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danny t message

Guest dre4

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Guest dre4

Pod-this may belong in the music section, but i feel like it may generate more hits and replies over here. either way it's totally up to you. thanks

after a illegal set(clorophillia taranto italy aug11 2007} was recorded without his permission..danny made this official statement:

A very important and strong message regarding contracts with venues and festivals, etc.

To all my many colleagues and mentors in the world of DJ-ing, clubbing, nightlife and Dance Music, I have copied 100s of people on this e-mail and I "encourage" everyone to please forward my words to as many of your colleagues as possible. And please pardon my very deep frustration, but I simply need to get this very sore subject off my chest once and for all, because: Enough is Enough!

Dear Friends,

I am writing this letter here to all of you for your support today on Tuesday, September 4th. of 2007 as I feel this

is a letter of great importance - not only for me, but for all of us "United Together As One" to further protect

ourselves from such a "criminal act" that was recently done to me at a venue in Italy called "Clorophilla" last

month on August 8th. This is not the first time such a "crime" has been committed against me, as I am sure many of

you can relate, or have heard of such stories from other DJ's and live acts that have had similar crimes committed

against them. This crime is also against all of the artist who's music is now illegally being passed around with no contracts

and at the end of the day, what is being passed around is a "bootleg" compilation where no artist receives a penny from it!

I am even speaking now of times long before the Internet where some people have confessed that they had recorded various DJ's sets, but they were only for their private listening pleasure and were never passed around. Today, I am through with such sLiMy people and I am letting the world know it. I am sure I will have to deal with all sorts of repercussions but I am willing and ready to defend myself and all of you while doing so. I can only hope and pray that I have everyone's support in doing so.

Basically, as it is written in my contract that the venues are not allowed to record my sets, and we are very precise about it

by saying it both on paper and in person upon arrival to remind them of how important this act of crime is against me and ALL

of the artist that I choose to select their productions and place them in my sets. This has happened to me in the past at

other venues and festivals, and I thought we were being as strict as we can possibly be by enforcing this and "kindly" reminding

them to please make sure that no other DJ booth, lighting or sound area is hooking up a CDR/DVD/DAT or modern external

hard drive device that can easily, unknowingly and illegally record an 8 hour set without one single interruption.

Unfortunately, it brings me great disappointment to share with all of you that I and my associates were

completely lied to 100% on August 8th at Club Clorophilla in Italy. It was the celebration of

Ferrogosto Week. This is when most of Italy celebrates summer and take seasonal vacations, etc.

I did a three city tour that ended in Rimini. I have to say that all three gigs were quite impressive

with a turnout of 1000s of people in attendance and all of the venues were full beyond capacities.

All of the gigs went extremely smooth and I came back to NY a very happy person, until Friday, August 31, '07

when I discovered and 100% validated with my very own ears a "part one and part two sets" that was

most definitely me being illegally recorded at Clorophilla.

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Guest dre4

As hard as I may try, words cannot even describe the anger I am feeling at this time, as well as such

incredible disappointment against these people and this venue Clorophilla who "at the time of the gig"

showed me wonderful hospitality, great admiration and respect. I, in return gave them the best of myself and the

venue was still packed at closing time around 7am with everyone screaming for more and more!

But we had to stop by law and it all ended very well and I was happily on my way to the next city.

But, that is until this week when I heard that my set was being passed around by many, many people.

I did not want to not believe it because several times in the past, some people have tried to push off old GU CD

and other compilations of mine by saying it was me live at Pacha, etc, and lies of that nature ...

But this one here from Clorophilla I personally have confirmed it to be 100% LIVE from my set

AND in total high quality! This was not a person on a dance floor with a modern recording device -

as there is zero distortion. This was professionally recorded on the premises and I firmly believe this to be 100% true!

Upon arrival and sound check, my assistant and dear friend from Italy Adriano had gone

ahead of me to do a full sound check and meet with Resident: DJ "Skizzo" (notice his name) -

who was in charge of the sound and the booth set up.

As of right now, until further notice, I "Danny Tenaglia" am fully holding Skizzo as the person in charge

of lying to all of us and recording my set. Although my strong intuition now tells me many others knew!

Adriano was there in the daytime and all was well. Adriano confirmed that after reminding Skizzo

of my Anti Recording policy that Skizzo actually acted in response with a form of "semi annoyance"

and with sort of an attitude by saying something like: "I don't need to be reminded, we are

sponsored by RANE and I would not record the DJ's sets" ....

