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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Should the Miami Forums infrastructure change...

Guest LeVeL

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Guest ramon

In my opinion, yeah I'm biased, but by and large, with the fashionista community, they're just not motivated enough to have the real battle royales that we do here.

Again, like I said earlier, I have yet to see any other forum with a real sense of community that this one does.

i can name a few but there's no need. those who know know.

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Guest pod

Well yeah, but we're generally inclusive, not exclusive. We don't discriminate around here based on musical knowledge or lack thereof.

We discriminate on drinking ability and prowess in the sack with the lovely ladies. ;D

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Guest ramon

Well yeah, but we're generally inclusive, not exclusive. We don't discriminate around here based on musical knowledge or lack thereof.

We discriminate on drinking ability and prowess in the sack with the lovely ladies. ;D

the ones i'm talking about are quite inclusive.

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Guest Sobebeats

If they're so inclusive "those who know, know" is kind of oppositional to that policy.

Not really, but I like your policy pod. Power to the ladies and to the drinking people.

We should not change the infrastructure.

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Guest ramon

If they're so inclusive "those who know, know" is kind of oppositional to that policy.

i'm not going to oust anyone that's all .. people know where i post what shirts i wear .. etc.

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Guest LaundryBar

I don't mind the business discussions, but after awhile, even that is only of interest to me, Dade, the Guerras, and a few others.

Unfortunately, a lot of people don't know or don't care to know about liquor licenses, code enforcement, PD activities, zoning laws, etc. Unless it's tied into the drama.

I'll tolerate the freebie events that Laundry Bar posts a million times a week, since even though they might be interesting, they drop below the fold since there's no drama really. Unless Stryke says "fuck it" one day, and decides to finally beat me up for calling him Greggie one too many times.

But then, we get the classics like Sasha at Bricks, El Gato before he stepped out of line by insulting me and a girl I know personally, the various times we've picked on Sr. Miami, and the perennial Club Legend and why is he still called as such discussions.

And, Jon's bump-o-rama threads :)

I appreciate that. Its a definite advantage to have a place like CJ to post up events of all kinds, and I myself have learned alot of music and events and met cool people thru this message board that I otherwise probably never would have. Thanks for your hard work POD and everyone else involved with CJ.

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Guest endymion

It pains me to see clear and concise user feedback like this go ignored:

Being a longtime CJ Member I have to say this is probably the worst I have ever seen the Miami Forums...

I *do* really think we need a NO-Bump rule like the dallasdancemusic.com site has (or had). You cannot bump your own promotion thread. Or, at the very least, only 1 bump per day. This would really lead to a more democratic front page. If people like (or hate) your party and talk about it, you get to stay "above the fold." Otherwise, buh-bye. It would also lead to more subscribers as the promoters get all their friends to sign up so they can comment on their parties.

90% of these thread dont gather discussions, they simply dont. Look through the first page of the Miami Forums and look at the thread with events that have 1 through 5 posts on them they will give you an example of what I am talking about.

...there is nothing remotely interesting on this site. I know Dade is bailing soon too. The board didn't evolve, it could have been much better, but from what I hear the powers that be in NYC are idiots.

We could use a better search function. But I guess nobody uses it, anyway.

Improving the content on the main page would attract more (and better) contributors to the forums, but that would require a little investment.

There is a bit of an underground music/art/fashion scene in Miami. It's not big, and it's not electronic (exactly), but it is definitely not served by CJ.

This thread is a gold mine of user feedback, it's a road map for where the community wants to go. I have the power to address these concerns. I can rebuild it. I have the technology.

A company with core brand supporters who are willing to invest so much time into providing valuable feedback like the above is a very lucky company. If the 80/20 rule is true, and you make 100% of your profit from your most loyal 20% of brand supporters, then it can't be good to lose your two original founders (Sarah, Nick, neither of whom is likely to be seen around here ever again) PLUS all of the core base of loyal brand supporters. If CoolJunkie's owners ignore this thread then IMHO we're well past the tipping point toward jumping the shark. That is, if CoolJunkie hasn't jumped the shark already.

Out of the original three partners who built this site, I'm the only one left here who understands how it works internally and who is willing to work on it. "Willing" but not "working" because I draw the line at putting in volunteer work on somebody elses' corporate machine when I have a waiting list of other paying customers. I keep asking myself, if my original partners have gone, and our core base is leaving, then why am I still here offering to do work on this site? Why am I still offering this faceless corporation the same discounted rates that I gave to my former partner when they won't even start the work at a discount? Why am I wasting my time reading a bunch of valuable user feedback that I will never be able to act on?

