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Should we reinvigorate CoolJunkie?

Guest endymion

Do you, a member of our community, want to us to update CoolJunkie's technology and design?  

  1. 1. Do you, a member of our community, want to us to update CoolJunkie's technology and design?

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Guest endymion

We have long-time community members and loyal supporters of CoolJunkie openly telling us that CoolJunkie no longer serves them. It doesn't serve me either. I'm the software developer who built CoolJunkie's technology, and I'm begging to help. I'm still waiting for authorization to begin making improvements.

I want to serve the nightlife community by making CoolJunkie a better place. What do you guys think should happen?

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Guest swank

As I've been told in the past..."Hope is not a good enough business plan"

So hopefully you are trolling for info to put in a business plan that you would like to present to the powers that may be. Sometimes that's the only way to get their attention for the 30 seconds required to say..."HEY!!! we can increase revenue or interest, or awareness, or press, from this project, you interested?"

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Guest endymion

well what are your ideas???

making it "better" is highly subjective

I agree. I would start by addressing some of the concrete concerns from the feedback that we're getting:

Being a longtime CJ Member I have to say this is probably the worst I have ever seen the Miami Forums...

I *do* really think we need a NO-Bump rule like the dallasdancemusic.com site has (or had). You cannot bump your own promotion thread. Or, at the very least, only 1 bump per day. This would really lead to a more democratic front page. If people like (or hate) your party and talk about it, you get to stay "above the fold." Otherwise, buh-bye. It would also lead to more subscribers as the promoters get all their friends to sign up so they can comment on their parties.

90% of these thread dont gather discussions, they simply dont. Look through the first page of the Miami Forums and look at the thread with events that have 1 through 5 posts on them they will give you an example of what I am talking about.

...there is nothing remotely interesting on this site. I know Dade is bailing soon too. The board didn't evolve, it could have been much better, but from what I hear the powers that be in NYC are idiots.

We could use a better search function. But I guess nobody uses it, anyway.

Improving the content on the main page would attract more (and better) contributors to the forums, but that would require a little investment.

There is a bit of an underground music/art/fashion scene in Miami. It's not big, and it's not electronic (exactly), but it is definitely not served by CJ.

Simply upgrading the forum software would go a long way toward addressing some of these, like "the search feature is broken", I could add limitations on promoter thread bumping, new specialized forums that people are requesting. With Jipsy around we have the potential to appeal more to the art/fashion crowd, for example. And why not a whole specialized forum for Barbarino's prophesies? He has so many of them and they're extremely accurate on average, why don't we reward and encourage him more? Somebody requested MySpace video embedding to go along with the YouTube tag and I could do that, but I already did the YouTube hack as a volunteer, I'm not going to just keep updating the site for free.

I also have had ideas for directions to take the forums since before we even started CoolJunkie, that I was in the process of implementing while we were building CoolJunkie and that I have been proposing ever since. Specific ways to redesign the forums to make the community more a part of the evolution of the site. I don't understand why that project isn't happening.

Pod used a poll to justify some T-shirts. Maybe I can use a poll to justify fixing some of what's broken around here.

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Guest myles hie

What are you trying to change, the message board part or the actual site and its content? Even though its all under the Cool Junkie umbrella, its 2 seperate entities imo.

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Guest meta

what about eliminating first time posters that come here to just posting up an event. They post up here don't get a response and never come back sometimes. They really don't see what this forum is all about.

Also how about the double posting of events. I know i have runned into it in my day but when i coordinate it with someone, either one of us deletes the duplicated thread.

Just my 2 cents.

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One huge suggestion i have is this.....

On the BBS board you have a control panel that lists the "subscriptions" you have to the threads you've posted on. This is an excellent feature because if you post in some random thread, you want to go back to keep the conversation going. I feel a lot of threads die because people might not remember what thread they posted on. Happens to me all the time. Sometimes i don't even bother replying because of this reason.

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Guest JustDade

What this board needs is new blood. CJ needs to get more members....younger members....who are fresh and forward-looking. It's become the same few people, who don't go out a lot, whining about everything. How about some marketing?

