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Shame on you Mansion


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Guest JMT

the law? bouncers can do whatever they feel like doing to you, because after they throw you out on the ass of your designer jeans, it's going to be your word against theirs, and chances are you, as a patron, have been drinking. good luck with "the law".

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the law? bouncers can do whatever they feel like doing to you, because after they throw you out on the ass of your designer jeans, it's going to be your word against theirs, and chances are you, as a patron, have been drinking. good luck with "the law".

if it's a guy, then yes, the cops would take reports all the time and fill them in as "they tripped" but as a female, watch yourself, you can get in big trouble if they have a scratch on them.

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Guest JustDade
I was trained by the NC Swat team. Now in NC, it's clear, Bouncers and security have ZERO rights. They only right they have is to defend themselves, not employees or other customers. I'm not sure about how Florida works, but bouncers are not cops. They can't touch you, they can't force you to show ID, they can't search you, they can't detain you etc. What they can do is call the cops on you.

There is a back door at Mansion, which leads to the parking lot, these girls should have been taken to that hall way and "processed" however Dade is thinking like a man. Women are taught to be vigilant when drinking at clubs and bars. No women would feel comfortable in a dark room with 5 large men. Whether security did nothing wrong is not the point. No women should EVER go into a room intoxicated with a few bouncers. No club should EVER let their employees in a closed room with intoxicated females.

You can't process me, it's against my civil rights, plain and simple. Under the Constitution, I only have to state my name and show ID, but only to a law enforcement officer. THAT IS IT!

Bouncers are not cops, they can't force you to do anything, unless:

1. You committed a crime they can detain you

2. or escort you from the club

And no bouncers can't search you, it's an illegal search and seizure. Bouncers are not trained as cops, ergo they can't act like them.

Federal law trumps Florida law. Mansion should not have brought those girls back to that room. The back hallway is where it should have taken place.

Dade tries to tell me about the sign outside the club, bla bla bla, my law proff once told me, take those signs and toss them out, they are meaningless, we are govern by laws, not signs written by some dumb idiot.

I see....The North Carolina SWAT Team trained you. So in addition to their special weapons training they also receive state-of-the-art training in bar bouncing? What a joke. The fact that the bar gets their people trained by the local SWAT means they are trained wrong.

Mansion's staff, who by the way gets trained by nightlife professionals and are certified and bonded, did nothing even close to wrong. They didn't take a girl into a dark room by herself. They took a drunk and her friend to the office before tossing them. That's all. They never implied that they were going to hurt her nor did they actually hurt her.

You're wrong. End of story. And the bar you worked in while attending Community College in Bumfuck NC is not considered a valid authority here in the big city. All we have here is another case of someone who got drunk, acted like an ass, got tossed and wants to make it the club's fault.

But what do I know? I've only been training and supervising club security and operating clubs with a spotless record for 12 years. Yeah, you probably know more than me seeing as you were SWAT trained.

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