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The Biz & Roland Interview

Guest JustDade

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Guest LeVeL

I wasn't too impressed with the interview, I thought Barbarino would ask more creative questions..half of the answers, we all already knew. I dont think people are really that interested in Biz and Roland's insight in the scene, no pun intended.

Besides the subject of VIP and Bottle minimum, that the only solid feedback that has come out of the interview which is yet again another recycled issue that clubbers are aware of.

I give the Interview a D

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Guest The K.
Pod, that could be the dumbest logic ever. You could apply that to anything. Why did you get shot in the head in the hood? Who told you to go there? It's your fault..

Do people only get shot in the head in the "hood"?

do they aim for the chest in your area??

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Guest pod

It's pretty spurious to accuse a club of overserving you. It just seems like total nanny-state bullshit, like something you'd see in in a socialist state, because as we all know the State Knows What Is Bestâ„¢.

Whatever happened to knowing your limits? Christ, what's next, the State telling me when I can and can't be outside?

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Guest JustDade
The only thing silly at best are people trying to analyze and decipher why ballers do the things they do...the real reason....is because they can. ;)

And we have a winner! That's what VIP is supposed to be about....doing whatever you want while the peeons on the other side of the rope have to follow the rules. The only thing better than a good thing is more of it, right?

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Guest biznation00

Thanks to everyone who took the time to read it... Not to mention Nick & Dan for putting it together.

Aside from the vip matter, I would luv to hear your opinion on whether or not you think clubbers are being spoiled to death. At almost any given club these days, it seems there is an army of promoters fighting among one another over who brought jane or john doe. Promoters who work in the same club, for the same cause. Drinks getting comped, admission getting comped. Clubs investing Big $ on Djs & events going bankrupt! Isn't a "promoter" supposed to sell a party/product?

Asking your "friend" to pay reduced admission at a special event is an insult these days. Isn't it not?

Biz Martinez

MySpace.com - Biz - 30 - Male - Miami Beach, Florida - www.myspace.com/bizmartinez

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Guest eroc0411

yea it is shocking having 2 pay cover in miami... There just 2 many clubs 2 choose from.. I Dont mind paying a cover as long as i know the party is going 2 be good and the drink prices are somewhat decent... It really suxs having 2 pay valet, cover, over priced drinks and the party sucks.. Something has 2 give... Miami is like a shopping mall when it comes 2 clubs... Ur really a sucker if ur paying for all the above items mentioned... But i do gotta say the clubs that are strict w/ the door usually have the best parties... And by the way in Chicago there are signs posted all over the place that says it's illegal 2 pour ur own drinks when u buy bottle service...

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Guest ICON

It's not forcing someone to buy a minimum. No one is forcing you to go to the club, no one is forcing you to go VIP. If you need VIP to go out, you've got ego issues.

Thats not true dude. It all depends on the venue. For example SPACE.. I love the VIP setting they have there (main room)... Doesnt mean I have an ego.. It means i dont care much for having to stand around for several hours on the Main Room floor with a thousand people. With a VIP table at SPACE the service is on point.. I can sit and chill... go out on the main floor.. and always have a spot to come back to load up the cup again.

The problem I have with VIPs are when they pack you in like fucking cattle. You have 4-8 people with you and they give you a little box with a table cloth bought from Target for your table to put the drinks. Those places are bullshit and there are more in Miam than quality spots. Pretty much every club on the beach is like that. Nocturnal and Pawn Shop are like that. Sorry if this pisses anyone off.. but those clubs suck. Im glad LC is moving to another venue because Noc is a shithole. <<--- keep in mind this is MY opinion and experiences. I know there are a lot of sensative people on this board so if my opinions hurt anybody's feelings than I'll buy you a drink next time I see ya out.

A few quality spots that I have been to for VIP where me and my party really enjoyed outselves.

SPACE - Best VIP staff IN MY OPINION. Everything from the door, host, servers, bar backs, and bartenders. - I used to live in Vegas and partied hard up there and nothing there compares to SPACE (My Opinion)



The rest suck. (My opinion)

For all you SPACE, Prive, and Suite haters out there that want to bash me because of my comment... Keep in mind this is from MY experience.. not yours.. If you think the places I mentioned sucks.. then thats all you.. im talking about my many personal experiences at these places (meaning MY opinions).

