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Guest Ariel

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Guest RzO

It never fails...

anyhow the last time i saw these two together at space was 1/1/05, Nic Fancuilli, and at about 6 am or so, ralph and oscar got in the booth and those 3 went insane crazy till past 8 in the main room. I remember LP getting on the mic, something like only at space....was he right, I remember thinking, this is the way it is supposed to be, the murk boys ripping the main room apart, in the dark (drums), they kept that room full, no one went to the terrace, finally at 9 or so i think we went upstairs, we left shortly after, there was no comparison to what we had just witnessed inside. Was the first time i heard their bootleg of u2-where the streets have no name, the horn, the lights, space's mainroom at 8 am, and murk, can I paint this picture any brighter???

That morning was great, and they were all very into it, you could see it was one of those things where they did it for fun, it wasn't planned. i remember leaving with kelly and since we were there for nic, the whole murk closing the room was a treat, for two hours or so they did more than the whole nite with nic (not to diss nic we all know he is the man) but it was Murk who laid down their sound at space where it was made to be heard.

With that being said, the dark beat will be represented once again this Saturday! ;D

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Guest LisaLoca7Bianca

It never fails...

anyhow the last time i saw these two together at space was 1/1/05,

Same here my friend..

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Guest klubveteran

LOL ::)

I think Ralph and I have played a total of 3 times together at Space in 7 years....but anyway

Space and Murk are definitely NOT for everyone....but for those of you who ARE interested....We have some pretty cool suprises planned ;)

Im so glad this board is NOT a reflection of our local scene....it would be pretty sad if it was...I love the fact that most of the time...the ONLY people who post are those who have something negative to say or have no interest in the club or event that is being talked about...

Don t you guys realize...when we post the info for these events...its for the folks that actually give a shit..and go out and dance on Saturday nights...who for the most part...are the MAJORITY of people that read this board.....they are just intelligent enough to READ the info and not engage in ridiculous hateful arguments that question peoples careers, merrit and success? lol how do you measure that anyway? I guess it depends on who you are..




I see you made it safely back from Cali, Colombia last night. all you had to do was walk behind Edgar V for cover ;D

if you and Jets fan over there posted here this will be an 8 page thread by Friday. easy. 8)

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Guest Fuerte44

now when i ran off at the mouth last night, i walked away from my computer hoping that oscar(or ralph even) and people who like murk, did not get offended by my stupid comment...because i grew up on murk

my comment was directly related to :ICON:'s post about "everyone"...i thought it was stupid for someone to say that everyone would be there dancing their asses off at space Sunday morning...when i know that wouldn't be true....

my snide comments have seemed to do exactly what i never would want to happen....i would never want to disrespect OG or ralph/MURK...and now that i seemingly have, please accept this apology to the both of you...

i value OG higher than any dj i have regularly attended...i used to go religiously to space every weekend, for one reason.... OG...

But after seeing a place that was once in my mind thought of as heaven; the people were great, i knew tons of people...it was like family, turn into to something much worse over the years has made me a bitter ex-regular customer....i have been robbed more than 4 times there, gotten thrown around and punched at least once a season, shaken down by security way too many times and all at a place that i was addicted to, i kept going back for the music...that was love, i didnt care

all until my gf was fucked with...someone slipped her some g, and i found her passed out...she doesn't party, so i know someone fucked with her and that changed me forever...after seeing her like that , i have become a bitter person to everything going on over there, but i never posted about it, because i saw it as partly my fault...and it was what it was...

but i want to apologize to the artists for my words every now and then, as i have oftentimes used the music to rip on, when i reality its most of the people that frequent space now that bother me so much(as i said last night)...it didn't used to be like that....

if you put OG somewhere else, i know i would be there...like those MIM parties that i loved....my gripe is with the people and attitudes over there...not the artists...i have made the stupid mistake of looping them in with it all which i never really wanted to do...yes i think changes could be made for after hours music selection...but i have not gone about it in the right way, as many personal reasons, as u now know, affect my judgment and alter the level of respect that i use...

if anyone on here knows me, they know me to be at the very, very least "nice".... they would also agree that my CJ persona is more like an alter ego, its an outlet where i can speak my mind, in a business/academic/political world where often times we cannot ...but i failed to realize that this is so much more than that to us, and i realize that negativity sometimes in a forum like this can hurt certain things, like our overall EDM scene, which i still love (yes i really do Pod), but it can also hurt people, whether it be by public impression or actual personal insult...

now that prospect certainly has taught me a lesson, for I really dont want to bring anything or anyone down anymore, it doesn't improve anything...

ill leave it at that...a friend called me today out of no where, who saw the MURK flyer and asked me to go for old times sake...it made me do a bit of thinking...not sure if ill go, but it has brought me to the conclusions stated above....

