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The club legend is always right...

V. Barbarino

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Guest talknightlife
...no venue in Miami has ever had even marginal success with live music as a format. Why, you ask? I don't have a clue.

Our live venues are haunted by the Jim Morrison.

2007 club kids don't care about live music, they barely even care about the music genre. They're embracing the cultural melting pots of mixed format and hip hop and leaving the 90s ravers behind as a historical footnote.

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I wouldn't go that far. Every weekend, I can name at least two major clubs in 2007 that get a decent crowd playing dance music. Space (duh), and yes, Mansion. It's Capponi's party on Saturday, and they have dance music DJs.

The 90s DJ-worshipping ravers are a footnote, yes, but there is an undeniable fact that people still like to go out and hear dance music. They're there for the party, which the DJ playing house or whatever dance music is in fashion at the moment. There's always been dance music in Miami.

Dade, thanks for pointing the obvious out, too. We got so busy arguing and slagging on college rock.

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Guest myles hie
What he's failing to take notice of is the fact that no venue in Miami has ever had even marginal success with live music as a format. .

Tobacco Road and Churchills, but i'm just bored and nitpicking.

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Wow, two of the dumbest quotes ever on CJ..

First lets deal with Pod "Tobacco Road didn't start out playing rock music, even. They adapted to it in the 1960s."

Earth to Pod, besides a very select few such as little Richard, Elvis, Chuck Berry, THERE WAS NO ROCK N ROLL PRIOR TO THE 1960'S!!! Thanks for playing enjoy your parting gifts.

Now onto Dade. So because there was never a live music scene in Florida in the past that means there can't be one in the future? Couldn't the same be said of Shadow and the other clubs that came before it, in terms of big name djs?

So under your assertion the Seattle Super Sonics should not move to Oklahoma City because there was never a large basketball contingency there? Maybe you should call Paul Allen up and explain to him he's an idiot.

Next time you buy a Mutual Fund for your garbage pale kids read this statement before you sign "Past performance does not guarantee future results."

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Guest myles hie

He said no "venue". Bars are venues.

Both places due strictly bands like 7 nights a week. So there ya go Barbs the mighty "band scene" in So Fl thats ready to take over. hahaha. Dade's post was nail:head though. Other than the BeeGee's and Gloria Estefon, what has So Fl contributed to Rock or Pop that would suddenly cause a music revolution for live bands?

I guess you could count Marilyn Manson and possibly Saigon Kick.

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Guest coach

Just to be nitpicky, the nightlife business, which has always been a mainstay in Miami, and particularly in Miami Beach, started with live performances. Anybody know the name Sinatra?

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He said no "venue". Bars are venues.

Both places due strictly bands like 7 nights a week. So there ya go Barbs the mighty "band scene" in So Fl thats ready to take over. hahaha. Dade's post was nail:head though. Other than the BeeGee's and Gloria Estefon, what has So Fl contributed to Rock or Pop that would suddenly cause a music revolution for live bands?

I guess you could count Marilyn Manson and possibly Saigon Kick.

Miami is not the same city I visited for the 1st time in 97, it's not the same city as it was 6 years ago when I moved to lauderdale. Miami is now a maturing city, with that comes live music. While Miami never will be Austin or the French Quarter, but with it's massive grown and cultural diversity, live music will over take djs and edm, if it hasn't already...

Pod who was the guy who would play in the band all the time who use to post on here?

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We're talking culture here, not mutual funds. People tend to be 'set in their ways' when it comes to cultural movements. There's never been a huge live music scene in Miami, and well, that's probably the way people like it. You know those old people who say racial slurs all day and we forgive them because they're "set in their ways?" Well, that's kind of how people's cultural preferences work. People are "set in their ways". People like something that's easy to digest and they understand. Live music in the clubs right now, that's something alien. I've been doing this crap for awhile and I just can't visualize in my head how a club would make money doing it. It's a battle already with a DJ these days. And you yourself have pointed out that bar sales tank during a live performance.

Turning South Beach into City Walk and booking live bands all the time, well, that's a big what-if in my book. There's a lot of factors going against the ready adoption of a decent live music scene in this town. The culture for one. The investment needed by the clubs as another. I've gone over all those factors and then some.

