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Leaked letter: Space pressures Mayor Alverez

V. Barbarino

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Guest pod

Very valid point. The problem in clubland is that a lot of people don't see beyond their own noses. They don't see that if a club operates close to the bounds of the law, or beyond the bounds of the law, it hurts every club. Say Club XYZ consistently exceeds its operating hours, and pisses off the neighbors. Club XYZ gets shut down at some point. End of story? Nope. Now, Club ABC wants to come in, and do it right. Club ABC is owned by people respectful of the operating laws, and so forth. Won't matter really since the City won't want another headache, despite the fact ABC might promise to play nice.

Now the clubs existing have even more issues since they're under the microscope by code enforcement and PD.

I really wish I had a few million to finance my little reality show idea.

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Guest tijuanarave

Space people can try all they want. But nothing is going to happen until Karu has an event where they advertise that they are selling alcohol after 5:00 a.m. or that they actually sell alcohol past 5 a.m. Everything else is just speculation if you read the letter.

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Guest e360

and you people sit here and argue about whats hurting the scene??? its this shit right here. the only thing these clubs have in mind is their profits, not the scene or the music, OR US!

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and you people sit here and argue about whats hurting the scene??? its this shit right here. the only thing these clubs have in mind is their profits, not the scene or the music, OR US!

honestly poeple might argue with me but if there's no profits theres no scene, clubs would be losing money and couldn't afford to book djs or even stay open and even dj's now in days are about the money if not they wouldn't charge $1,000's to spin.

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Guest e360

nothing wrong with profits, as long as you let others PROFIT as well... But it appears that Space doesnt want anyone BUT THEM profiting... I mean, getting attornies involved??? come on!!!!!!!! seems a little childish. but I know most of you dig Space and its "owner' so oh well.

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Guest tijuanarave
and you people sit here and argue about whats hurting the scene??? its this shit right here. the only thing these clubs have in mind is their profits, not the scene or the music, OR US!

Of course all they have on their mind is to make money... they are running a business!!! if you don't want to deal with this around your "scene" then go strictly underground and bypass these events.

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Guest tijuanarave
nothing wrong with profits, as long as you let others PROFIT as well... But it appears that Space doesnt want anyone BUT THEM profiting... I mean, getting attornies involved??? come on!!!!!!!! seems a little childish. but I know most of you dig Space and its "owner' so oh well.

If you read all the posting on this thread, you will find out why they don't want other people making money on something THEY started. (and by the way I am not defending Space, just giving you the facts)

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nothing wrong with profits, as long as you let others PROFIT as well... But it appears that Space doesnt want anyone BUT THEM profiting... I mean, getting attornies involved??? come on!!!!!!!! seems a little childish. but I know most of you dig Space and its "owner' so oh well.

you're somewhat retarted, i'm sorry.

please read the comments above, it's not very complicated.

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Guest pod

Hmm, maybe some people are actually reading what I post.

In a capitalist society such as the one we live in, there's really nothing on the books that says you are required to "let" your competition profit. That's leaning towards socialism, actually.

Space or any other club cannot give ground in the name of 'the scene'. It's an eat-or-be-eaten world out there, and if LP gives someone an inch, believe me, they're gonna take that inch, and then the entire mile. They're not gonna be like "Wow, thanks man!" They're gonna see that as a sign of weakness and go for the jugular.

And like TJ said, if you're tired of the dog-eat-dog world, just bypass it entirely and throw your own one-offs at small places. Venues like Blue and Laundry Bar seem to hold their own despite the existence of titans like Space, Cameo, and the various Opium properties.

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Guest ICON
nothing wrong with profits, as long as you let others PROFIT as well... But it appears that Space doesnt want anyone BUT THEM profiting... I mean, getting attornies involved??? come on!!!!!!!! seems a little childish. but I know most of you dig Space and its "owner' so oh well.

It's the fucking principle dude.

Here's a perfect example:

Vybe Radio 107.1 FM operating without a LEGIT/LEGAL FCC license for FREE while every other FM radio station in South Florida had to pay millions for it. Same exact thing. Why is it ok for some bedroom wannabe DJ to open an illegal station without paying all of the fees involved, but Y100 has to?

The next thing you know... there would be 10000 illegal stations on the FM dial.

In this case, Club SPACE has paid lots of $$ for their 24 Hour Liquor license in the proposed entertainment district... K&Y has not in the NON ENTERTAINMENT district.

and yes people.. that is comparing apples to apples because in the in, its BUSINESS.

What do you think would happen if Club XYZ on the beach decided to do a huge after hours event until 11am... Youre telling me that the other clubs on the beach would just lay down and allow for this to happen? Come on dude.

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Guest e360
Hmm, maybe some people are actually reading what I post.

In a capitalist society such as the one we live in, there's really nothing on the books that says you are required to "let" your competition profit. That's leaning towards socialism, actually.

Space or any other club cannot give ground in the name of 'the scene'. It's an eat-or-be-eaten world out there, and if LP gives someone an inch, believe me, they're gonna take that inch, and then the entire mile. They're not gonna be like "Wow, thanks man!" They're gonna see that as a sign of weakness and go for the jugular.