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now when i ran off at the mouth last night, i walked away from my computer hoping that oscar(or ralph even) and people who like murk, did not get offended by my stupid comment...because i grew up on murk

my comment was directly related to :ICON:'s post about "everyone"...i thought it was stupid for someone to say that everyone would be there dancing their asses off at space Sunday morning...when i know that wouldn't be true....

my snide comments have seemed to do exactly what i never would want to happen....i would never want to disrespect OG or ralph/MURK...and now that i seemingly have, please accept this apology to the both of you...

i value OG higher than any dj i have regularly attended...i used to go religiously to space every weekend, for one reason.... OG...

But after seeing a place that was once in my mind thought of as heaven; the people were great, i knew tons of people...it was like family, turn into to something much worse over the years has made me a bitter ex-regular customer....i have been robbed more than 4 times there, gotten thrown around and punched at least once a season, shaken down by security way too many times and all at a place that i was addicted to, i kept going back for the music...that was love, i didnt care

all until my gf was fucked with...someone slipped her some g, and i found her passed out...she doesn't party, so i know someone fucked with her and that changed me forever...after seeing her like that , i have become a bitter person to everything going on over there, but i never posted about it, because i saw it as partly my fault...and it was what it was...

but i want to apologize to the artists for my words every now and then, as i have oftentimes used the music to rip on, when i reality its most of the people that frequent space now that bother me so much(as i said last night)...it didn't used to be like that....

if you put OG somewhere else, i know i would be there...like those MIM parties that i loved....my gripe is with the people and attitudes over there...not the artists...i have made the stupid mistake of looping them in with it all which i never really wanted to do...yes i think changes could be made for after hours music selection...but i have not gone about it in the right way, as many personal reasons, as u now know, affect my judgment and alter the level of respect that i use...

if anyone on here knows me, they know me to be at the very, very least "nice".... they would also agree that my CJ persona is more like an alter ego, its an outlet where i can speak my mind, in a business/academic/political world where often times we cannot ...but i failed to realize that this is so much more than that to us, and i realize that negativity sometimes in a forum like this can hurt certain things, like our overall EDM scene, which i still love (yes i really do Pod), but it can also hurt people, whether it be by public impression or actual personal insult...

now that prospect certainly has taught me a lesson, for I really dont want to bring anything or anyone down anymore, it doesn't improve anything...

ill leave it at that...a friend called me today out of no where, who saw the MURK flyer and asked me to go for old times sake...it made me do a bit of thinking...not sure if ill go, but it has brought me to the conclusions stated above....

you were way out of line, you should be ashamed of yourself.. If i were OG, I'd fuck you up.

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Guest pod

Persona or not, you are accountable for what you say either here or in the real world.

Sucks that your girl had to go through that, but that's not a Space-exclusive problem, it's a club-exclusive problem. I've been hit once before like that, and yeah it's not fun. I didn't get G'd deliberately, I was drunk and grabbed the wrong drink at the bar. Wasn't Space either. I went to the venue's office to gather my wits and heaved for like three hours.

But anyways, I'm digressing. You still asked us not to generalize, but yet you generalize about people. Yeah we rip on Hialeah and so forth, but with me at least, it's more in a good-natured haha talking the piss mood. I've got friends there, and let me tell ya, the denizens of the area, on average, have been nothing but courteous and hospitable to me. I've gotten more rude treatment and drama from "friends" on South Beach and in my own neighborhood, than from people I barely knew in Hialeah.

Say what you will, I won't deny you that right, but bear in mind you will be called out on shit from time to time. You're only 21, maybe with a year 'in-country' as far as real clubs are concerned, and somewhat of an idealist. Work the scene a bit, then you'll see how things stand.

Again, I know, I was there at 21. Sure it sucks when 'your' DJs don't get booked, but that's why they invented Travelocity.

