not to get so offended. People get disrespected on these board everyday. But just so we can put an end to this....O.K, the guys a douchebag....blah blah blah...there ARE beautiful parts of Miami....blah blah....annoying brother....( yawn ).....insert poo poo joke here....( yawn ).....Buck's not gonna win the Miss Congeniality award anytime soon...blah blah.....you're off topic when responding to JMT....blah blah...read between lines I knew he didnt write it....I just asked to be funny....douchebag...blah.....I've lived here so long that I know for a fact that everything this guy wrote about is huckpucky....everyone here is a model driver...blah....why is he saying this ? Blah.

adderall is your friend.

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