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last nights democratic debate at soldier field Chicago

Guest klubveteran

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Guest klubveteran

reminded me why i never vote democrat. Just when i was giving Edwards, Clinton and Obama an ear they are big time in favor of unions and Organized labor rights. :-\

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Guest klubveteran

yes and i know the crowd was a pro union crowd and they wanted to hear loud cheers. but they might annoy a lot. how many people are pro union?

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Guest swirlundergrounder

the Rep should just sit quiet for a while, and let the dems implode.

Implode to the level of the Republicans???
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Guest coach

reminded me why i never vote democrat. Just when i was giving Edwards, Clinton and Obama an ear they are big time in favor of unions and Organized labor rights. :-\

Yeah, because I'm sure you'd rather be working 12 hours a day for $2 an hour with no health care and no retirement options. That's good.
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Guest jamu

I am pro union. A lot people talk smack never having worked in a union. Although I agree they are not perfect they are definately needed. They protect a lot of rights, get excellent benefits for employees, and keep the wages up for them as well.

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Guest klubveteran

reminded me why i never vote democrat. Just when i was giving Edwards, Clinton and Obama an ear they are big time in favor of unions and Organized labor rights. :-\

Yeah, because I'm sure you'd rather be working 12 hours a day for $2 an hour with no health care and no retirement options. That's good.

no i dont need to be lining up the pockets of unions or in turn they line up the pockets of the candidates. There is nothing a union can do for me that i cant do for myself. Unions are for the lazy people that need protection. why should someone pay Union fees on top of all that we already pay?

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Guest slamminshaun

reminded me why i never vote democrat. Just when i was giving Edwards, Clinton and Obama an ear they are big time in favor of unions and Organized labor rights. :-\

Yeah, because I'm sure you'd rather be working 12 hours a day for $2 an hour with no health care and no retirement options. That's good.

Funny, I don't belong to a union and I have health care and retirement, not to mention I make quite a bit more than $2 per hour....

The unions have their place, but unfortunately (like anything) they let the power go to their heads and they start to negotiate unreasonable shit. Next thing you know, you find yourself without a job altogether....just ask the auto industry. Better yet, ask the pilots of Eastern airlines.

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Guest cire

It may be because I was overseas the last time there was a presidential race, but it seems to me all of the candidates, repubs and dems are whoring theirselves out with too many debates. I never remember there being debates every week or other week. And when one does something the other jumps right on the bandwagon. ???

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My college roommates father was in a union, he fixed the elevators at night in Penn Station (NYC for those who've never been there), well the union rule was you needed 2 to fix the elevator and since he was the only one on duty at night, all he did was watch tv on a cot and when one broke, he turned it off and put a sign on it..

That's your tax dollars at work.

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Guest JMT

i went to a trade show in Nashville last year. we had to set up a company booth for an expo. in order to use the service elevator to move out shit into the expo, the hotel informed us we had to pay the union $35 for one lift! they didn't do anything except allow us to use the elevator. hooray for unions.

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Guest coach

reminded me why i never vote democrat. Just when i was giving Edwards' date=' Clinton and Obama an ear they are big time in favor of unions and Organized labor rights. :-\

[/quote']Yeah, because I'm sure you'd rather be working 12 hours a day for $2 an hour with no health care and no retirement options. That's good.

Funny, I don't belong to a union and I have health care and retirement, not to mention I make quite a bit more than $2 per hour....

Yep, say thank you to the unions for that, even though you aren't paying dues.
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Guest obby

reminded me why i never vote democrat. Just when i was giving Edwards, Clinton and Obama an ear they are big time in favor of unions and Organized labor rights. :-\

Yeah, because I'm sure you'd rather be working 12 hours a day for $2 an hour with no health care and no retirement options. That's good.

no i dont need to be lining up the pockets of unions or in turn they line up the pockets of the candidates. There is nothing a union can do for me that i cant do for myself. Unions are for the lazy people that need protection.

Bravo!!!!!! Spoken like a true man who does not need free hand outs nor the Government to suceed in his own life.

Well said bro

Dems love it when people depend on them (Big Gov)

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Guest coach

reminded me why i never vote democrat. Just when i was giving Edwards, Clinton and Obama an ear they are big time in favor of unions and Organized labor rights. :-\

Yeah, because I'm sure you'd rather be working 12 hours a day for $2 an hour with no health care and no retirement options. That's good.

no i dont need to be lining up the pockets of unions or in turn they line up the pockets of the candidates. There is nothing a union can do for me that i cant do for myself. Unions are for the lazy people that need protection.