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Guest Fuerte44

Persona or not, you are accountable for what you say either here or in the real world.

hence the apology to Murk, and to anyone who might have been offended...

and as for the Hialeah crowd comment, i honestly don't think the people I was referring to read this forum, but if they do, the comment was meant to be more funny than offensive...the crowd is diverse, as you say, i just enjoy social commentary and we all know that space is not limited to three types of people....

lastly, I want to stress that most of what i have written over the years has been written to inspire healthy argument (that in which i love doing, no matter what the topic is...it makes life fun for me) whether it be on politics or sports in the junkie forum, what restaurant is good or bad in the food forum, or music and the scene in this one...

most of what i say is in jest, meant to be mildly funny or straight up meant to annoy certain people because i think they take the boards too seriously....i know coming from a 21 year old that may seem a bit pompous...but its all in good fun....CJ is an escape from the office, like it is for many, and sometimes i cant resist commenting...either way it is still fun for me, and i really cant say i have ever been offended or insulted by anyone...

but to know that i may have done that to others by my stupidities and opinions makes me want to understand people a bit more and anger/annoy people a bit less...

i like you Dan, if you left the boards I would be remiss, because i see our exchanges as something positive...having a forum like this to express our ideas about shit we love so much is great...i love it...

but when someone is unreasonable or out of line, as i may have been over time, i appreciate the notification, and especially when i have offended people, i like to know so I don't repeat the offense... i have a tougher skin than most in my young age...and find it hard to step out of my own shoes and analyze what i have said....so with that , its my hope to grow and learn as well as continue to share my opinions...

and by the way my DJ(s) did get booked....its gonna be a great fall!

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Guest pod

I have no issues with you personally. Like I said, I "was there" when I was your age. I got pissy because my DJs weren't coming a lot, and I kinda thought that the saving grace of clubland was through music. Now, this was 2000 and the scene was way different then. Dance music was at it's second major peak in US society since the late 1980s, and any DJ who could drop "Out of the Blue" followed by innumerable DJ Sakin remixes could get a $500/night gig at any club on the beach. In other words, it was 'too easy'.

Then the dark days of late '01 (not necessarily related to 9/11, the portents of a downturn were already there...) and '02 kinda made things difficult. I was with CJ at the time, but we weren't a fully financially viable entity at the moment, so I took odd jobs with clubs to make ends meet. Gave me an excellent intro to how things work. You've seen my rants, no need to repeat myself.

But good that 'your' DJs (I'm guessing Joris Voorn?) are getting booked. It takes time to book dance DJs nowadays, and even then, the clubs wanna go with safe bets, since the market is still very volatile and could swing either way right now. We're pretty lucky in this town to have one megaclub holding the torch for dance music, and several smaller places as well. LP could say 'fuck it' and book DJ Clue and flood the joint with UM kids. The Pawn Shop crew could just do open format every night. Blue could be yet another hellhole South Beach tourist trap catering to weenies from the flyover states. Laundry Bar could just be a laundromat. It's not as viable as the glory days, but thankfully skilled businessmen and women in this town have figured out how to make the volatile dance music scene work for them.

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Guest davidorth

I wonder what these live performances are about?

have to wait and see... but i promise you won't be disappointed.


see you peeps on saturday!

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Guest Marina22

I wonder what these live performances are about?

have to wait and see... but i promise you won't be disappointed.


see you peeps on saturday!

Sounds exciting.. When I found out about this party today I was wondering how long was this planned for if at all? Just seems weird that we know about three different big out-of towner bookings months in advance but one of our biggest local booking we find out about the week of. Was this a last minute thing or was this planned for awhile? Regardless, we're going to try to make it out on short notice anyway. :)

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Guest bassdropper

I think we are getting to the point that these types of events are sad. It's like we are seeing some pop star from the 80's who started their career in Malls across the US, only to return to the Mall now because it's all they can get to pay the bills.

Sorry guys, I know you guys have done this for like 20 years, but know when to hang em up. Addicted to Drums? Murk? Come on guys. I know August is slow, but at least admit you guys are hanging on by a thread to your success when you guys were on fire in the studio. You missed the gravy train because you had ass clowns for managers and booking agents. Recently a well known Miami DJ commented to me how you two could have been huge back then.

Not trying to hate, but it's true and I have a feeling, this is simply a mtg payment gig, you guys know this is lame.

It would be nice to see you guys back in the studio and make radio music, not space at 8am music, you have the talent, but a serious lack of motivation and foresight, you need knew management, new influences, new motivations and you should switch to boxers, your boys need to be free in the studio.

I know I give you guys a hard time, but you know I'm fan, but you could have been a contender, now you are stuck back at the mall.

Good luck at this Mall events, opps I mean Space.

at least murk dont have man boobs.
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Guest bassdropper

I think we are getting to the point that these types of events are sad. It's like we are seeing some pop star from the 80's who started their career in Malls across the US, only to return to the Mall now because it's all they can get to pay the bills.