Would it be nice if it happened? Depends. I wouldn't mind seeing "my" bands play. But if getting Hootie and the Blowfish booked at Cameo is an uphill battle, I think I can forget about KMFDM. And yeah, there's a bit of a personal mission with me in this. I moved away from where I grew up specifically to get away from the bland sort of people that are into college rock. I wouldn't mind live acts down here more often, just not those live acts. But from a business perspective, doing live bands is a big gamble, no matter who the acts are.

Oh, and the bar next door to me had a jazz/funk ensemble last night. It was excellent. Kind of live dance music. I live in the Design District. There's no "precedent" there at the moment. You want live venues, there's your place. It's semi-residential so you could do live venues exclusively, and close by 2 AM as not to bother the residents.

Barbarino, are you OK? You're promoting cultural diversity? Uh-oh.

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Guest myles hie

You'll have a bunch of Latin and Carribean and influenced music which will and does dominate. I doubt you'll see white boy rock scene coming out of SoFl

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Guest myles hie
Just to be nitpicky, the nightlife business, which has always been a mainstay in Miami, and particularly in Miami Beach, started with live performances. Anybody know the name Sinatra?

But what were your options at the time, ya know?

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You'll have a bunch of Latin and Carribean and influenced music which will and does dominate. I doubt you'll see white boy rock scene coming out of SoFl

My thoughts exactly.

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Guest eroc0411
Wow, two of the dumbest quotes ever on CJ..

First lets deal with Pod "Tobacco Road didn't start out playing rock music, even. They adapted to it in the 1960s."

Earth to Pod, besides a very select few such as little Richard, Elvis, Chuck Berry, THERE WAS NO ROCK N ROLL PRIOR TO THE 1960'S!!! Thanks for playing enjoy your parting gifts.

Now onto Dade. So because there was never a live music scene in Florida in the past that means there can't be one in the future? Couldn't the same be said of Shadow and the other clubs that came before it, in terms of big name djs?

So under your assertion the Seattle Super Sonics should not move to Oklahoma City because there was never a large basketball contingency there? Maybe you should call Paul Allen up and explain to him he's an idiot.

Next time you buy a Mutual Fund for your garbage pale kids read this statement before you sign "Past performance does not guarantee future results."

Varbarino FYI pual allen doesn't own the seattle sonices never did(he owns the trailblazers) Howard Schultz the starbucks guy owned the sonics and sold it off 2 the Oklahoma city group. ANd there's atleast 3 to 1 more fans of basketball following in Oklahoma City then in Seattle. Except Seattle is a big market team w/ bigger corporate sponsors.

My question is why does space or mansion or cameo have 2 become a band venue.. There isn't enough land or closed up venues that could be built or opened up as live bands??? What about all that free space Around CIRca 29 (nice bar by the way)... Y do u ppl keep insisting anyways that it has 2 be on the beach??? what about good ol' miami...How much longer can area 51 last or bricks 66 or w/e the fuck they call them selfs now stay open..

why cant the euro clubs work hand in hand w/ the live bands... How come the Chelsea area IN NY makes it happen?? orchid st??? For gods sake's even long island has live band venues that make it happend.. The party usually starts w/ a DJ 9-11 band 11-3 am and the dj closes... it can work.. And yea the Rat back ran miami in the 50's everything in miami is in cycles... Even Ink has enough room 2 have a band in the back room tear down that wall and boom u got it... That place suxs anyways.. shit how small is Jazid and they do it... Fucking macarena has bands in there 2... UR making 2 much of it pod... Haha or maybe ur playing the V. role this time 2 keep the thread rolling...and yea like i said if u built more collge, trade schools there will be more of a college atmosphere... SHit where r the fucking hs's anyways?????

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First of all, I love going to see/hear rock bands... Metallica, RHCP, Motley Crue, numerous 80's bands, whatever. They don't play in miami for a reason.. the crowd fucking sucks. Watching a crowd react to a rock band down here is like watching Helen Keller try to do karaoke. its a joke... people stand and stare and have no idea whats going on. I'm sure it would be cool thing to do at a club, but it won't last. People down here just don't get it.