Apparently, someone is lying through their rotten teeth?

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Guest dre4

Underneath the console was a RANE Mixer and I did question it? I had requested a Pioneer mixer

and Skizzo said the reason why the RANE mixer is there is because he decided to connect it to

the Pioneer mixer in order to get a better overall quality from the sound system. I once again

said to my assistant Adriano: please translate this and remind him of my No Recording policy!

Well, here I am writing to all of you to tell you that we were all obviously very lied to, and I am

now asking everyone here to please join with me, not only against club Clorophilla and Skizzo

(and whoever else was involved) but to please UNITE with me together so that we "as artist"

are no longer stabbed in the backs, deceived, lied to, and feel as violated as I do today!

When we go into a DJ booth or onto a stage and perform, that is OUR art,

and if we choose to not be recorded or filmed we should be entitled to this right.

I honestly cannot imagine anyone here to disagree with me or feel that I am being

irrational over this sore subject which is quite sacred to me? There are many professional

ways to do this. For example, when I played at Exit Festival in Serbia they politely asked me

if I minded being filmed for the first 20 minutes of my set after Paul Woolford

and I fully agreed and appreciated them asking.

That is where it's entirely different. We no longer can have much control these days at all over

the 1000s & 1000s of patrons with cameras and cell phones that also act as cameras and record us,

but I have learned to accept this modern concept and I deal with it without any frustrations.

However, in the case of this recent incident with Clorophilla - and last year at the Monegros festival

where I signed an agreement to have them record the first 15 minutes of my set for radio promotions

and hype, well they too lied to me and more than One Hour of my set was on the radio in Spain and then

was downloaded and passed around, also including tracks I would never give away out of respect to the

all of the artist and producers and labels involved.

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Guest dre4

I will not go further in who else has disrespected my wishes to NOT be recorded, but there have been many clubs

from Boston to Ibiza and I have had to go to the extent of asking my personal sound tech or assistant,

or my manager Kevin to please double check the situation.

Another area to beware of is our sets being recorded from where the lighting people are,

as we have on a few occasions now discovered "them" recording the DJ's sets onto a DVD player, and several times

were lied to (at first) and they said no, this is for visuals. We then retrieved the DVD's or DATs, and sure

enough it was 100% all audio as they were recording the entire evening of all the DJ's that night!

So, as I am trying to keep this brief, it's almost impossible because I want this letter and one with a very

important message to be very understood as I only speak English and this is becoming an "International Virus"

not just with Italy. I am hoping that my words get translated to every possible language from NY to New Zealand, etc.

I have been doing this for almost 30 years now and I am as established as one can be. I am fully content with myself,

my career and grateful to God that it has exceeded and far surpassed what I had ever envisioned and dreamed it

could ever be more than 20 years ago! I am still overwhelmed with a great joy at what God has allowed me to achieve

having traveled to 25 countries now and for what I have achieved in also creating some music as well.

The last thing that I want to add here is: And this is from the deepest part of my heart and my existence ....

Is that, my greatest reward that I hold so dear to my heart is having the wonderful gift of being able to

say that I have met most of you personally. Many of us have now even shared the same booths together

and I humble myself here to say to all of you that at the end of the day I am truly a fan of all of you.

You have all inspired me in so many various ways from Deep house to Techno and especially with many

of you as Producers whom I revere highly for helping my career blossom as most of you have also helped me become

successful as I have played all over the world playing so many of your productions and remixes.

I can elaborate for days, maybe weeks, but this really is from my every fiber and I hope that you all can sense my

sincerity and my deep gratefulness to all of you for helping me over the many, many years.

I wish I had the e-mail addresses of 10,000 more people to add to this, but hopefully this message will be passed

around and everyone will eventually feel me and prayerfully agree with me on this topic which is all about "r e s p e c t "

and I was totally and completely disrespected @ Clorophilla.

I am not expecting everyone to reply or respond in any specific way. I just needed to get this off my chest and with

the hopes that many of you may feel the same way and care if you are illegally being recorded or without any permission.

* When I play, I often incorporate accapellas' and parts from masters that were given to me exclusively out of respect,

or some may have been from my very own Productions. I have learned to be careful in what I use when away from clubs

in NYC where I am 100% certain that I am not being recorded, and I feel I was still careful at Clorophilla because it's still hard

to trust people, even if they give you their word, which is exactly what happened to me there. Upon my first listen, I heard the

first 5 seconds and it was 100% me triggering an exclusive accapella I have of Celeda singing: Pick yourself up, Pick yourself up,

I knew instantly it was me, as this event was only 2 weeks ago and I had not used that accapella it a very long time.