Bravo!!!!!! Spoken like a true man who does not need free hand outs nor the Government to suceed in his own life.

Spoken like a true man who has no concept of history.
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Guest obby

reminded me why i never vote democrat. Just when i was giving Edwards, Clinton and Obama an ear they are big time in favor of unions and Organized labor rights. :-\

Yeah, because I'm sure you'd rather be working 12 hours a day for $2 an hour with no health care and no retirement options. That's good.

no i dont need to be lining up the pockets of unions or in turn they line up the pockets of the candidates. There is nothing a union can do for me that i cant do for myself. Unions are for the lazy people that need protection.

Bravo!!!!!! Spoken like a true man who does not need free hand outs nor the Government to suceed in his own life.

Spoken like a true man who has no concept of history.


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Guest klubveteran

reminded me why i never vote democrat. Just when i was giving Edwards, Clinton and Obama an ear they are big time in favor of unions and Organized labor rights. :-\

Yeah, because I'm sure you'd rather be working 12 hours a day for $2 an hour with no health care and no retirement options. That's good.

no i dont need to be lining up the pockets of unions or in turn they line up the pockets of the candidates. There is nothing a union can do for me that i cant do for myself. Unions are for the lazy people that need protection.

Bravo!!!!!! Spoken like a true man who does not need free hand outs nor the Government to suceed in his own life.

Spoken like a true man who has no concept of history.

you should say that again (to you) back in the industrial revolution you needed to have unions.

nowadays with all the labor laws into place and companies having health plans and such theres no need for a union. theres the NLRB for any "unlawful" thing your company me be doing.

when the union jumps in a company kiss it goodbye (non government unions)

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Guest coach

reminded me why i never vote democrat. Just when i was giving Edwards, Clinton and Obama an ear they are big time in favor of unions and Organized labor rights. :-\

Yeah, because I'm sure you'd rather be working 12 hours a day for $2 an hour with no health care and no retirement options. That's good.

no i dont need to be lining up the pockets of unions or in turn they line up the pockets of the candidates. There is nothing a union can do for me that i cant do for myself. Unions are for the lazy people that need protection.

Bravo!!!!!! Spoken like a true man who does not need free hand outs nor the Government to suceed in his own life.

Spoken like a true man who has no concept of history.

you should say that again (to you) back in the industrial revolution you needed to have unions.

There you go. Back in the I.R. the industrial bosses treated their employees like near slaves. Wages were insanely low. There was no retirement or health care. No job security. Why? Because there was no balance. So, the employees HAD to band together because corporate executives showed that they would not treat their people humanely out of the goodness of their own heart.

nowadays with all the labor laws into place and companies having health plans and such theres no need for a union. theres the NLRB for any "unlawful" thing your company me be doing.

when the union jumps in a company kiss it goodbye (non government unions)

So, your contention is that corporate bosses of somehow magically gotten "gooder"? That, even though in the past it has been shown that corporate bosses did not have the best interests of their employees at heart, somehow today's corporate bosses do? You think we have advanced that much as a society that the people at the top are so much "better" than just 50 years ago? That's very optomistic of you. But, I'd prefer to have some balance to their power.

I guarantee you that if we dismantle the unions, you will see the slow rollback of all those nice things that you guys enjoy today. We've already seen the reduction in health benefits and retirement benefits that companies supply. Middle-class wages continue to slip compared to inflation, GDP, and productivity increases. And have for years. You think the corporate bosses aren't already at work tearing the few unions left apart? You guys can believe what they are telling you, I prefer to look at what they actually DID. Isn't the saying that history repeats itself?

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Guest klubveteran

the union would be making decisions for you.

do you need someone to talk to your boss for you?

do you need me to talk to your wife for you? you cant talk to her yourself? do you need a third party? of course not.

Imagine everytime you and your wife need to make a household decision and then instead of coming to mutual agreements amongst yourselves you need a third party (like me pay me coach) to come into YOUR house and sit and negotiate. then i come back and say heres the deal.... bam. like it or not. oh by the way wheres my fee? 8)

why do i need a thrid party to speak to my boss? and pay fees. shit the union gets thier money from dues so do you REALLY think they give a flying crap of whats agreed to ? NO

im not going to allow anybody collect bargain for my rights.

they cant stop you from getting fired. the rules get tighter. so besides taking money out of your check can anyone tell me what the fuck they can do for YOU?

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