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Should the Miami Forums infrastructure change...

Guest LeVeL

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2. CJ needs more than 4 or 5 clubs to survive

Not to kiss and tell, but 4 or 5 clubs give us 90 percent of our business.

The old 80/20 rule

20% of your clients makes you 80% of the profit.

Then there is the 80/20/100 rule

80% of profit comes from 20% of the clients which in turns gives you a 100% chance of going under.

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Guest pod

You know who our "big boys" are, it's not "ova" for them by a long shot. A few of them have the chutzpah and tenacity to stick around for the long term.

We establish relationships with clubs and businessmen, not styles of music. Yeah, there's a dance music slant, but that's the way things lie right now.

If the indie-rock infection actually made money for us, there'd be ads here and there for that sort of thing.

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Guest ICON

i think CJ is doing a fine job.. What else can they do? There is more to life than clubbing til noon the next day.

I just hope this place doesnt turn into a Trance Addict type environment.... Now that FLTA board sucks.

I dont consider an event announcement / flyer SPAM.

I consider shit like this from the SPAM Bots (linking to 3rd party sites) SPAM:

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Guest saintjohn
I think this board would be pretty empty without the flyers and all the spam.

And all of the DJ mixes that belong in the Music Junkies forum :)

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Guest klubveteran

I'm bailing on this board very very soon, just have a brother coming into town for the 1s time so I need cj for that week but after that, there is nothing remotely interesting on this site. I know Dade is bailing soon too. The board didn't evolve,

say it aint so legend! :o CJ will fold once this happens. say it aint soooooo

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Guest ramon

We could use a better search function. But I guess nobody uses it, anyway.

dan is well aware how much the current search function sucks.

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Guest endymion

We could use a better search function. But I guess nobody uses it, anyway.

dan is well aware how much the current search function sucks.

And so is the guy who started this forum in 2002, who is still here to help but who still has no budget to proceed with improvements.

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Guest coach

We could use a better search function. But I guess nobody uses it, anyway.

dan is well aware how much the current search function sucks.

I know, but it's still fun to give him shit about it.

Honestly, the way I would suggest fixing it is just to remove it.

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Guest pod

cool junkie should get that bot that posts articles up like on the cp miami board

No. No fucking way. Abso-fucking-loutely not. No.

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Guest coach

cool junkie should get that bot that posts articles up like on the cp miami board

No. No fucking way. Abso-fucking-loutely not. No.

Shoot me. Shoot me now.
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Guest j.

i studied philosophy

im not a social person

i need music & personal dance connection without words to get highly lost once in a while

i dont used to go out when i was younger. i bought the renaissance mix collection of dave seaman in 96' and kept running miles and miles fully transported

if it wasnt for this crappy forum, i'll never find out that the same guy was about to play this friday and for instance im going to be enjoying it!!

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Guest pod

OK see, it works then.

I'll still let people post their events here as long as it stays within the guidelines of the forum.

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I'm bailing on this board very very soon, just have a brother coming into town for the 1s time so I need cj for that week but after that, there is nothing remotely interesting on this site. I know Dade is bailing soon too. The board didn't evolve,

say it aint so legend! :o CJ will fold once this happens. say it aint soooooo


i say have marlon become a mod and add a sex junkie chat.... and then watch the shit get interesting again ;D

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Guest pod

I hope you're kidding, Bling-Blong.

One of the things that we've generally prided ourselves over on this specific forum is the quality of the posts we attract. Now, promotional threads (within the specified rules) excepted, the threads and posts we do get tend to be thought provoking, sometimes controversial, and certainly talked about.

I'm out there in the field a few nights a week, every week of the year, for the past seven years now. And since we started the forums section here in 2003, there hasn't been a week that has gone by, where I'm not addressed in person by someone who posts or lurks here, specifically about the content someone posts here. Whether it be the true identity of an alter ego, rumors, plots and intrigues of the club scene, or just general party info, people do ask me repeatedly about what goes on here. Now, if this was just a free-for-all noisefest of porn, drug talk, pusher numbers, and bot posts, we wouldn't be having this. Quality kids, not quantity.

I've said this before, and I'll say it a million times more, if you want a forum catering to sex, porn, and drugs, you can get webhosting for $5/month, a domain for $20 for like 3 years, and SMF (successor software to YaBB) for free. It takes about 20 minutes to set up, and then raid USENET for Bangbus ripoffs to your heart's content.

I'm all for fucking and pornography, lord knows I know way too much about porn, and the girls I keep company with are what the people in the Old West called 'fallen flowers', but this one forum is one thing I try to keep organized, and yes I take a little pride in the fact that the fact that it is 'safe' for industry professionals and clubgoers alike to hold stimulating and intelligent dialogue about clubs, music, parties, and the scene, and that the aforementioned people do come here to discuss as such.

We've done the math, and the social engineering here is something we've worked at over the years to keep this forum going. Yeah, it's not perfect, after all, the admins and mods are only human, but at the end of the day, I will say bar none we have a quality community here, that a lot of clubs around welcome with open arms, and extend courtesies beyond what some celebrities even get?

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Guest pod

I know, but it gave me an opening to say something that's been on my mind anyways, so thank you for that. 8)

Since Nick departed these fair shores, this site on a day-to-day operational level has largely fallen to me to take care of. It's not a walk in the park, that's for damn sure. But every day, I do try to keep our original level of quality event listings, content, and forum postings up. Sure, there's sites out there in clubland that get more traffic than we do, but I will say with no reservations or sense of shame, that their community spirit and community quality is nonexistent, or of a debatable quality at best. No one runs around Miami claiming to be part of site XYZ's 'community', since frankly it just plain doesn't exist in 9 out of 10 cases.

But again, I'm out there a few nights a week, and there's never a lack of people who will introduce themselves to me for the first time as a CJ member, or any number of CJ members I'll see at various venues scattered throughout South Florida, and they're more than readily willing to identify themselves as such.

Am I patting ourselves on the back here? By all means, yes. CJ staffers past and present, and CJ members past and present have made this all happen. Hell, not for nothing but I'd say this board has been responsible for several serious and not so serious personal relationships, and a marriage or three, even.

And at the end of the day, it's due to the way we've been running things. We're not sticks in the mud, certainly, and I'm glad Level has bought this subject up. I'm always willing to listen to reasonable suggestions from any of you guys. Level's been on a roll lately, he's had some good topics.

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Guest endymion

I installed this forum years ago (in late 2002, Pod; the Feb 2003 start date was because we purged a few months on purpose in Feb 2003) and I've been begging for the green light to upgrade it ever since. We upgraded it only one time, just before our 2004 WMC CoolJunkie 2.0 site redesign. The search bugs have been fixed in the forum software for years, and a few hours of software upgrade work could have fixed it two years ago. This site supposedly graduated from a garage startup operation to a commercial media product in 2005 when we sold it. The pitch from the new owners was that we would now have a budget so that we could grow and innovate even faster.

A very minor photo gallery renovation is the only project that ever actually got off the ground. I've done a few volunteer hacks over the last few years for free just as a member of the community, but I have clients who pay me, I have to focus on them. That's the state of innovation at CoolJunkie. A few thousand dollars here and there could have kept the innovation coming at a steady pace but that isn't what happened. I'm not saying that CoolJunkie's owners don't pay their bills, they always paid me regularly and I appreciate that. They just don't like to approve new projects.

The mere fact that this conversation is happening here on this site says something. But how long can a company rest on its laurels and let a brand coast along on momentum?

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