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TIPS: buying groceries at Publix

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Guest Buck White

.. Thank God i live near a Walmart Super Center ............it's cheaper than publix and I can even get motor oil along with my groceries. :P

Walmart Supercenters ftw. Wayyy cheaper and has a good selection.

Steer clear of their meats, though. Claude have mercy.

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Guest myles hie

.. Thank God i live near a Walmart Super Center ............it's cheaper than publix and I can even get motor oil along with my groceries. :P

Walmart Supercenters ftw. Wayyy cheaper and has a good selection.

Steer clear of their meats, though. Claude have mercy.

hahaha, indeed

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Guest CGM54

Club Publix was an undestatement. I used to live in Players Club behind it from 95-99. Anytime someone said they were going I was in. The checkout girls were even hot!

The Jetson's Publix (Sobe) is ALWAYS a zoo and most shoppers are oblivious to those around them, e.g. parking their cart in the exact middle of the aisle while they browse the whole wheat pasta yapping on their cell phones.

Club Publix in Tallahassee was the best - you always saw someone you knew and they had a million kinds of ramen noodles!

Whole Foods is the biggest rip off of them all. I have seen the exact same products (including fruits and vegetables) at both WF and Pubs and of course they are much cheaper at Publix. WF is pretentious but serves a purpose - high quality meats/cheese/more organic choices. However, for that stuff I go to Epicure.

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Guest Devilicious

Club Publix was an undestatement. I used to live in Players Club behind it from 95-99. Anytime someone said they were going I was in. The checkout girls were even hot!

The Jetson's Publix (Sobe) is ALWAYS a zoo and most shoppers are oblivious to those around them, e.g. parking their cart in the exact middle of the aisle while they browse the whole wheat pasta yapping on their cell phones.

Club Publix in Tallahassee was the best - you always saw someone you knew and they had a million kinds of ramen noodles!

Whole Foods is the biggest rip off of them all. I have seen the exact same products (including fruits and vegetables) at both WF and Pubs and of course they are much cheaper at Publix. WF is pretentious but serves a purpose - high quality meats/cheese/more organic choices. However, for that stuff I go to Epicure.

I was in Tally from 98-2002. Around 2001 they built a new Publix just North of the old one, still on Monroe. Things weren't the same after that.

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What I miss is when Publix canned (no pun intended) their internet grocery ordering operation.

It was fantastic, I could order what I want, and not have to deal with people. I could be at the HQ, order up, and when I got home, the truck was almost there.

No need to deal with checkouts, carts, lines, people. Fucking fantastic.

I really wish I had the capital or the investors to bring back internet-based grocery shopping.

I was such a happy misfit in those days. It looked like every time you turned around, someone was using the Web to destroy life's little inconveniences.

Fuck brick and mortar.

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Guest klubveteran

What I miss is when Publix canned (no pun intended) their internet grocery ordering operation.

It was fantastic, I could order what I want, and not have to deal with people. I could be at the HQ, order up, and when I got home, the truck was almost there.

No need to deal with checkouts, carts, lines, people. Fucking fantastic.

I really wish I had the capital or the investors to bring back internet-based grocery shopping.

I was such a happy misfit in those days. It looked like every time you turned around, someone was using the Web to destroy life's little inconveniences.

Fuck brick and mortar.

i was reading one of the local papers where they said they might bring it back after going back to the drawing board.

i was on the fence on that. i never used it. i am a lot faster in the AM than any truck would be.

do you think that was profitable for publix? i dont know if enough people used that service.

pod can you armchair quarterback that idea since you used it and tell me what was good and what they should change?

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Good was you didn't have to deal with the supermarket directly. Good was they had everything, they weren't out of an item.

Bad was that the driver sometimes got lost if the address wasn't an easy-to-find one, i.e. "1234 5th St".

Bad was that there was a pretty steep minimum. Likely that would have come down with more people using it.

Some people might say "oh but you miss out on the social interaction". Blow me. That's social interaction.

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Guest Electric Eel

I loved ordering publix online!! It was the best, so sad they got rid of it. The only thing I was skeptical about was buying fruits and veggies online but I decided to try it once and they actually chose the fruits and veggies better than I could have on my own.

Would be awesome if they brought it back!

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That's two!

I should start a petition. I guess Lee, Nelson, and I can be the first signatories to it.

The rest of you are sadists if you enjoy going to the supermarket. :o

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Guest durrtylexx

when shopping at publix, i pay for everything at the customer service stand. paying at the stand is usually faster than the express line. (same goes for whole foods)

side note :: i've noticed that items such as soda, hotpockets, frozen pizzas, cereal and chips (same brand) tend to be cheaper at albertsons.

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Guest klubveteran

I think Mondays are considered an unofficial singles night at the larger South Beach Publix.

has anybody here really hooked up at a Publix?

I mean cold turkey met someone they never knew and banged them? or went out with someone they met there?

i would feel like a dickhead going up to a woman and be like so the produce looks fresh by the way what are you doing tomorrow night?

I have had some obvoius stare downs and flirtation up and down the isles but ...

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Guest klubveteran

The problem with the supermarket is that your potential targets are sober.

true. if it wasnt for alcohol and other forms of intoxication women may be on i may still have been a virgin today :-\

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Guest klieko

I am in full agreement that the produce is pitiful at Publix most of the time and it isn't always cheaper than the nicer, more appealing alternatives (Fresh Market is my favorite.) One thing is for certain, it is almost impossible to find a decent tomato in South Florida.

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