As for the bottle minimum thing.. who gives a fuck.. it's the club's decision. If you dont have the money for it then dont pay it.. if you do.. then have a good time.... and if you are coherent at the end of the night and can remember to ask your VIP server to put your name on it for next week, then good job... if you dont remember to ask the server then it's your loss.

It's no different than the Golden Coral Buffet having rules to get patrons fatter.

Once again Barbarino wants to stir shit up about the lamest shit. The interview was cool.. but the VIP Bottle service segment was retarded. The clubs are not sticking a gun to anyone's fucking head demanding that they drink every ounce of alcohol on the table.

I understand that you have retired and all that but this type of business practice in clubs have been going on for years... Im sure you never complained about it during your golden days.... damn, nevermid... I forgot.. Im sure you got in everywhere for free and didnt have to worry about that kind of shit.

My only concern.. i just hope to god that clubs dont re-use "unfinished" bottles after VIP tables. If a table doesnt finish their bottle and doesnt ask the server to keep it for next week.. i would hope that the club would throw the bottle away instead of trying to pour drinks from it.... You never know what people can put in those bottles (Ghb, etc)

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Thanks to everyone who took the time to read it... Not to mention Nick & Dan for putting it together.

Aside from the VIP matter, I would luv to hear your opinion on whether or not you think clubbers are being spoiled to death. At almost any given club these days, it seems there is an army of promoters fighting among one another over who brought Jane or john doe. Promoters who work in the same club, for the same cause. Drinks getting comped, admission getting comped. Clubs investing Big $ on Djs & events going bankrupt! Isn't a "promoter" supposed to sell a party/product?

Asking your "friend" to pay reduced admission at a special event is an insult these days. Isn't it not?

Biz Martinez

MySpace.com - Biz - 30 - Male - Miami Beach, Florida - MySpace.com - Biz - 30 - Male - Miami Beach, Florida - www.myspace.com/bizmartinez

I think the Miami club industry is destroying itself from within. It seems that almost everyone's admission is being comped through guest lists and promoters. Booze is being comped to locals and to the eye candy at an astounding rate. Most clubs on the beach actually pay celebrity "hosts" for their appearance and have a policy to never drop a check on other celebrities no matter how large a bill they run up. A lot of clubs are doing 50% less revenue than they should be doing because of all the freebies. When you factor in escalating rents, insurance, staff and marketing costs the profit margins are incredibly thin.

The business model is broken. I think that's why you here about a decline in bottle sales at a lot of clubs. The wallets that buy bottles resent that the table next to them is probably being comped. Most people who can spend $600 or more on bottle service want to feel like they're real VIPs and they know that in Miami, NYC and L.A. the real VIPs are being comped.

There are clubs in Tampa and Orlando that are more profitable than the big clubs in Miami because they don't give away the store every night. They do less $ per person; but everyone pays.

Am I correct that the revenues at a lot of the Miami clubs are way below what they could/should be because of all the freebies?

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Guest ICON
I think the Miami club industry is destroying itself from within. It seems that almost everyone's admission is being comped through guest lists and promoters. Booze is being comped to locals and to the eye candy at an astounding rate. Most clubs on the beach actually pay celebrity "hosts" for their appearance and have a policy to never drop a check on other celebrities no matter how large a bill they run up. A lot of clubs are doing 50% less revenue than they should be doing because of all the freebies. When you factor in escalating rents, insurance, staff and marketing costs the profit margins are incredibly thin.

The business model is broken. I think that's why you here about a decline in bottle sales at a lot of clubs. The wallets that buy bottles resent that the table next to them is probably being comped. Most people who can spend $600 or more on bottle service want to feel like they're real VIPs and they know that in Miami, NYC and L.A. the real VIPs are being comped.

There are clubs in Tampa and Orlando that are more profitable than the big clubs in Miami because they don't give away the store every night. They do less $ per person; but everyone pays.