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Guest ramon

What this board needs is new blood. CJ needs to get more members....younger members....who are fresh and forward-looking. It's become the same few people, who don't go out a lot, whining about everything. How about some marketing?

i'm with you on that dade. new blood who will be ready to carry the torch :)

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Guest pod

I think what part of the issue is here, is that we can be a little intimidating. This is the "big kids" table, after all, and yeah, the community does tend to draw and quarter anyone who steps out of line. But it is what it is.

And yes, I know that some of you have called me, in passing, a ball-buster or worse in regards to my moderation policies. Now, I'm not gonna change my mod policies, but I still welcome all new users, regardless of age, with open arms.

From mine and other perspectives, our policies really aren't that bad. Sure, I'm not gonna let this turn into a porn board, but at the same time, I'd like to think it's pretty open around here for the most part.

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Guest LeVeL

I dont think many changes need to be made but changes do need to happen.

A lot of people in the past have requested certain things but go unnoticed, the thing that bothers me and I know others too, is that this is a discussion board and and I know its our responsibility to apply material to the board in order for others to get involved but new point of views need to be heard. There are just too many people on cooljunkie who are clones of each other and most of those clones are the promoters, they are just ruining the Miami Board quite frankly, just look at the San Juan, NY, Chicago, Philly and LA Junkies for example.

There is no discussions going on in those boards, its nothing but event postings and flyer postings of events. There is nothing in those boards that would attract anyone to post, which is why you see such low traffic in them.

The only reason the Miami Boards is different is because most of us are from the South Florida area and have been posting since the beginning and some of us have grown away from the clubbing scene, so a lot of us have a lot in common since we're in a certain age bracket and can speak of different issues affecting the Miami Area.

Which is why I am saying that an events board be started that way people visiting can view the updated events that happen weekly through the Miami area and promoters can go crazy providing their events. Event posting dont really attract posting unless its drama regarding a new dj being hired or LP deciding to close Space. But other than that its silly post's like, " Have the Jager ready", Rock the Room Dj So and So ect..

Yes the search function would be nice, that way you can directly look for a thread without having to browse the different rooms and threads.

As far as new blood being needed yes, we need that too..there are just too many clones in this community. Pod does go out more than anyone in the board, thats a fact but your job is the reason for it. Anybody that goes out more than you is heading towards a date in rehab or is about to be fired from his job or is simply a few steps away from being homeless.

Most of us here work throughout the week and party in the weekend, other's work in the industry.

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Guest pod

That's what Dade means. For those of us who haven't decided to make nightlife our business, going out is a rarer and rarer thing as one gets older.

Generally, things like the job, kids, etc, "get in the way" of going out, and that's fine. Life happens, as they say. Clubland is fantasy, an escape. Those who work in it, or for support industries like I do, are "in it" 24/7. However, the key to surviving in that is to realize that at the end of the day, it's an escape for people. The industry is my life, but I tend to not let it rule my life.

Hence, the need for "new people" We need the kids, it's that simple. The ones who have the free time and no obligations. The ones that are out a few nights a week.

The issue we're facing right now is that the market for the clubs we're into is smaller than it was. There's a lot of clubs, but again, being we're the 'boutique' brand, there's certain people whom this forum is not meant to be for. I'm not talking music, race, or anything like that either. If anything, the sorting factor here is generally intelligence.

In case you haven't noticed, the most active members of the community are the most well-written and well-spoken ones. They tell me I write well. I'll say Dade does to. Barbarino, for all his faults, does. As does TJ, Trancepriest, you (Level), and so forth.

I would say that, as a community, our goal should be to attract the younger, intelligent crowd to these forums. I don't care if they listen to hip-hop, dance, indie rock, or country. Let's reel 'em in.

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Guest brasiliandrunk

why dont you do like the nightclubs and flyer around saying about cooljunkie.... everyone on this board is like 25 or older I think?

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Guest pod

I did a poll recently, and our average age is 25-34, with the bias leaning to an older crowd.

I don't advocate ageism on this forum. The only thing I really ask for from posters is civility and a modicum of intelligence.

Posting "me too", or a middle-finger-smiley, well, that's just being annoying.

It is a tricky balance, of promoting this forum, but attracting the people we want to participate.

I can't, and don't want to throw open the doors and let this become a free-for-all.

Frankly, I've put six years of my life into this website, and it's a point of pride for me that we've maintained a great image.

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