Sorry guys, I know you guys have done this for like 20 years, but know when to hang em up. Addicted to Drums? Murk? Come on guys. I know August is slow, but at least admit you guys are hanging on by a thread to your success when you guys were on fire in the studio. You missed the gravy train because you had ass clowns for managers and booking agents. Recently a well known Miami DJ commented to me how you two could have been huge back then.

Not trying to hate, but it's true and I have a feeling, this is simply a mtg payment gig, you guys know this is lame.

It would be nice to see you guys back in the studio and make radio music, not space at 8am music, you have the talent, but a serious lack of motivation and foresight, you need knew management, new influences, new motivations and you should switch to boxers, your boys need to be free in the studio.

I know I give you guys a hard time, but you know I'm fan, but you could have been a contender, now you are stuck back at the mall.

Good luck at this Mall events, opps I mean Space.

I can say this.... More people across this planet have heard of Murk - Oscar G - Ralph Falcon then they have heard of old/washed up/claim to be club legend, Nick... So STFU and go play your round of golf next Sunday while everybody will be at Space partying their asses off.

and by everybody you mean the underage colombian smurf brigade, hialeah's various high school dropouts and our country's entire population of gay body builders and 7 board members?

please dont generalize people into this event....Space and Murk are not for everyone

so basically it will be a good party since you wont be there.
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Guest EL Gato


There's nothing wrong with the crowd at space.The whole club is wrong,the little cheesy flat screen with nothing good on it,the truck horn,the big double faced bouncers that rob patrons out of their money and drugs,all the big djs that don't come there no more,the snitch restroom attendant,The Oscar G who's a great DJ but chooses to play 1999 house music for a paycheck,The Cedric who would play a track with a 3 minute guitar solo at peak time in the patio,the two new losers who have no clue as to what electronic music is.You have a Club there because people in the USA don't understand the whole electronic music movement,I have been to the best clubs in the world and believe me,you couldnt pay people to walk in to your venue if you were anywhere else in the world.Keep charging 30 dollars for outdated music and a shot at getting arrested but do not ever believe that you have anything special there,you are just at the right place at the right time.

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Guest pod

You must like music a little too much. Did it ever occur to you that most people don't have the time or simply don't want to care about the latest tracks? People go out to have fun, first and foremost, not fellate the DJ.

To quote a friend "If you want to be educated, go to night school!"

Nightclubs aren't about the music, they're about making money. Hello, McFly!

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Guest djqba


There's nothing wrong with the crowd at space.The whole club is wrong,the little cheesy flat screen with nothing good on it,the truck horn,the big double faced bouncers that rob patrons out of their money and drugs,all the big djs that don't come there no more,the snitch restroom attendant,The Oscar G who's a great DJ but chooses to play 1999 house music for a paycheck,The Cedric who would play a track with a 3 minute guitar solo at peak time in the patio,the two new losers who have no clue as to what electronic music is.You have a Club there because people in the USA don't understand the whole electronic music movement,I have been to the best clubs in the world and believe me,you couldnt pay people to walk in to your venue if you were anywhere else in the world.Keep charging 30 dollars for outdated music and a shot at getting arrested but do not ever believe that you have anything special there,you are just at the right place at the right time.

Wow dude you have issues, but I won't be the one to help you out since as you say am a loser. :P No club is perfect, no Dj, No doorman, in fact nothing in this world is perfect. Space is a great venue and there are great people who work there, is there a bad apple from time to time of course there is. Miami is lucky to have a venue such as Space with all its problems. As for the Dj's we all love the music that we play. We do it with a clear understanding of the crowd and I repeat none of us are perfect. Perhaps if you had the talent you could replace us and everything would be better over night. Regardless I respect your right say what you want, but base it on fact not fiction...


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Guest djqba

Ariel, O.G. & Ralph, sorry for getting side tracked there but I wanted to say time for shots and fun ! See u on Saturday!

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Guest pod

True enough.

You can't satisfy everyone though. El Gato (The Cat? OK?) probably wouldn't be happy in Ibiza.

As for snitches? Well, unfortunately, any club will be shut down for repeated drug offenses, so it's in the best interests of those who work there to be "snitches". It affects their livelihood after all. You know, people need money for food, shelter, that sort of thing.

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Guest MiamiJunkie

well, judging from "el gato" only 2 other posts ... i think its dj nova in disguise lol :P

either him or yet another techno fan hating on big time clubs

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