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Promotor. Hiv. Ladies get tested!!

Guest eroc0411

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Guest eroc0411

An alleged Opium group promoter knew he had HIV and slept w/ party goers...

His name is Elidor Kersaint, 22.

I have never seen this guy at Mansion, Prive, Set or Opium Garden. But that is what the suspect claims... Ladies PLEASE Becareful and get tested.. better safe then sorry!!!!!!!!!!!

cbs4.com - Man With HIV Jailed For Knowingly Infecting Woman

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Guest pod

Eroc, do you use Firefox by any chance? Since as of version 2.0, it does have spell check.

It's cross-platform too, so if you are on a Mac, it'll work just fine. Couldn't see you on a *nix system.

It's Promoter, HIV. You got Ladies right. Forgot to add men though. This guy looks a little festive.

With that out of the way, this guy is a scumbag. I'm sure he'll enjoy it in prison when someone "knowingly" gives him full-blown AIDS after a raucous blanket party.

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Guest Ryan EliteEnt

This is fucked up! I don't know this person but anyone who would do this is a scumbag to the highest!!! I did get a text about this today too, I Don't know if it’s true or not; but if it is he should be thrown in prison for ever... Can't believe how little some people care about others.

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I mean really....did the kid think that he could just ignore the virus and hope it might go away? What has to go through someone's head when they are knowingly giving someone a death sentence?

If i were any of those chicks in his pictures, i'd have petitioned any authority to have them taken down for the shame of having been associated with him in any way. He's been in jail since JUNE.

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Guest mr.miami

All that ass on his myspace page potentially infected with HIV. Scary. If you are a slut and went to mansion and know this guy please get tested.


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Guest 00crystal00

saw this last night and was disgusted. regardless of the caliber of women who obviously slept with him. looks like he was quite 'the man'. but seriously did he think it was going to go away if he ignored it!

hadn't heard f a story like this in ages. i remember hearing them back in teh 90's some true and some just to scare you i am sure

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Guest 00crystal00
He's been in jail since JUNE.

Why did it take 3 months to make the news?!?!! not that it would have made a difference

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Why did it take 3 months to make the news?!?!! not that it would have made a difference

Well it might have then too, but its actually a good idea to run it 3 months later (again if this is the case) because in a lot of cases, it takes up to three months for the HIV virus to be detected in tests.

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Guest 00crystal00
he will burn in hell... what a lowlife scum

that and the 5 year jail sentence just don't seem to be enough. bet they treat him nice in jail though! even they have morals

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Guest meta
An alleged Opium group promoter knew he had HIV and slept w/ party goers...

His name is Elidor Kersaint, 22.

I have never seen this guy at Mansion, Prive, Set or Opium Garden. But that is what the suspect claims... Ladies PLEASE Becareful and get tested.. better safe then sorry!!!!!!!!!!!

cbs4.com - Man With HIV Jailed For Knowingly Infecting Woman

What has the world come too. You must not be in your right mind to do something like that or a real (as everyone else is saying) SCUMBAG. I am leaning more to the second one.

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It's ignorant to say it's a "death sentence" With proper care, one can live a normal life span with the virus.

What year did Magic Johnson get it? It was prior to 1991. Do the math. That's 16 + years and he is undetectable.. Every time the virus beats back a med, they have new meds to prescribe to beat back the virus. It's a battle that is being won by us.

While this kid should rot in jail, don't be ignorant of this disease. Life goes on.

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Guest lulamishka

This is a good time to remind everyone that Miami, Ft. Lauderdale and West Palm Beach rank very high on the number of HIV/AIDS cases in the U.S. (by city).

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It's ignorant to say it's a "death sentence" With proper care, one can live a normal life span with the virus.

What year did Magic Johnson get it? It was prior to 1991. Do the math. That's 16 + years and he is undetectable.. Every time the virus beats back a med, they have new meds to prescribe to beat back the virus. It's a battle that is being won by us.

That shiite ain't cheap though

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Guest pod

Don't clubs vet these people before making them promoters? I wouldn't let this chimp within 100 yards of my establishment if I saw that disgrace of a MySpace profile.

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No, there are resources out there plus your HI will pick up most of the bill.

That doesn't make that girl or her family feel any better. Her quality of life is shot even if she stays rather healthy. She has to live with this for the rest of her life and will affect - even define every single aspect of her life. Think about it....from an irresponsible act while partying and having fun she will now have to deal with people shunning her, future relationships having MAJOR issues, the question of children and infecting them....the list goes on and on.

And at the heart of it, a person that lied. He essentially placed her in this position, with some of the blame going to her for not protecting herself.

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