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What attracted you to CJ? and/or turned you off?


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What initially attracted you to CJ? whether your a newbie or longtime member?

1. one place to find out whats going on

2. djs and owners post and read the boards so you feel like your part of the "in crowd"

3. Music Junkies (downloading all those sets)

4. drama, drama and more drama

For those longtime members in particular what made you stop coming to the site for the most part and posting regularly

1. grew out of the scene

2. the boards are not as tight knit as the used to be?

3. Tired of Barbarino's racist remarks or Bling's spamming and Deep house whoring ;D

4. Pod's "take no shit" mod attitude?

5. Stopped caring about EDM in general

6. work, work and more work

7. kids

8 most recently (too much promoter spam)


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what attracted me to CJ was the spinoffs mostly and the fact that people from cp posted here also so i joined cj after i was on cp for a while

what i notice about CJ know and understandable because i too am going thru this.. lots of the old timers. the ones near my age range dont post or go out as much..... understandable

i def agree that we need new faces to keep cj alive...

POD cant go on taking pics at clubs forever either :P

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Guest Ryan EliteEnt

What initially attracted you to CJ? whether your a newbie or longtime member?

1. one place to find out whats going on

2. djs and owners post and read the boards so you feel like your part of the "in crowd"

3. Music Junkies (downloading all those sets)

4. drama, drama and more drama

For those longtime members in particular what made you stop coming to the site for the most part and posting regularly

1. grew out of the scene

2. the boards are not as tight knit as the used to be?

3. Tired of Barbarino's racist remarks or Bling's spamming and Deep house whoring ;D

4. Pod's "take no shit" mod attitude?

5. Stopped caring about EDM in general

6. work, work and more work

7. kids

8 most recently (too much promoter spam)


Attracted me to CJ:

4. drama, drama and more drama

Made me stop coming to the site and posting regularly:

6. work, work and more work

And less Drama, I say we need more Barbarino's on this board.

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Guest colione98


1: What intially got me into reading and occaionally posting was just being able to open up the forums and observing what's going down in club land...

(a) I don't mind the promoter spams.. But i do think there needs to be an "advertisement" section-

4: Although I don't partake, some of the drama is good... Keeps the passion alive; even though it may sometimes be forced ::)

What will keep me coming back? See answer 1....

As for POD- he is just doing his job more so than before..... from what i've noticed.... getting into the mix of things and not minding his business...(play on words- i guess this is his business) :P

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Guest pod

POD cant go on taking pics at clubs forever either :P

Shut your whore mouth when the men are talking. :o

No lie Bling-Blong, I'll most likely still be involved in clubland when your kids are old enough to go.

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Guest hiram

ive been on CJ for longer than ive actually been a registered user. its the once place you can actually find out about what goes on behind the scenes of the club world and find out about events besides seeing flyers being thrown on the floor in the hallways of school

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Guest endymion

What I get from all of this is that what CoolJunkie was about was the characters who hung out here. You learn a lot more from Pod's photos of moving vans outside of a club than you do from a flyer. And you learn a lot more from Barbarino's unconfirmed rumors than from the New Times or the Sun Post or anything else. Real newspapers come and read this forum to see what HE says about the latest dirt.

CoolJunkie's value to people doesn't come from its name or the colors of the web page or the banner ads. This place is only as valuable as the people who post here. I, for one, understand that. For CoolJunkie to be better, it has to attract new, interesting people. What would we do if Barbarino hadn't found Jipsy? Pod's work was the foundation, Jipsy was the fresh new blood. Pod and CoolJunkie should both be a lot bigger by now.

I'll be banned for insurrection soon. And then what happens if we lose Barbarino too? If Pod shoots a photo in the woods and nobody is around to hear it scream, then does it make a sound?

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Guest djjoncowan

what started me was having both sarah and nick as friends who were working for me at groovejet when the concept came about.... been a supporter from way before the actual day one.....

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Guest endymion
I'll be banned for insurrection soon.

Check your messages before you get locked out :)

Yeah really, I'm all paranoid now?!?

There is way too much of the wrong kind of fear and loathing around here lately.

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Guest DJ Christian

community, honestly... the people active on here seem to be the most informed and enthusiastic creators and consumers of dance music in the area

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Guest slamminshaun

I originally came to CJ after a friend of mine up here told me about it. I think I started "lurking" right before the Tiesto "Just Be" show at Space ('04?) and started posting right around the time Hurricane Francis came through....

Not too many people where I live are into EDM and it was nice to find a community that was somewhat local where the average person's knowledge of music was years beyond my own. I've made some cool friends here, even did some business deals through CJ. I still like keeping up-to-date on the happenings down south, what's trendy and hip, and of course, debating all you no-good, slimy socialists in Junkie Chat!

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Guest endymion

I've made some cool friends here' date=' even did some business deals through CJ. I still like keeping up-to-date on the happenings down south, what's trendy and hip, and of course, debating all you no-good, slimy socialists in Junkie Chat!


