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Should the Miami Forums infrastructure change...

Guest LeVeL

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Guest LeVeL

Being a longtime CJ Member I have to say this is probably the worst I have ever seen the Miami Forums...

It has become a board full of clutter which consists of nothing but club events and fliers being announced by promoters.

The definition of a forum is a discussion board a place where people can discuss things and being the Miami Junkies I understand that the purpose of this room in particular is to discuss nightlife based in Miami but when u don’t have discussions an 20 something threads are being started by promoters who post their events and all your getting from your community is probably 1 or 2 posts out of them.

I think its not essential to have threads like that clutter the Miami room, when you can specifically set a room for Event's where the promoters can go wild with event postings, a place where forums visitors can go too, to look for an event.

Why not separate one from the other, why have promoters clutter the Miami Forums with event postings that wont gather discussions between members, I don’t get it.

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Guest mr.miami

I think this board would be pretty empty without the flyers and all the spam. The events give people things to talk about if they want to.

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Guest pod

I'll agree with Sr. Miami. Half these events spur discussions of an interesting sort.

The ones that don't fall below the fold.

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Guest Seb

ya i don't think thats a good idea. You get more traffic by having the events in here. If you take them out you'll have less people to view all the drama related threads, also will look more like a ghost town. Like it or not the events are good for this forum.

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Guest Seb

I'll agree with Sr. Miami. Half these events spur discussions of an interesting sort.

The ones that don't fall below the fold.

exactly! just think we wouldn't have even had the whole Sasha @ Bricks thread without events being here.

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Guest coach

Level, I hate to say it, but I think you're too old. Look at a lot of those party promotions, and they have some good, exciting discussion going on. Or, at least a bunch of fans saying "I can't wait!" That's good. That's what a nightlife forum should be all about.

I mean, what else are we going to discuss? The ins and outs of the club business? That's fine, but it bores the bejeebus out of most people. Saleen's insane rumor ranting? Again fun, but not particularly useful.

I *do* really think we need a NO-Bump rule like the dallasdancemusic.com site has (or had). You cannot bump your own promotion thread. Or, at the very least, only 1 bump per day. This would really lead to a more democratic front page. If people like (or hate) your party and talk about it, you get to stay "above the fold." Otherwise, buh-bye. It would also lead to more subscribers as the promoters get all their friends to sign up so they can comment on their parties.

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Guest Seb

Level, I hate to say it, but I think you're too old. Look at a lot of those party promotions, and they have some good, exciting discussion going on. Or, at least a bunch of fans saying "I can't wait!" That's good. That's what a nightlife forum should be all about.

I mean, what else are we going to discuss? The ins and outs of the club business? That's fine, but it bores the bejeebus out of most people. Saleen's insane rumor ranting? Again fun, but not particularly useful.

not only that but its just not enough material to keep this board rolling. You need the fillers

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Guest pod

I don't mind the business discussions, but after awhile, even that is only of interest to me, Dade, the Guerras, and a few others.

Unfortunately, a lot of people don't know or don't care to know about liquor licenses, code enforcement, PD activities, zoning laws, etc. Unless it's tied into the drama.

I'll tolerate the freebie events that Laundry Bar posts a million times a week, since even though they might be interesting, they drop below the fold since there's no drama really. Unless Stryke says "fuck it" one day, and decides to finally beat me up for calling him Greggie one too many times.

But then, we get the classics like Sasha at Bricks, El Gato before he stepped out of line by insulting me and a girl I know personally, the various times we've picked on Sr. Miami, and the perennial Club Legend and why is he still called as such discussions.

And, Jon's bump-o-rama threads :)

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Guest LeVeL

Level, I hate to say it, but I think you're too old. Look at a lot of those party promotions, and they have some good, exciting discussion going on. Or, at least a bunch of fans saying "I can't wait!" That's good. That's what a nightlife forum should be all about.

I mean, what else are we going to discuss? The ins and outs of the club business? That's fine, but it bores the bejeebus out of most people. Saleen's insane rumor ranting? Again fun, but not particularly useful.

I *do* really think we need a NO-Bump rule like the dallasdancemusic.com site has (or had). You cannot bump your own promotion thread. Or, at the very least, only 1 bump per day. This would really lead to a more democratic front page. If people like (or hate) your party and talk about it, you get to stay "above the fold." Otherwise, buh-bye. It would also lead to more subscribers as the promoters get all their friends to sign up so they can comment on their parties.


Coach just look around the board for instance...the Sasha @ Bricks is an exception and also the Groovejet event is an exception also due to all the people who are friends with Jon Cowan on here.

But look at the other events being posted and you get the same feedback out of them, maybe 1 to 4 post on them and they say the same thing from "rock the house", "should be a good night", "Shots will be flying" to the ever growing track requests being pleaded by some of the members.

90% of these thread dont gather discussions, they simply dont. Look through the first page of the Miami Forums and look at the thread with events that have 1 through 5 posts on them they will give you an example of what I am talking about.

As forums members I dont think we need event posting to gather discussions, there are enough members here to start threads. The reality is that as a promoter your now being told to promote your events on cooljunkie and whats happening is that your getting a high influx of promoter singing up just to spam the board.

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Because it's the end. CP was no different, it began to be a few peeps, a few hard core hanger ons and a few djs who think they are going to make it of course with tons of Spam..

I helped Nick and Pod get this thing going and I know Pod does this for a living, but Nick bailing should signal to everyone it's over.