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Guest swank

It pains me to see clear and concise user feedback like this go ignored:

Being a longtime CJ Member I have to say this is probably the worst I have ever seen the Miami Forums...

I *do* really think we need a NO-Bump rule like the dallasdancemusic.com site has (or had). You cannot bump your own promotion thread. Or, at the very least, only 1 bump per day. This would really lead to a more democratic front page. If people like (or hate) your party and talk about it, you get to stay "above the fold." Otherwise, buh-bye. It would also lead to more subscribers as the promoters get all their friends to sign up so they can comment on their parties.

90% of these thread dont gather discussions, they simply dont. Look through the first page of the Miami Forums and look at the thread with events that have 1 through 5 posts on them they will give you an example of what I am talking about.

...there is nothing remotely interesting on this site. I know Dade is bailing soon too. The board didn't evolve, it could have been much better, but from what I hear the powers that be in NYC are idiots.

We could use a better search function. But I guess nobody uses it, anyway.

Improving the content on the main page would attract more (and better) contributors to the forums, but that would require a little investment.

There is a bit of an underground music/art/fashion scene in Miami. It's not big, and it's not electronic (exactly), but it is definitely not served by CJ.

This thread is a gold mine of user feedback, it's a road map for where the community wants to go. I have the power to address these concerns. I can rebuild it. I have the technology.

A company with core brand supporters who are willing to invest so much time into providing valuable feedback like the above is a very lucky company. If the 80/20 rule is true, and you make 100% of your profit from your most loyal 20% of brand supporters, then it can't be good to lose your two original founders (Sarah, Nick, neither of whom is likely to be seen around here ever again) PLUS all of the core base of loyal brand supporters. If CoolJunkie's owners ignore this thread then IMHO we're well past the tipping point toward jumping the shark. That is, if CoolJunkie hasn't jumped the shark already.

Out of the original three partners who built this site, I'm the only one left here who understands how it works internally and who is willing to work on it. "Willing" but not "working" because I draw the line at putting in volunteer work on somebody elses' corporate machine when I have a waiting list of other paying customers. I keep asking myself, if my original partners have gone, and our core base is leaving, then why am I still here offering to do work on this site? Why am I still offering this faceless corporation the same discounted rates that I gave to my former partner when they won't even start the work at a discount? Why am I wasting my time reading a bunch of valuable user feedback that I will never be able to act on?

Because.....someone has compromising pictures ? :P

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Guest saintjohn
I keep asking myself, if my original partners have gone, and our core base is leaving, then why am I still here offering to do work on this site?

I know the feeling. I've donated some articles and photos to CoolJunkie over the years, but the lack of compensation or even ackowledgement from anyone other than Pod hasn't exactly been encouraging. I would've continued to crank out weekly columns like that Mansion opening night review for fun and a little gas money, but apparently giving press releases a five-minute makeover is better than paying for original content.

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Guest endymion

I know the feeling.

We're both here out of a sense of wanting to better our community. But our community seems to have left the building.

A lot of us were in agreement about our collective vision for what this brand would become as it grew. A quality editorial media site backed by a civilized community. Exactly what people here are saying that they want. But I got paid to stop trying so hard and just about everybody else has disappeared already.

It's just a shame, that's all. A lot of hard work squandered. I spent a lot of very long all-nighters building this machine, optimistic about where it would all go when it grew up. Oh well.

Thanks for the photo of me at the first BBC Radio One, BTW. I still keep a copy of that. And your hypothetical Mansion review was my favorite article that anybody ever did for CoolJunkie.

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Guest coach

I know the feeling.

We're both here out of a sense of wanting to better our community. But our community seems to have left the building.

So, what're we gonna do about it?

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Well, if Pod wasn't such a commie pussy, take the free software, spend 8 bucks on go daddy and recreate CJ, oh in about 1 minute. Rent the server off site.

I can coral every one on here to the new board within a day.


becuz people just can't get enough of the saleen.. lol

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Guest Orls

Well, if Pod wasn't such a commie pussy, take the free software, spend 8 bucks on go daddy and recreate CJ, oh in about 1 minute. Rent the server off site.

I can coral every one on here to the new board within a day.


becuz people just can't get enough of the saleen.. lol

Yeah just a long as he keeps us up to date on his intel and stops trying to predict the future. Are you trying to change your profession? Just stick with what your good at - gossip!!

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Guest endymion

I would have set up an entire site just for Barbarino by now if I had been doing anything other than kayaking for the last two years.

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