Shaun, I've had a blast with our own little version of Crossfire in the chat forum. One of the ways that I knew that CoolJunkie was jumping the shark months ago was the fact that the chat forum was the only thing left on CoolJunkie that interests me. I kept my mouth shut about it in support of Nick and everything that we built together, and Pod, and the staff in the Miami office, and the handful of community members left.

This site was originally Sarah's blog. Simple as that. She focused on fashion, art, movies, music, and nightlife. Things that interested her. Other people shared her interests, and Nick and I got behind her vision with graphic design and software development and web development. When we added these forums, the focus started moving more and more toward nightlife, and we reinvented ourselves as a nightlife information source.

Jipsy is doing a great job of carrying on with Sarah's "Girl About Town" blog and she takes amazing photos. But she has a certain narrow niche of events that she covers and I don't go to them very often, so as good as her work is, it's just not enough to keep me here. Same thing with Pod's photo blog. Pod does amazing work and I have really enjoyed watching his skill level improve over the years, to the point where he's shooting album covers for international distribution now. Wow that's awesome. But Pod, like Jipsy, covers the same handful of events every week.

None of these events that CoolJunkie covers on the blog side of the site have anything to do with me. I go out to happy hours, I go out to nightclub parties, I hit special sponsored events a lot. I live right by Lincoln Road and I work there, so I'm all over, all the time. But nothing on CoolJunkie is at all relevant to me. If a venue or a promoter doesn't pay to advertise here then this site barely covers them at all. There is so much going on in Miami and so little of it is covered by CoolJunkie. I know that Space, Mansion, and the Seminole Hard Rock pay the bills, but we used to find ways to pay the bills WHILE serving the community. Our goal was to serve the community, not just to act as a host for animated banners for Cameo.

Sarah lost interest and vanished. The rumor on the street now is that CoolJunkie banned its own founder, Nick. If that's really true then we are definitely well past the tipping point, where user bans and flyer spam are more common than informative nightlife conversations and people making new friend connections.

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Guest slamminshaun

I can see where you're going. As a businessman myself, I can see a difference in perceived value among the CJ users. I've been on here about 3 years so I've been around long enough to see a "full cycle".

The first year I was on here, I'd say there was high interest among users to meet one another, post photos, post tracklists from the night, and give shout-outs to each other the next day. Hell, there was even some good hookin' up going on!

Today....hmmm....not really so much. Things go through ups and downs so this could be just a temporary downswing. CJ is not my life so I really don't pay it that much mind, but it certainly has been a source of great times!

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Guest eroc0411

what 1st drew me 2 cooljunkie was the debates... I remember the 1st topic where i threw down my 2 cents. Erick Morillo vs. Oscar g... It seems when i joined it was the beginning of the end. The best and worse things on here are V. barbarino and pod, but there also the worse things... We def need new blood. But the times that there's new kids on the playground the bully's take over... Especially if they dont agree w/ "supreme pod".. Again miami is a small town n every1 knows every1 one way or an other... This place should be more welcoming 2 other ppl's point of few...What i do think is really cool is when u have ppl like oscar g, cedric, lp, alan t, justdade posting.. It tells that the real players of the night life are part of this.

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Guest 0crystal0

Jipsy is doing a great job of carrying on with Sarah's "Girl About Town" blog and she takes amazing photos. But she has a certain narrow niche of events that she covers and I don't go to them very often, so as good as her work is, it's just not enough to keep me here. Same thing with Pod's photo blog. Pod does amazing work and I have really enjoyed watching his skill level improve over the years, to the point where he's shooting album covers for international distribution now. Wow that's awesome. But Pod, like Jipsy, covers the same handful of events every week.

None of these events that CoolJunkie covers on the blog side of the site have anything to do with me. I go out to happy hours, I go out to nightclub parties, I hit special sponsored events a lot. I live right by Lincoln Road and I work there, so I'm all over, all the time. But nothing on CoolJunkie is at all relevant to me. If a venue or a promoter doesn't pay to advertise here then this site barely covers them at all. There is so much going on in Miami and so little of it is covered by CoolJunkie. I know that Space, Mansion, and the Seminole Hard Rock pay the bills, but we used to find ways to pay the bills WHILE serving the community. Our goal was to serve the community, not just to act as a host for animated banners for Cameo.

you and pod have both said we have some very well written people on this board. what about having guest writers that cover other topics/events than pod and jipsy. i am sure there would be volunteers. heck some of the restaurant reviews in teh food section alone could fill a section.

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Guest endymion

you and pod have both said we have some very well written people on this bored.

Yes we do, and I want to encourage them and reward them. "Bored", Freudian slip?

heck some of the restaurant reviews in teh food section alone could fill a section.

I feel like I let the restaurant people down on a promise. The foodies have done an amazing job of building something with value and a purpose. I go there as an information source, the photos and videos from Barton G were excellent! I thought that we were about to renovate and promote that section more prominently, and I went off and happily announced to Michelle that she was about to be moderating a much cooler foodie section. I think that was in June.

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Guest 0crystal0

you and pod have both said we have some very well written people on this bored.

Yes we do, and I want to encourage them and reward them. "Bored", Freudian slip?

fixed. and maybe it was Freudian maybe it was just too early. I have been here very long and don't participate as i should so don't have too much room to complain.

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