This recording is 100% ME! There is no doubt whatsoever.

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Guest dre4

Please share this message with all of our other colleagues that I may not have e-mail access to. Please inform as many

DJ booking agencies as possible and once again, let's please Unite Together in taking better action against venues

and festivals, etc, so that we will no longer be recorded against our wishes and have "our artistic expressions" stolen from us!

I feel extremely violated today and this was the last straw for me. I told my manager and associates that I was preparing

myself to spend this very lovely and sunny summer day indoors to write to all of you and get this awful situation of my chest

in the hopes that it will bring me (and many of you that have been in my shoes) some Justice, Comfort and Peace of mind.

With all of my deepest RESPECT to everyone that reads this here extremely passionate letter!


Danny Tenaglia

PS: These words are 100% from me. No one including a lawyer, manager, agent, associate or friend helped in any way to write

this e-mail. This is purely from the deepest part of me. Sorry for the length of it as I guess this validates my anger at this time.

Also, pardon any typos, I did my best to be as clearly understood as I possibly can.

PPS: I will try to reply to as many people as possible with any questions, etc.

However, my mailbox is already backed up from previous travels and I am still

here working very hard as I still have a very full summer schedule. If you have

any other form of questions, please write to my manager Kevin McHugh at:


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Guest dre4

still trying to digest this, but i still think, and always have thought, that danny t is a jerk-off who parades around this mask of be yourself and i love my fans. i've never met him, but i could be totally off. i can understand his request, but at the same time by being so anal about his releases, he does nothing but prevent spreading edm to the masses and institute monopolistic behavior for the artists whose tracks he plays, or at least attempts to. furthermore, unless someone knows how to deconstruct a set properly to take out the tracks, i don't see how this would affect the artists. someone please correct me if i am not seeing the big picture. but i would think the artists would want this exposure in a danny t set, so that the masses and all the other djs in the world can go to beatport and buy their tracks. just my 2 cents for the time being. need to think more about this.

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Guest skywalker01

it's his right (i guess) but there is only so much you will be able to control these days. other artists have to deal with it as well.

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Guest tekniQz

I get DT's point though.He told them not to do something and they still did it. That's pretty wak!

Although he does come off kinda bitchy.

That being said, he still has a point.

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Guest coach

Um, what? Can anyone distill that down to a reasonable length? Like maybe 1 sentence? Did he just take 17,000 words to say, "Please don't record my music without permission."?

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Guest lyrik

Funny, DMB lets you record ANY of their sets, it was done to stop piracy and guess what? It worked.

I agree with DT in principle, but people aren't buying those tracks anyways, thus if your track was on that set, 349572349587 people now know and that is way better than keeping it under wraps..


Before I even started reading this I knew what it was most likely going to be about and the SHUUUUUT UP already echoed in the back of my mind.

I think DT needs to float a bit back down to reality and realize he's not going to be missing much from this happening...does he think he's going to be out a mil? Maybe a few hundred bucks...and if its the BS excuse "artists" use that maybe bootlegs are going to be made from certain tracks he played that are not released yet…supposedly people will take a snippet from the set and stretch it out and create their own version...HAAAAA...as much as I have heard this is the reason certain "artists" don't want their sets recorded I have never once heard such a track EVER! Even if it did would this really financially impact the original release? You're not Speilberg buddy.

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Guest lyrik

Um, what? Can anyone distill that down to a reasonable length? Like maybe 1 sentence? Did he just take 17,000 words to say, "Please don't record my music without permission."?

Yes and oh ya remember to Be Yourself.

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Guest MrKotter

So he is upset that they recorded his set and he did not get a dime, yet when he uses another DJs track he only pays with "R E S P E C T."

Where does one cash a "R E S P E C T" check? ???

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Guest musicalmissionary

So he is upset that they recorded his set and he did not get a dime, yet when he uses another DJs track he only pays with "R E S P E C T."

Where does one cash a "R E S P E C T" check? ???

The issue isn't DT getting paid... it's the artists whose tracks could potentially get bootlegged and therefore lose momentum for a proper release so THEY can get paid.