Keep rock in Flint & Detroit, where it belongs and people actually appreciate it. I'll keep going to concerts and rockin' out with my buddies from the Midwest who actually get into the concert and know what is going on. lol

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Guest myles hie
First of all, I love going to see/hear rock bands... Metallica, RHCP, Motley Crue, numerous 80's bands, whatever. They don't play in miami for a reason.. the crowd fucking sucks. Watching a crowd react to a rock band down here is like watching Helen Keller try to do karaoke. its a joke... people stand and stare and have no idea whats going on. I'm sure it would be cool thing to do at a club, but it won't last. People down here just don't get it.

imo, its not so much the crowd, its the fact that Mia is so far out of the way, its not always feasible to trek all the way down here. Florida is like a black hole for alot of these bands. You have to drive to all points of Fla Jax-North, So Fl-south. Tampa-West or Orlando-central, to find a city big enough to even to a medium to large scale show. Why waste valuable touring time fucking around in Fl if its not neccesary.

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At the end of the day though, why do we want the college crowd? The magic of Miami is that it is, to appropriate the term, the "American Riviera". It's not Panama City with Cubans. Nor should it be. You want white-boy rock, jump in the car and drive north. Lauderdale is awash in it.

And yeah, I've been saying this all throughout the thread, that if you want do to a proper live venue, it wouldn't be a major issue to do it on the mainland. Studio A has set a precedent. Circa 28 (not 29, B1FF), actually has a room upstairs where they do live bands on a weekly basis. And guess what, these bands are Latin, dance-influenced-rock, actual live dance music acts, Caribbean, and jazz trios. Circa 28 is in my hood and I have yet to see a flyer for "Miami's hottest cover band", or "Johnny and the Sturgeons - UM's Hootie tribute".

Come to think of it, there is a definite live music presence in this town. It's just not what some of the posters in this thread want.

Just as an exercise, let me rattle off some live venues right now:

Circa 28

Studio A


Finnegans 2

Finnegans by the River



Amendment XXI


La Covacha


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Guest eroc0411
At the end of the day though, why do we want the college crowd? The magic of Miami is that it is, to appropriate the term, the "American Riviera". It's not Panama City with Cubans. Nor should it be. You want white-boy rock, jump in the car and drive north. Lauderdale is awash in it.

And yeah, I've been saying this all throughout the thread, that if you want do to a proper live venue, it wouldn't be a major issue to do it on the mainland. Studio A has set a precedent. Circa 28 (not 29, B1FF), actually has a room upstairs where they do live bands on a weekly basis. And guess what, these bands are Latin, dance-influenced-rock, actual live dance music acts, Caribbean, and jazz trios. Circa 28 is in my hood and I have yet to see a flyer for "Miami's hottest cover band", or "Johnny and the Sturgeons - UM's Hootie tribute".

Come to think of it, there is a definite live music presence in this town. It's just not what some of the posters in this thread want.

Just as an exercise, let me rattle off some live venues right now:

Circa 28

Studio A


Finnegans 2

Finnegans by the River



Amendment XXI


La Covacha


hahahaha did u just call me biff???? anyways i dont even care about live bands... But pod y can't we have both??? wait we do 2 an extent... i guess... oh well...

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Not Biff, but B1FF. Your spelling reminds me of B1FF.

We can have both. The venues exist for live acts, the live acts play. People attend. Just because it's not white-boy rock doesn't mean it's bad.

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Guest coach
VIP douchebags or college kids. =(

3rd option please.

What would that 3rd option be? Retired old folks listening to Lawrence Welk cover bands?

Actually, another 3rd option is alive and well in Miami: Latin salsa clubs.

But seriously, what other option between VIP douchebags and college kids do you think there is?

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not sure why anyone replies to this guys posts. they all seem negative and ignorant.funny that people would think emd is dead fore i see this season as being the strongest in years for new and different djs/acts coming to our area.. so what this person is saying is that live bands will take the place of any emd , well from my knowledge when bands do perform they seem to end 11ish, the ones in concert that can hold 40k ppl, so what is that the time miami should turn in for bed, i do know that there may not be many but the weekly events that do go on in sfl , like voodoo and space and even reaching as far as wpb are house or electronica related and they seem to be doing fine. its seems that this person comments on the the same venues over and over but there are many many more that are going on, sure these venues the mega ones are going to be hard to sustain, but you can be sure that others will take it place maybe not downtown but most likely were you least expected, so take all your negativity and turn it positive somewhere else where your opinion is warranted like a forum about the good olds days and how great they were, and remember you make the party, find your place.

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