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What attracted you to CJ? and/or turned you off?


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Guest lulamishka

heck some of the restaurant reviews in teh food section alone could fill a section.

I feel like I let the restaurant people down on a promise. The foodies have done an amazing job of building something with value and a purpose. I go there as an information source, the photos and videos from Barton G were excellent! I thought that we were about to renovate and promote that section more prominently, and I went off and happily announced to Michelle that she was about to be moderating a much cooler foodie section. I think that was in June.

Aw Tech, I know its out of your hands. I'm happy that we at least have a forum finally. :)

And yea, I think it was around June that you said that.

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Guest pod

What attracted me to the site initially, before Nick and I established the formal photo section was the emphasis of quality over quantity. Too often, I would traverse other forums in various communities, and my biggest gripe was sorting through a lot of trash to get to the meat and potatoes. The mods and admins were not moderating and administrating. You'd get 3925473273297 threads not on topic, and one thread that was on topic. And the people running those shops didn't seem to care one bit. They were content on letting their rep and brand name be sullied by rogue users.

In the past, I've been accused of perhaps moderating too much. At the end of the day though, it did all come together to form a coherent and respectable brand and online community, and maybe I'm guilty of overweening pride, but I would consider our operational model to be good example about keeping things running.

Do I like moving stuff and deleting threads? Not really, it's annoying. Do I like banning people? No, but if I have to move, delete, and ban to maintain a coherent brand that the general public and clients alike can respect, utilize, and appreciate, I'll do it all over again to the tenth power in order to get things done. And I have no regrets operating in that fashion.

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Guest jamu

Dirty Lexx turned me on to Cool Junkie. Since then I have made a great amount of friends and meet some amazing people in the industry.

But I have to say that Slammin Shaun keeps me coming back for more then just the Miami Gossip.

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Guest coach

What initially attracted you to CJ? whether your a newbie or longtime member?

1. one place to find out whats going on

This was almost exclusively it. You did forget to include #5) Getting to know people. I joined CJ (& the old CP) before actually moving to Miami so that I could get to know some people and know what was going on. It worked out well. Met a bunch of great folks and have had a good time.
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Guest endymion

I don't think you're paranoid.

Dammit, you fuckers better call me before the revolution starts.

Don't worry. The revolution will be televised. ...listed in Google.

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Guest Floribel

I came to CJ when I moved to Miami mainly to find out about events and meet people. It's worked fairly well on both aspects so far.

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Turn ons...

1) Find out where the good parties are

2) Guest lists

3) Make friends with people that enjoy the same music

Turn offs...

1) Hasnt changed much since I joined in 2003

2) Blings spam is really annoying. Nobody wants to hear your life story, thats what blogs and real frienships are for. Nor do we want to see BS photos that only you think are funny. Sorry, Blingers.

3) Nickjunkie being banned...WTF?!

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Guest slamminshaun

3) Nickjunkie being banned...WTF?!

What? Is this a joke? Did he post something nasty that I missed?

I asked the same thing and nobody seems to know (or is unwilling to say). Anyone want to place bets on who gets banned next?

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Guest coach

3) Nickjunkie being banned...WTF?!

What? Is this a joke? Did he post something nasty that I missed?

I asked the same thing and nobody seems to know (or is unwilling to say). Anyone want to place bets on who gets banned next?

We're talking about the Nick that used to work at CJ, right? Not the one who just posts drama? Nickjunkie is still listed as a Mod here, did he ban himself? How do we know he is banned?
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Guest endymion

3) Nickjunkie being banned...WTF?!

What? Is this a joke? Did he post something nasty that I missed?

I asked the same thing and nobody seems to know (or is unwilling to say). Anyone want to place bets on who gets banned next?

We're talking about the Nick that used to work at CJ, right? Not the one who just posts drama? Nickjunkie is still listed as a Mod here, did he ban himself? How do we know he is banned?

Answers, in order:

Yes. Correct. Yeah he is, that's odd. And this is how.

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Guest RzO

I was attracted by the name of the website at first. I found it the week before the cj spinoff 03 at space. I went that nite and have been here ever since. Lurked for quite a while, but obviously have said a few things by now.

The website at first was just an information source, then the forums obviously have led to meeting alot of really cool people. That is saying alot since most internet communities don't know each other to the extent that alot of us on here do. I think that says alot about the people, as well as the site.

I really have no turnoffs besides some of the petty things mentioned by others. With all this stuff going on with nick and the site is something to take note of, but i know that the people dedicated to this site will help to fix any of the issues, there are some very good minds in this bunch, especially at the mod level, I think good things are coming soon ;)

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Guest Cosmigonon

2) Blings spam is really annoying. Nobody wants to hear your life story, thats what blogs and real frienships are for. Nor do we want to see BS photos that only you think are funny. Sorry, Blingers.

I'm gonna have to agre with this one.

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Guest LadyJ

I started coming because of RzO and POD taking pics. but he never puts my pics up. Never in 2+ years have I caught my pic on here :( I know I don't check everytime but the ones I really want never seem to make it.

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Guest RzO

drunk...no way, we don't drink around here. One of these days ill actually remember a picture, instead if oh wow look at that pic, i wonder when that happened...

as far as cj goes, I already said most of what i had to say, but i truthfully think the people on here are what makes it, message boards get so mundane with faceless names posting things, here for the most part we know who each other are.

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Guest redcommibastard

for what its worth - I say - Live and let live...or in this case - Post and let Post !

there is plenty of room for all of us - you wanna be involved in news and drama - go for it .... a lot of us also want to be in the know about quality upcoming events - and there is nothing wrong with that either - to each its own so let CJ evolve with the times and the people - Just the same way we all embrace and adapt to the ever-changing reality of the world around us - respect the old school and welcome the new wave!

...something along those lines :)

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Guest LadyJ

I edit. You're probably intercepting me either when I'm sober and useless or drunk and distracted.

Thanks for the smile this morning. That quote I am sooo using in my lifetime. I am still laughing

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Guest Clubhopper11

Well I am pretty new to this board, as you can see by my number of posts but I do lurk a lot for updates on upcoming events.

As for CJ in general, what attracted me, and still attracts me is the fact that nowadays CJ is perhaps the only "lifeline" I have as far as what's going on in the EDM community here in Miami. I feel bad for saying it because there was time when I was so involved in the "scene" such as writing articles and interviewing different deejays and artists for different local magazines and websites. However with inscrupulous website/magazine owners (whereby I was not getting paid for articles: Ugh!) and life changes (marriage/kids), my priorities began to change. However I have always enjoyed the EDM scene since its humble beginnings back in the late 1980s (Chicago/New York House sound). Even to this day, I still consider myself a big fan and I attempt to read/download as much as I can from different websites. However CJ is the only local website, that I am aware of, whereby people who are either involved in the scene or have vast knowledge of it, come forth and post new or interesting threads. Thus I personally don't think that any new radical changes ought to take place. CJ is as cool as it is.


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