I'm bailing on this board very very soon, just have a brother coming into town for the 1s time so I need cj for that week but after that, there is nothing remotely interesting on this site. I know Dade is bailing soon too. The board didn't evolve, it could have been much better, but from what I hear the powers that be in NYC are idiots.

Clubs are done

EDM is done

CJ is dying unless NYC plows some money and open this thing up, huge amount of opportunities but they are clueless.

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Guest LeVeL

Because it's the end. CP was no different, it began to be a few peeps, a few hard core hanger ons and a few djs who think they are going to make it of course with tons of Spam..

I helped Nick and Pod get this thing going and I know Pod does this for a living, but Nick bailing should signal to everyone it's over.

I'm bailing on this board very very soon, just have a brother coming into town for the 1s time so I need cj for that week but after that, there is nothing remotely interesting on this site. I know Dade is bailing soon too. The board didn't evolve, it could have been much better, but from what I hear the powers that be in NYC are idiots.

Clubs are done

EDM is done

CJ is dying unless NYC plows some money and open this thing up, huge amount of opportunities but they are clueless.

I agree.

Thats the reason why I started this thread..

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Guest coach
Clubs are done

Oh, of course. Because after millenia of humans going out and getting fucked up after a hard days work, all of a sudden in 2007 everyone is going to sober up and just stay home and have intellectual discussions with their friends. Whatever.
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Clubs are done

Oh, of course. Because after millenia of humans going out and getting fucked up after a hard days work, all of a sudden in 2007 everyone is going to sober up and just stay home and have intellectual discussions with their friends. Whatever.

How many clubs are left in NYC? I'm not talking lounges, I"m talking real clubs. How many are left? How many clubs are left on the NJ shore? How about the Hamptons?

The answer may surprise you.

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Guest coach
Coach just look around the board for instance...the Sasha @ Bricks is an exception and also the Groovejet event is an exception also due to all the people who are friends with Jon Cowan on here.

But look at the other events being posted and you get the same feedback out of them' date=' maybe 1 to 4 post on them and they say the same thing from "rock the house", "should be a good night", "Shots will be flying" to the ever growing track requests being pleaded by some of the members.

90% of these thread dont gather discussions, they simply dont. Look through the first page of the Miami Forums and look at the thread with events that have 1 through 5 posts on them they will give you an example of what I am talking about.


Okay, I challenge you this. Go through the first 3-10 pages (however many it takes) of the Miami forum. Take out all the "promotion-only" threads with, say, fewer than 8 replies (not including bumps), tell me what discussions there would be left on the front page. Then tell me what is the most recent post on those threads.

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Guest pod

Are dance clubs done in this country? In some ways, yes. But in others, no. It's the market sorting itself out. Dance music was "the next big" thing for popular culture for awhile, but then it got pushed off to the side, when hip-hop became resurgent in the club scene. So all those dance clubs had to retool for hip-hop. A few strong venues manage still, to survive on doing a largely dance-oriented format. And yeah, even some of those have hip-hop rooms to subsidize any losses from a dance crowd.

Frankly, I don't need 935743205734798 venues playing dance music. Give me 3 or 4 solid venues I can go to on a regular basis that draw the crowd I want and play the music I want, and I'm happy. And be technically up to snuff, too. I can't work in a black box with Radio Shack speakers and lighting by Target.

But I'm digressing. What you see here is merely a reflection of the dance and club society as a whole. It's not my job to generate content for this forum. My job is to moderate and maintain the forums here, provide technical and administrative know-how for CJ as a whole, and run around town taking photos at selected events.

Right now, this site is in a transition phase. I can't really talk about a lot of what we're doing, but things are happening.

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Guest Floribel

I obviously wasn't on here for the old great CJ, but I personally come to read the flyers and see what is going on around Miami. I wouldn't have known about half of the events I've attended if it wasn't for all of the 'annoying' flyers people want to get rid off. Not everyone in Miami is a connected promoter or club business person that personally knows what's going on around town.

/ my .2 cents

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Guest thelurker

I obviously wasn't on here for the old great CJ, but I personally come to read the flyers and see what is going on around Miami. I wouldn't have known about half of the events I've attended if it wasn't for all of the 'annoying' flyers people want to get rid off. Not everyone in Miami is a connected promoter or club business person that personally knows what's going on around town.

/ my .2 cents


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Guest LeVeL

I obviously wasn't on here for the old great CJ, but I personally come to read the flyers and see what is going on around Miami. I wouldn't have known about half of the events I've attended if it wasn't for all of the 'annoying' flyers people want to get rid off. Not everyone in Miami is a connected promoter or club business person that personally knows what's going on around town.

/ my .2 cents

Which is why there should be an Events Room, where a clubber or someone looking for an event can go an see..

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Guest dre4

this is the best board in the nation. damn the people in miami are spoiled-first they complain all day about their night life, which is the best in the nation and up there in the world, then they bitch about the most active board i've seen anywhere. the spam doesn't bother me. as the posters above said, you find out about events and become infatuated with all the comedy/drama on here.

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Guest pod

Too much hassle to tack on yet another forum, nevermind I'd be spending half my day moving shit to this new forum since people are used to posting their events here.

Easier to just leave it here, scan it for TOS violations and act accordingly if needed.

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Too much hassle to tack on yet another forum, nevermind I'd be spending half my day moving shit to this new forum since people are used to posting their events here.

Easier to just leave it here, scan it for TOS violations and act accordingly if needed.

laziness rules.

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Guest pod

Not laziness, it's expediency. See all those sections to the right side of your screen? I have to worry about them nowadays too. Clubs and Galleries taking up most of the time. Forums after that.

Running a website is hard work.

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