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The Biz & Roland Interview

Guest JustDade

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Guest JustDade

I just read the LC piece on the front page. Having been the recipient of a similar Q&A I realized something while reading it. Interviews should be done live. It's clear that they were being polite instead of being totally honest. By giving people the questions and asking them to take a few days to answer, it gives them the chance to think of answers that won't offend anyone. We really want the offensive stuff, though.

That said....they really are two class acts and they are among the best in the biz.....no pun intended.

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Guest Buck White
+1 for having Barbarino do the interview though.

Yeah, but in addition to what Dade was saying...it would have been hilarious to see all the grammatical errors Buttermaker actually made.

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Guest tekniQz

Funny article.

I loved that he pulled his usual below the belt punches.Biz and Roland seemed to answer everything perfectly concidering.


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Guest musicalmissionary

I enjoyed the read too.

Biz had a rather diplomatic answer on the VIP table pricing... although I totally disagree with his premise. If their selling real estate, then sell real estate. Don't force 2 bottles of liquor to necessarily accompany that space. Unfortunately they have to, because they know nobody would pay those ridiculous prices for JUST the table.

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Guest JustDade
I enjoyed the read too.

Biz had a rather diplomatic answer on the VIP table pricing... although I totally disagree with his premise. If their selling real estate, then sell real estate. Don't force 2 bottles of liquor to necessarily accompany that space. Unfortunately they have to, because they know nobody would pay those ridiculous prices for JUST the table.

The thing is that he's right in a way. The idea of VIP is that you're supposed to be a big-shot. A real Big-shot and his crew would never feel like they have to finish all the bottles. Mr. Big would just leave the bottle there and not worry about the few hundred dollars. The problem happens when posers chip in on a table in order to look like Big-shots. They paid their share of the table and they're getting every last drop of value out of it.

What most people don't realize is that VIP is actually one hell of a deal.

Goose on the rocks at the bar = $14

Drinks per bottle = 22

22x$14 = $308

It's usually $200 to $300 in VIP for a bottle of Goose and you get the real estate thrown in.

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The thing is that he's right in a way. The idea of VIP is that you're supposed to be a big-shot. A real Big-shot and his crew would never feel like they have to finish all the bottles. Mr. Big would just leave the bottle there and not worry about the few hundred dollars. The problem happens when posers chip in on a table in order to look like Big-shots. They paid their share of the table and they're getting every last drop of value out of it.

What most people don't realize is that VIP is actually one hell of a deal.

Goose on the rocks at the bar = $14

Drinks per bottle = 22

22x$14 = $308

It's usually $200 to $300 in VIP for a bottle of Goose and you get the real estate thrown in.

Imagine you went to buy a gun and the shop owner said, no son, we have a two glock minimum.. There would be outrage.

The fact a club forces you to buy more liquor than you could possibly drink should be a crime. It's only a matter of time until someone dies and a club is sued. If I were a waitress I would not want to be apart of this practice.

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Guest musicalmissionary

What most people don't realize is that VIP is actually one hell of a deal.

Goose on the rocks at the bar = $14

Drinks per bottle = 22

22x$14 = $308

It's usually $200 to $300 in VIP for a bottle of Goose and you get the real estate thrown in.

The point isn't whether it's a deal or not. The point is the minimum investment required to get that deal. If they allowed a group of 4 to just get one bottle to start off and not force 2 bottles on them... there'd be nothing to argue. And I'm willing to bet that a large percentage of 4-person tables would end up buying a second bottle anyways, therefore relieving the club/promoter of any responsibility... not that they have any as of now. But I'm surprised there haven't been any lawsuits in this area, at least none that I've heard of. Your essentially encouraging an individual to drink at least 11 drinks. Yeah yeah I know... it's nobody's fault but the drunk's. Courts don't always see it that way though... just sayin...

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Guest macboy
The thing is that he's right in a way. The idea of VIP is that you're supposed to be a big-shot. A real Big-shot and his crew would never feel like they have to finish all the bottles. Mr. Big would just leave the bottle there and not worry about the few hundred dollars. The problem happens when posers chip in on a table in order to look like Big-shots. They paid their share of the table and they're getting every last drop of value out of it.

What most people don't realize is that VIP is actually one hell of a deal.

Goose on the rocks at the bar = $14

Drinks per bottle = 22

22x$14 = $308

It's usually $200 to $300 in VIP for a bottle of Goose and you get the real estate thrown in.

x2 bottles and you have 44 drinks for a table of 4? Even during my younger years I was not downing 11 drinks at a club. Giving away drinks to friends often didn't make sense when they were buying tables as well.

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Guest musicalmissionary
What ever happened to personal responsibility. Do we need a law to counteract every retard action?