I agree I have never heard of this happening, but the fact is that it CAN happen and THAT is what makes it wrong.

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Guest Willie Morales

Funny, DMB lets you record ANY of their sets, it was done to stop piracy and guess what? It worked.

I agree with DT in principle, but people aren't buying those tracks anyways, thus if your track was on that set, 349572349587 people now know and that is way better than keeping it under wraps..


Before I even started reading this I knew what it was most likely going to be about and the SHUUUUUT UP already echoed in the back of my mind.

I think DT needs to float a bit back down to reality and realize he's not going to be missing much from this happening...does he think he's going to be out a mil? Maybe a few hundred bucks...and if its the BS excuse "artists" use that maybe bootlegs are going to be made from certain tracks he played that are not released yet…supposedly people will take a snippet from the set and stretch it out and create their own version...HAAAAA...as much as I have heard this is the reason certain "artists" don't want their sets recorded I have never once heard such a track EVER! Even if it did would this really financially impact the original release? You're not Speilberg buddy.

those tracks are out there we have had juicy tracks taken from mixes on sirius where the person cut out the mixed parts at the begining and the end add a loop and posted it on a share site where it was downloaded 3000 or more times... this does affect the bottom line these days it is a big deal when everyone gets your track before it is released... at the end of the day it is the work of the artist and it sucks when someone takes it without permission.... even better is when someone takes a part of your mix adds a couple loops and puts it up on myspace as on of thier personal releases... I see this at least once a week.... the funny part is then they list the original artist on thier top friends ( BALLS ).... so when you guys are listening to mix show and wonder why there is talkover or a station id over the best part of the song you will know why.... if these people who are re-editing other artists would just do thier own thing they could add something to the music industry instead of impacting it negatively...

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Guest tekniQz

So he is upset that they recorded his set and he did not get a dime, yet when he uses another DJs track he only pays with "R E S P E C T."

Where does one cash a "R E S P E C T" check? ???

The issue isn't DT getting paid... it's the artists whose tracks could potentially get bootlegged and therefore lose momentum for a proper release so THEY can get paid.

I agree I have never heard of this happening, but the fact is that it CAN happen and THAT is what makes it wrong.

I agree completly.

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Guest tres-b

even better is when someone takes a part of your mix adds a couple loops and puts it up on myspace as on of thier personal releases... I see this at least once a week....

Yeah but they could have done it live so why not just use yours :P :P...that is total bs. WOW! And they keep you in their top friends. That is crazy.

I tend to lean toward the DMB view. Just let people record, create goodwill, and count the money at the end.

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Guest musicalmissionary

I tend to lean toward the DMB view. Just let people record, create goodwill, and count the money at the end.

Much easier to do for a guy who is already a mega-millionaire than an aspiring bedroom producer.

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Guest coach

I tend to lean toward the DMB view. Just let people record, create goodwill, and count the money at the end.

Much easier to do for a guy who is already a mega-millionaire than an aspiring bedroom producer.

Not talking about bedroom producers, though. DT is a rich man. DMB is also a rich man (band). Compare apples to apples. DMB allows recording and still does pretty well, thereby disputing the credence of DT's rant.
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Guest DJ Christian

i'm sorry, i don't see the drama. live sets floating around only get people more interested in a DJ. bootlegs rarely have great sound quality, and if ithey do, rarely a tracklisting. if they have both then c'est la vie, but honestly, i've downloaded all kinds of live sets and only a handful are great quality...

the age of buying mix CDs has passed - no one really invests in GU mixes or any of that shit anymore. people invest in seeing DJs live, and buying the records they make and spin. i'll pay for a mix if it's really creative - like coldcut's 70 min of madness - but as a DJ, paying for a proper mix CD is silly... if i like the tracks i'll but them myself individually... don't need to listen to someone else paste them together...

at the end of the day, DJs can't really get to bitchy about their sets being "theirs" ... other than in a live PA scenario you're just playing someone else's tracks anyway

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Guest coach

at the end of the day, DJs can't really get to bitchy about their sets being "theirs" ... other than in a live PA scenario you're just playing someone else's tracks anyway

Badabing! Do DJs pay license fees?
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Guest Floribel

at the end of the day, DJs can't really get to bitchy about their sets being "theirs" ... other than in a live PA scenario you're just playing someone else's tracks anyway

Badabing! Do DJs pay license fees?

All being said...

does anyone have this high-quality, full-length set recording in question? LOL ;D

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