Am I correct that the revenues at a lot of the Miami clubs are way below what they could/should be because of all the freebies?

who cares if shit is being comped... if the owner of the club has a problem with THEIR ADMISSION AND ALCOHOL being comped then they should put their fucking foot down. If they arent putting their foot down then obviouslly it's not a problem.

i dont get it and maybe i never will, but if i owned a company and one of my "sales persons" (in this case a promoter) was giving my material away for free (to anybody)... then i would say something or fire the bastard... how this is killing miami clubs is beyond me.... and if it is.. then it is the club owners fault.

I understand the (in this case high rollers) need to get their free booz, etc.... thats business.. but if it's too much then there needs to be a standard.

im about to open a restaurant... if i catch an employee giving out FREE (in this case COMP) food to their friends or hopefull booty calls.. i'm either going to do 2 things.... fire the fucker or tell him/her that f they do it again it will be coming out of their paycheck.. and then fire them.. end of story.

Damn... if its that bad in clubland then the club owners need to watch a few episodes of Kitchen Nightmares on FOX.

This isnt a casino that stays open 24-7/365, its a nightclub. The whole "Well club owners dont know whats going on half the time in their clubs" comment is bullshit. if they fail? It's their fault. Cry me a fucking river... It's the hospitality industry for fucks sake.

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Guest pod

I still don't get why any of you guys aren't aware of the concept of being responsible for your own actions? Why do you want and need The State to protect you from yourselves?

Are we chimps or are we the product of eons of evolution?

I think it is sheer laziness. No one wants to own up to their own faults, so they want to hide behind more and more laws infringing on our personal freedoms. Including the freedom to drink.

I'm gonna enjoy a drink. I have a new variety of vodka. I'm home. If you know where I live and can get over here in the next 20 minutes (8 AM) you're more than welcome to sample it. Girls only.

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Guest musicalmissionary

I think it is sheer laziness. No one wants to own up to their own faults, so they want to hide behind more and more laws infringing on our personal freedoms. Including the freedom to drink.

Don't be a fucking idiot. Not a single suggestion in this thread would infringe on anyone's right to drink. It's actually the opposite... infringe on someone's right to force 2 bottles of liquor on a group of 4 people that just want to sit at a table.

And this has less to do with protecting people from themselves than it does it with protecting Mr, Mrs, and Jr Smith driving to church on Sunday morning. The bottom line is, there is no single intelligent argument that can support a club/promoter's right to force a group of 4 people to buy 2 bottles PERIOD. None. Not a single damn one. Except maybe "because they can"... but that's not always the most intelligent source of reasoning.

Does a liquor store force a minimum purchase on customers? Does a restaurant force people to buy 2 entrees or tables of four to buy 2 bottles of wine?

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Guest Orls
Swank is wrong about the bottle service/VIP thing going away anytime soon. It's like Costco......they are selling in volume, which is always better. The truth is that there will always be people wanting to show off. If there weren't, you would see a lot less $150,000 cars and more Prius on the road. VIP is about being seen and envied. As long as there is a velvet rope, people will want to pay to be on the inside of that barrier so they can feel better about themselves.

The example of the guy buying a Mercedes and not wanting the key is silly at best. A real example would be that the guy buys a mercedes and 6 months later he is bored of it and trades it on a Bentley but doesn't care when he loses half the value. The real baller is actually buying the image of being a VIP rather than the booze or the chair. He's buying the jealousy of those around him.......and that chick in the skimpy black dress.....all for a few hundred bucks. Such a deal!

And for those making the "personal responsibility" argument....isn't judgement the first thing to go when a person gets drunk? Are we really expecting the drunk to know when to cut himself off? That's like trying to convince him that the girl he wants to take home really is that ugly........he won't care until tomorrow.

This town suffers from this very logic. Try to make a living on "the real ballers". First the club and promoter give away the night to their friends (comp admission and drinks) and then they make it up by forcing table service prices up. Sounds like a very short term marketing plan!!