And like TJ said, if you're tired of the dog-eat-dog world, just bypass it entirely and throw your own one-offs at small places. Venues like Blue and Laundry Bar seem to hold their own despite the existence of titans like Space, Cameo, and the various Opium properties.

you are right... its capitalism. but, there is something called ETHICS! and another thing called "monopoly"

and on another note... its because of venues such as Laundry Bar and Blue that keep this "dying" scene alive.

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Guest pod

In a way. The scene, whether it's dying or not is kept alive by little and big venues alike.

Monopoly? Heh, I would love to see someone try to push an anti-trust act violation through on a nightclub. The court system would not even accept the case. Anti-trust violations are reserved for when billions are at stake, not hundreds of thousands.

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Guest klubveteran
Very valid point. The problem in clubland is that a lot of people don't see beyond their own noses. They don't see that if a club operates close to the bounds of the law, or beyond the bounds of the law, it hurts every club. Say Club XYZ consistently exceeds its operating hours, and pisses off the neighbors. Club XYZ gets shut down at some point. End of story? Nope. Now, Club ABC wants to come in, and do it right. Club ABC is owned by people respectful of the operating laws, and so forth. Won't matter really since the City won't want another headache, despite the fact ABC might promise to play nice.

Now the clubs existing have even more issues since they're under the microscope by code enforcement and PD.

I really wish I had a few million to finance my little reality show idea.

excellent point Pod.

good for Louie to go after them by playing by the rules and protecting his turf. having been around closely to Louis when the original club opened there were lots of planning he did and risked to make it happen. also in part with his deep resources. there were few people if any that wouldve been able to pull this off at that time in 1998-99 when initial plans set forth. the golden ticket is the 24 hour license. but also what you do with it.

how about those clubs that tried to ride his cotails and failed. Fuel, Living room downtown, NV, Beach place or some crap like that, and nocturnal for it was "ok" it never materialized to its potential.

fact remains they are not in the 24 hour zone and are tap dancing around the codes or that area. way to go for bringing it to the appropriate people the legal way. if you know your rules of the game and you play them to your advantage you may win nearly all the time in the game. in this case the games is business. and business is cut throat. play ball.

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Guest pod

I'd rather do it right than have to tap dance around codes and what-ifs and overzealous inspectors. Sure, you might be "legit" because of 2347783470 arcane things you did to work around the issue, but all it takes is one code enforcement guy who forgets one of those things to make a bad day for you. Sure, you can resolve it in court, but for the time being, your event is toast.

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I'd rather do it right than have to tap dance around codes and what-ifs and overzealous inspectors. Sure, you might be "legit" because of 2347783470 arcane things you did to work around the issue, but all it takes is one code enforcement guy who forgets one of those things to make a bad day for you. Sure, you can resolve it in court, but for the time being, your event is toast.

The government shoots first and asks questions later.. I see it in my line of work all the time.

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Guest pod

I couldn't have said it better myself. It's why I never argue with the cops. They're just the enforcers. Sure, in minor cases they have some latitude, but with major accusations, it's pretty certain they'll haul you in. The classic phrase "Tell it to the judge" comes to mind.

PD or Code Enforcement could easily pull the plug on the party in question, and the best the organizers could do is deal with it in court on Monday. Sure it sucks, but unfortunately when it was time to fight against these sort of things, most party people had their heads up their asses.

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Guest tres-b


Seriously dude... Since my previous post didnt spell things out, let me do that here.....

LP fought for and helped create the 24hr "entertainment" zone where Space is located.

There is a competitive advantage that Space(and any other club w/i the zone) has over clubs not located there. What is that advantage? They have a liquor liscense that allows them to remain open 24/7.

This advantage was legally established by the city of Miami.

Furthermore, clubs operating outside the bounds of the law is bad for ALL clubs. It creates a door that many citizens would be happy to kick open and proceed to go after any 24hr clubs right to do business.

Finally, let me address that evil word profit. If it wasnt for profit, there would be no clubs period. I am all about the music but at the end of the day, no one is doing pro bono work in clubland.

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Guest pod

It costs money to do things. Even if you just want to break even, you still have to dole out money for things related to the event.

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Guest e360

nothin wrong with profits... we all gotta eat...

but, going after other clubs and promoters with the law??? and attornies??? come on guys really? can anyone remember the "fever " crew???

they basicly did the same things, onl they did it with guns, knives, jacking people for their pills, etc,.

and they about nearly RUNIED the scene here in So FLA. they strong armed promoters and dj's for years.

so tell me, whats the difference?

its not a bad thing that LP got the entertainment disctrict going. but what he is doing now, MOST OF US ARENT FOND OF!

but who cares right?? we are the little guys!!!!

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Guest pod

Wait, don't you do events at a fairly large nightclub on South Beach? I don't know who runs it, but I'll bet dollars to donuts they'll turn you out the minute a more profitable concept comes along.

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