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Should the Miami Forums infrastructure change...

Guest LeVeL

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Guest endymion

This board is so 1970's, if they won't buy new software, then just steal it! ;D

The software upgrade for the forums is free. It's open/free software that has become very slick over the years since we installed it. They won't even approve a project to install a free update.

I have always had much cooler and more useful innovations in mind than just a theme change. I have big ideas and a proven record. It's absolutely crazy, in a time when nobody can find a qualified web developer anywhere, for me to be sitting here begging for permission to maintain and advance this site at a steeply discounted rate. I'm getting bored, sitting around waiting for a green light that never comes.

Track would have shut this site off the day that we signed the closing papers if not for the fact that CoolJunkie is a directly profitable web site. They weren't buying something that they wanted to develop into something bigger, they were paying the competition to stop trying so hard. Even now they would kill it in a second if they could but they can't because it's profitable.

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Guest saintjohn
But how long can a company rest on its laurels and let a brand coast along on momentum?

Maybe we should ask the folks at 360HipHop.com. Oh, that's right, we can't. Despite the support of investors like Russell Simmons, "the ultimate hip-hop destination on the web" failed to live up to it's own hype and died.

I think the relatively recent influx of promoters who see this site as a source of potential revenue, not as a community, might have something to do with the fact that CoolJunkie's distant overlords seem view it the same way.

Improving the content on the main page would attract more (and better) contributors to the forums, but that would require a little investment.

Banner ads aren't the answer.

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Guest saintjohn
It's absolutely crazy, in a time when nobody can find a qualified web developer anywhere, for me to be sitting here begging for permission to maintain and advance this site at a steeply discounted rate.

Now THAT is fucked up.

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Guest LeVeL
It's absolutely crazy, in a time when nobody can find a qualified web developer anywhere, for me to be sitting here begging for permission to maintain and advance this site at a steeply discounted rate.

Now THAT is fucked up.

I agree..being that the upgrade is free anyways it should not really matter but it does to them.

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Guest saintjohn

I just wish your bosses would give you the freedom and budget to make this site everything it could be - including being really, really, ridiculously profitable.

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Guest endymion

I just wish your bosses would give you the freedom and budget to make this site everything it could be - including being really, really, ridiculously profitable.

Yes exactly, me too.

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i hope this thread was started as a joke. if not someone has there emotions way to invested in a disscuion board. this a board for info of all types so read what you want and ignore the rest, get out more. and no edm is not dead or the club scene it was just handed over to the wrong types, personally i thought miami was always to hyped being that i live here, i enjoyed groovejet and every since really just sparce events, but there is way solid stuff going on i was acutally amazed on how many solid events are coming up.

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Guest coach

You know, looking over some of the other choices for nightlife forums, you'd have to say that CJ really isn't that bad. The interface is usable and clean enough. And the amount of promotional posts is proportional to most others. Less than some.

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Guest pod

This is true. Again, not to self-congratulate too much, but we've been consistently praised for running an organized ship around here.

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Guest swank

I am glad that some of the people responsible or directly in touch with the owners of this site have spoken their opinions...this might mean that changes are not too far off in the future since it is only a matter of time before they (the owners) read this thread.

Sometimes when I check how many people are actually viewing the board (Miami), the number averages between 10-35...sometimes less, sometimes more but I've never seen 125 users and 500 Guests/Lurkers. How profitable can "Want Tickets Events" and Banner Ads from the same 5 clubs be?

Where did the Restaurants,Hair Salons, Clothing Stores/Brands,Auto Leasing, Banks, Electronic Retailers, and all of the other resources that cater to this demographic go?

Where are the Sponsored by (insert major corporate sponsor here) banners. They will never come to a board that has a million hits from 50 members whining,complaining, and insulting each other during their work periods to kill time. Major sponsors want to see numbers...I don't think these numbers will cut it.

CJ needs a membership drive and to get involved in EVERY club,restaurant or retail resource event in their respective territories and in turn interact with the community in general. Website optimization so that anyone 'googling' hits the site for more than one reason. Get back in front of people and give them a reason to participate in your business. Please let the 'civilians' in...

Half the battle has already been fought, now finish it off or else the next kid on the block will be here to take your place...

my $0.02

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I am glad that some of the people responsible or directly in touch with the owners of this site have spoken their opinions...this might mean that changes are not too far off in the future since it is only a matter of time before they (the owners) read this thread.

Sometimes when I check how many people are actually viewing the board (Miami), the number averages between 10-35...sometimes less, sometimes more but I've never seen 125 users and 500 Guests/Lurkers. How profitable can "Want Tickets Events" and Banner Ads from the same 5 clubs be?

Where did the Restaurants,Hair Salons, Clothing Stores/Brands,Auto Leasing, Banks, Electronic Retailers, and all of the other resources that cater to this demographic go?

Where are the Sponsored by (insert major corporate sponsor here) banners. They will never come to a board that has a million hits from 50 members whining,complaining, and insulting each other during their work periods to kill time. Major sponsors want to see numbers...I don't think these numbers will cut it.