Dade - I know you have experience with the subject but I think this is why all these clubs only last a couple of years before another trendy club opens and takes your baller away. I do agree with Pod that everyone has the choice to make and decide how much they drink and spend but as an outsider looking in, it looks like the marketing to the baller concept will just come back to haunt each and every club owner at one point or another.


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Guest JustDade
Dade - I know you have experience with the subject but I think this is why all these clubs only last a couple of years before another trendy club opens and takes your baller away. I do agree with Pod that everyone has the choice to make and decide how much they drink and spend but as an outsider looking in, it looks like the marketing to the baller concept will just come back to haunt each and every club owner at one point or another.


The real VIPs are always transient. They will only be your customers until the perception of which is the right place to be seen changes to another club. The same "Ballers" that you saw at tables in Mansion moved to Mokai....set.....wherever. It's part of that game and the reason the Opium Group opens so many new clubs. They know the VIPs are always looking for the next cool spot so they make sure they're the ones who give it to them.

Missionary - your argument is crazy on one very important point.... nobody forced them to buy anything. The venue is free to set a price for VIP just like they do for drinks at the bar. It's up to the customer to either buy or pass. Coach suggests a $100 cover for VIP. A group of four would spend $400 + drinks. Isn't it better to get two bottles and drink what you want and leave the rest?

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Guest pod

You still have the right to refuse to pay and go elsewhere without a minimum, or go home. At the end of the day, you're not being forced into anything. No one said go out. And even if you do, no one said go out VIP style. You can always pay normal cover and frequent the bar.

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Guest colione98
Im with Biz and Dade on this hands down. It might sound crazy and look crazy and be crazy but Miami and NY created this whole idea.

Some clubs have different policies on holding bottles and some dont

Pangaea and Gryphon hold your bottles for 2 weeks allowing the customer to come back and finish it at a different time

I personally think this makes sense and would be an incentive for myself


you know your my boy but lets talk for a minute....

The concept of being able to return to the same bottle for a period of two weeks is indeed an incentive. I have had that experience when i was living overseas by which I would purchase a bottle- (not a table) and be able to return to the unfinished bottle at a later that. A strip of an adhesive measuring ruler with your name would be placed on the side to determine the owner and amount drank.

However, as stated before, upon returning I returned to the bottle not having to purchase a table.

So at pang or gryph, would I be abe to return to a VIP table with an already purchased bottle and receive a discount for my table in the VIP room? Or would i be able to sit freely at one of the tables along the sides that have the "reserved" tag on it?

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Guest colione98
Don't be a fucking idiot. Not a single suggestion in this thread would infringe on anyone's right to drink. It's actually the opposite... infringe on someone's right to force 2 bottles of liquor on a group of 4 people that just want to sit at a table.

And this has less to do with protecting people from themselves than it does it with protecting Mr, Mrs, and Jr Smith driving to church on Sunday morning. The bottom line is, there is no single intelligent argument that can support a club/promoter's right to force a group of 4 people to buy 2 bottles PERIOD. None. Not a single damn one. Except maybe "because they can"... but that's not always the most intelligent source of reasoning.

Does a liquor store force a minimum purchase on customers? Does a restaurant force people to buy 2 entrees or tables of four to buy 2 bottles of wine?

But at an adult club, there is a drink minimum- which is reasonably affordable. So the argument can go anywhere. But at the end of the day, it all comes down to being reasonable.....

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Guest Orls
You still have the right to refuse to pay and go elsewhere without a minimum, or go home. At the end of the day, you're not being forced into anything. No one said go out. And even if you do, no one said go out VIP style. You can always pay normal cover and frequent the bar.

Again I agree with you to a point - because this town has basically taken the table service a put it out of reach of everyone that isn't a "baller" willing to spend $350 a head and have to leave a bottle and a half at the club for the sake of it. Its shouldn't be totally about that because if you happen to want to go out with a group and get a table you should be able to without spending a small fortune. I am not also talking about table service being cheap to the point that everybody could afford it but at this point its only available to the people willing to spend mega bucks for one night. Club owners have created their worst enemy. My arguement is that club owners push away most of the people who are not ballers (to get a table) and are willing to spend $150 to $200 a night (much more attainable and would reach a target market that wouldn't run out on them after a few months). In the long run the difference shortens the duration of the club makes these clubs bad investments.