I'm pretty sure there's a legal precedent out there somewhere that says if you force someone to buy something you should reasonably assume they will use/consume it. I mean, you just fuckin obligated them to buy the damn thing(s) knowing what could ensue if they consume it. Especially in light of the alternative of NOT forcing them to buy 2 bottles and allowing them to just buy 1. Ahhh... but the almighty profit monster rears his ugly head... again.

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Guest tekniQz
In my best years, 11 drinks would put me out for the count..

I've done some rather bold act's of alcohalism with Bombay Saphire,Tonic and Lime @Space.

To drink 11 drinks is crazy!!Depending on your level of commitment that is.lol

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What ever happened to personal responsibility. Do we need a law to counteract every retard action?

I disagree in this case. Of course the person drinking is responsible for their own well being, but who is responsible for mine when I'm on the same roads as them? How can a bar/club force people to buy excess alcohol when they know under Dade's formula a party of 4 would each drink 11 drinks!!! The question is, what responsibility does the club/bar/waitress have? The law is clear, they have a lot...

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I've done some rather bold act's of alcohalism with Bombay Saphire,Tonic and Lime @Space.

To drink 11 drinks is crazy!!Depending on your level of commitment that is.lol

For a solid year, my roommate and I only drank Ever Clear. We would buy the half gallon and mix it with Sprite. I was hard core back then and still couldn't put away 11 drinks.

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Guest JustDade
I disagree in this case. Of course the person drinking is responsible for their own well being, but who is responsible for mine when I'm on the same roads as them? How can a bar/club force people to buy excess alcohol when they know under Dade's formula a party of 4 would each drink 11 drinks!!! The question is, what responsibility does the club/bar/waitress have? The law is clear, they have a lot...

Again, nobody said you had to actually drink it all. A real baller would drink what he wants and leave the rest. As has been mentioned, you can also re-claim the unfinished portion on your next visit. VIP isn't supposed to be for the cheapos.

Don't get me wrong. I started this conversation because I have always felt conflicted about this subject. I do believe that people should have personal responsibility. Why is it any different because you buy by the bottle. A person could stand at the bar and consume the same ammount, couldn't they? Yes they could but......

In most clubs the bartenders are trained to pour a uniform shot and cut the customer off when they are obvoiusly hammered. However, VIP waitresses are trained to pour the drinks heavy in order to finish the bottles quickly and get the customer to re-order more bottles. Most of the time the customer is pouring the drink themselves and are not monitored at all. It's all part of the plan to make money.

Is this worse than happy hour promotions where it's 2 for 1? Is the customer not free to either drink it or leave it? Are the clubs really supposed to be the voice of reason?

As I said.......conflicted.

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Guest pod

Nobody forced you to go to the club. Nobody forced you to buy the bottle. You can go to a club and choose not to drink.

Why do I have to "pay" for someone's mental retardation?

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Guest swank

At the end of the whole story...bottle service here in North America is BS. What will clubs do when nobody wants to pay for bottle service anymore...? Well they better get prepared because it's started....

Forcing someone to buy more alcohol than is necessary is a ridiculous business format that will end up in the lawsuit of all lawsuits and is definitely played out. Paying for something that you won't use is not being a baller....it's being ignorant. [ ya....I'll take that Mercedes S550 but don't bother with the key....I just wanna sit in it and look good. ] :cool: [i'm a baller]

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Guest Buck White
thread is really interesting first interesting thread in a while

Speak for yourself.

In addition, what kind of club legend can't put down 11 drinks ?

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Guest swank

While I'm on the subject....whatever happened to clubs where you could go to and actually have a seat ? Without having to spend $300...! :mad:

WTF happened to this biz, when getting a seat in a club costs money...? Why can't people have a seat in a club and send a waitress over to take their orders...?

Lazy...people are just too lazy.:(

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Guest myles hie

Forcing someone to buy more alcohol than is necessary is a ridiculous business format that will end up in the lawsuit of all lawsuits and is definitely played out.

You said it. Front page news. All its going to take is one Baller on a budget to get into some horrific accident on the way home from Club XYZ. Club XYZ will be forced to close, and "bottle service" will be changed forever.

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Guest myles hie
While I'm on the subject....whatever happened to clubs where you could go to and actually have a seat ? Without having to spend $300...! :mad:

WTF happened to this biz, when getting a seat in a club costs money...? Why can't people have a seat in a club and send a waitress over to take their orders...?

Lazy...people are just too lazy.:(

It's not like clubs have bunches of ways to make money. Booze or cover charge. Making you pay to use the pisser is inhumane, 95% don't have food sales, so you gotta sell space.

I blame the DJ's and thier exhorbitant booking fees! ;)

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