CJ needs a membership drive and to get involved in EVERY club,restaurant or retail resource event in their respective territories and in turn interact with the community in general. Website optimization so that anyone 'googling' hits the site for more than one reason. Get back in front of people and give them a reason to participate in your business. Please let the 'civilians' in...

Half the battle has already been fought, now finish it off or else the next kid on the block will be here to take your place...

my $0.02



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Guest pod

At the end of the day, CJ is the 'boutique' brand of this organization. We'll list every club and every event we possibly can, but being we're the upper-crust brand, certain advertisers and featured events just wouldn't be appropriate for the site, and are directed to other divisions where they would fit in better. At the end of the day, the cash all ends up in the same bank account anyway.

For example, we'll take an ad from say, Space, or Gryphon, but would think twice about an ad from club XYZ promoting Big-Booty-Fest 2K7, hosted by Trick Daddy. We'd send Trick Daddy over to CP, or maybe Nochelatina too.

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Guest swank

At the end of the day, CJ is the 'boutique' brand of this organization. We'll list every club and every event we possibly can, but being we're the upper-crust brand, certain advertisers and featured events just wouldn't be appropriate for the site, and are directed to other divisions where they would fit in better. At the end of the day, the cash all ends up in the same bank account anyway.

For example, we'll take an ad from say, Space, or Gryphon, but would think twice about an ad from club XYZ promoting Big-Booty-Fest 2K7, hosted by Trick Daddy. We'd send Trick Daddy over to CP, or maybe Nochelatina too.

Understandable but...what about a membership drive...? And attracting 'real' money to the website....

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Guest LeVeL

Where are the Sponsored by (insert major corporate sponsor here) banners. They will never come to a board that has a million hits from 50 members whining,complaining, and insulting each other during their work periods to kill time.

U made a major point about the sponsors or banner ads, I have asked that question myself, but I remember when Cooljunkie first started they hardly even had banners ad's, in the past year or two I have seen an increase in banners ad's and sponsors, yeah CJ can do better but it's 1 step at a time and after seeing how they were before to the way they are in that perspective as far as banners and sponsors, CJ is doing better than before.

But as far as the community involved in the forums in concerned Swank, FYI this is a discussions board and your going to get differences in opinions,views ect. I dont think half of the members on CJ would of joined the forums if it was not due, for one day having a disagreement with someone on here, an wanting to state your point of view in perspective to the thread conversation.

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Guest pod

Oh for sure. I've lost count of how many lurkers have said 'fuck it', and set up an account to voice their opinion on a matter that the were interested in.

As far as a membership drive? I don't know. At the end of the day, there's certain things about this site that aren't my decision. I don't own it, I run it for somebody.

Do I want more members? Of course. I'd love for them to participate too, and not just lurk. We get new members all the time, the trick is drawing them out to speak their minds, and honestly, sometimes a controversial thread will get them to do that. Personally, I can't stand 'me too' posts, i.e. "hey guys i'm new here i'm going to Space, see you there!" But that's just me.

And as far as getting people on here, well, we do that anyways. Anytime myself, or as of late, Jipsy (who covers a whole 'nother demographic than me) takes someone's photo and hands them a card, they're gonna come to the site. Hopefully they'll post.

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Guest corradi

Being a longtime CJ Member I have to say this is probably the worst I have ever seen the Miami Forums...

It has become a board full of clutter which consists of nothing but club events and fliers being announced by promoters.

The definition of a forum is a discussion board a place where people can discuss things and being the Miami Junkies I understand that the purpose of this room in particular is to discuss nightlife based in Miami but when u don’t have discussions an 20 something threads are being started by promoters who post their events and all your getting from your community is probably 1 or 2 posts out of them.

I think its not essential to have threads like that clutter the Miami room' date=' when you can specifically set a room for Event's where the promoters can go wild with event postings, a place where forums visitors can go too, to look for an event.

Why not separate one from the other, why have promoters clutter the Miami Forums with event postings that wont gather discussions between members, I don’t get it.


OOOPS!! I'm a clutterer.... and have no friends :'(

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Guest swank

Where are the Sponsored by (insert major corporate sponsor here) banners. They will never come to a board that has a million hits from 50 members whining' date='complaining, and insulting each other during their work periods to kill time.


U made a major point about the sponsors or banner ads, I have asked that question myself, but I remember when Cooljunkie first started they hardly even had banners ad's, in the past year or two I have seen an increase in banners ad's and sponsors, yeah CJ can do better but it's 1 step at a time and after seeing how they were before to the way they are in that perspective as far as banners and sponsors, CJ is doing better than before.

But as far as the community involved in the forums in concerned Swank, FYI this is a discussions board and your going to get differences in opinions,views ect. I dont think half of the members on CJ would of joined the forums if it was not due, for one day having a disagreement with someone on here, an wanting to state your point of view in perspective to the thread conversation.

I actually love debate, when it is done in a constructive manner. I am VERY accepting of others opinions but probably less tolerant of pure 'ignorance'...and what I mean by that is I dis-like when people put forward their opinions as law...

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