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Guest JustDade
Again I agree with you to a point - because this town has basically taken the table service a put it out of reach of everyone that isn't a "baller" willing to spend $350 a head and have to leave a bottle and a half at the club for the sake of it. Its shouldn't be totally about that because if you happen to want to go out with a group and get a table you should be able to without spending a small fortune. I am not also talking about table service being cheap to the point that everybody could afford it but at this point its only available to the people willing to spend mega bucks for one night. Club owners have created their worst enemy. My arguement is that club owners push away most of the people who are not ballers (to get a table) and are willing to spend $150 to $200 a night (much more attainable and would reach a target market that wouldn't run out on them after a few months). In the long run the difference shortens the duration of the club makes these clubs bad investments.

I always love these posts where people tell clubs what they should do. It's either that they should play liquid voodoo techno because that's the cool underground sound and they could educate their crowd....or....they should lower their drink prices because it's supposed to be about the music.....or.....they should let me wear whatever I want because they are stuck up and I'm about dancing. Now it's they should make VIP more affordable. News Flash:::::VIP IS SUPPOSED TO PRICE OUT THE REGULAR PEOPLE. Sorry if you find that offensive but it's the truth. What good is it if everyone can afford it? VIP stands for Very Important Person. What makes them important??? The fact that they can afford to pay the big price.

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Guest Orls

Oh well - believe me I'm not offended and I wasn't suggesting to make if affordable, but your response still leads me to believe that as a club owner you just shortened your life span.

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Guest LeVeL

I dont neccesarily have a problem with the 2 Bottle minimum, because 1 Bottle for the Girls and 1 Bottle for the guys is cool with me, because 1 bottle for 4 people is not enough.

As far as Promoters and club owners complaining about all the people that are being comped and being on guestlist is concerned, I find that really funny when some of these promoters are benefitting from all the people that they have on their guestlist and comping for sexual favors. The reality is that you guys and I am meaning the promoters are to blame for letting people be accustomed to being comped, but the club is still making their money on alcohol sales.

And as a clubber its cool with me, comp me, put me on your gueslist, its a benefit to me because I dont have no investment in the club scene. I dont mind paying either but if you can get in for free then why not, why do I want to be one of the only people to pay when the others are getting in for free.

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Guest colione98
I always love these posts where people tell clubs what they should do. It's either that they should play liquid voodoo techno because that's the cool underground sound and they could educate their crowd....or....they should lower their drink prices because it's supposed to be about the music.....or.....they should let me wear whatever I want because they are stuck up and I'm about dancing. Now it's they should make VIP more affordable. News Flash:::::VIP IS SUPPOSED TO PRICE OUT THE REGULAR PEOPLE. Sorry if you find that offensive but it's the truth. What good is it if everyone can afford it? VIP stands for Very Important Person. What makes them important??? The fact that they can afford to pay the big price.

Your statements are very well taken and possibly understood by most- but on the other hand- today, its either VIP or not. That being said, VIP should always be separated and have THEIR own "room" and not be amongst the REGULAR PEOPLE.

If one has a group of friends who wants to rejoice amongst themselves without the intenstions of going VIP, its impossible without paying that small fortune.

A lot times, young professionals are not looking to seperate themselves from the rest and label themselves as VIP but rather be amonst the REGULAR FOLKS.

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Guest colione98

If I may use this example,

Its similar to going to a concert or a sports match at an arena or stadium- There is noze bleed seating, the vip box and everything in between- some being more expensive than others depending on how close you are.

Here you have choices- no one is forcing you to buy ring side tickets or a private box ticket. You pay depending on the occasion, the company you have, and your budget.

In a club setting, there is no choice- Getting a table is VIP period!!! And you can't buy bottles and stand around in a circle of friends keeping the ice bucket on the floor- thats def not happening.... Now that's Ghetty......... Slang for Ghetto.....

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