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Guest DJZane

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Guest DJZane

i got a message today saying " Zane you are young and stupid you will never suceed because you are money hungry and all you care about is making money i laugh at people like you. Grow up then start djing otherwise Miami will eat you alive." i will not name who sent this but i would like to know when has starting young at anything not been good for anything you do

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Guest slamminshaun
This board has seriously taken a turn for the worse.

Is this what it's come down to? Pickin' on a kid who has a dream?

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Guest coach
Is this what it's come down to? Pickin' on a kid who has a dream?

Yeah, whoever wrote that has serious issues. In most cases being young and stupid is the ONLY way to succeed. Look at many of the successes of today, when they were young and just starting out, people said they'd never make it and they were too "stupid" to listen to the naysayers.

Come on, Zane, name some names.

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Guest MichaelMnML
You gotta be money-hungry to an extent. If anything it'll show you business skills that people twice your age still lack.

dont take that advice man....stay in school, and make sure you directly relate djing with your source of happiness....not money....make sure you have a job or get a job when needed and find a career so that you never have to worry about money as a dj....

worst advice ever.....

you gotta be hungry to play and make people dance and thats all you need....fuck the money....

we dont do this for the money

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Guest myles hie
dont take that advice man....stay in school, and make sure you directly relate djing with your source of happiness....not money....make sure you have a job or get a job when needed and find a career so that you never have to worry about money as a dj....

worst advice ever.....

you gotta be hungry to play and make people dance and thats all you need....fuck the money....

we dont do this for the money

Why is it so horrible to attempt to make a living off something you love and have a passion for? Too many people doing it just to do it makes it harder for people who are interested in making a living at it.

Even though it is fun, you are working and should be compensated accordingly.

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Guest DigitalPhoenix

he actually has more tact by not naming that douchebag...me?

I would've flat out said his name, to let everyone know what an asswipe that person is...but hey,

different strokes for different folks!

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Guest Philip
i got a message today saying " Zane you are young and stupid you will never suceed because you are money hungry and all you care about is making money i laugh at people like you. Grow up then start djing otherwise Miami will eat you alive." i will not name who sent this but i would like to know when has starting young at anything not been good for anything you do

name names

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Guest lyrik
name names

There you go...

And why is everyone so quick to jump on the dont crush the "I have a dream" bus?

First off who cares about a text message some kid received...from a person that will go unnamed. OH THE DRAMA. If you're going to post some stupid shit like this at least call the person out...other than that what purpose does it serve? Does someone need a little reassurance? Here Johnny here's a pat on the head and snickers bar...everything is going to be okay and just keep fighting the good fight.

If this truly interests the people left on this board then I stand by my statement...I need to just stick to the food and movie forum.

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Guest lyrik
soooooooooooo how's it going robert? hows the baby situation going :D

60 Days and counting. I'm gonna be such a good dad. Can't you tell already by my thoughtful words of wisdom?

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Guest MichaelMnML
Why is it so horrible to attempt to make a living off something you love and have a passion for? Too many people doing it just to do it makes it harder for people who are interested in making a living at it.

Even though it is fun, you are working and should be compensated accordingly.

when did i ever say "its horrible to attempt to make a living off something you love"....????.....right, never

but to sit here and tell a kid like zane, what is he like 18?, to be "money hungry" as Pod put so eloquently is madness...if you are good, you will get booked, and if you are good enough you will make SOME money at it....and i mean like some extra spending money to take your girlfriend to Old Navy with...

i know 2 djs in miami that make their living of djing....

its a bit loftly to think we all can go out and be money hungry djs....no wonder all the good djs in town do it for free most of the time....

we do it for the love of music and people....

now when i say we i dont include you....


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Guest myles hie
when did i ever say "its horrible to attempt to make a living off something you love"....????.....right, never

but to sit here and tell a kid like zane, what is he like 18?, to be "money hungry" as Pod put so eloquently is madness...if you are good, you will get booked, and if you are good enough you will make SOME money at it....and i mean like some extra spending money to take your girlfriend to Old Navy with...

i know 2 djs in miami that make their living of djing....

its a bit loftly to think we all can go out and be money hungry djs....no wonder all the good djs in town do it for free most of the time....

we do it for the love of music and people....

now when i say we i dont include you....


Why should someone have to settle for pennies for what we do? Why, because hobbyists clog up a market with only an intention of feeding an ego should others suffer? I know a very small percentage actually make a living out of it, but certainly a crowded market does drive down potential earnings. If there were less people doing it then there would be more demand for your services, which in turn could lead you to potentially making more.

Why, because i like to be compensated for my work, am i automatically a person who doesn't care about the music or love the scene? Because its easier for you to argue your point? I have offered to do some shows for free and others i ask for compensation. Offer any DJ who plays for free money and see what happens. How many you think will turn down the money? Would that make them less of a person or performer in your eyes?

You set the bar for yourself, if you want to always work for free fine, thats a standard you set for yourself, but don't put it under the "because i love the music, man" guise. We all do.

worst advice ever.....

you gotta be hungry to play and make people dance and thats all you need....fuck the money....

we dont do this for the money

I never quoted you as saying it was horrible, but you did say worst advice ever, fuck the money etc. Which by my interpretation means that what POD said was horrible, which led to my statement.

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Guest DJZane

as much as i dislike t his person i do not want to stoop to their level and post names but i will say that is a dj that is known to some in miami. also i do plan on doing music the rest of my life whether it is djing or producing or just being a sound engineer or someone who works in a studio hopefully i can get to the point where i am still making music or being involved in the music scene when i am older hopefully i can go to berklee school of music which is a dream for me

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Guest pod

Like it or not, you gotta earn a living somehow. By doing so with what you love, is the best way of doing it in my mind. I'm not suggesting that Zane here just bulldoze everyone, but if he keeps in mind that he has to make some money doing this, it'll sharpen his business skills for when he really gets going into this.

I never said 'do it for the money', but more of that he has to keep the financial aspect in mind, and by being 'money-hungry', he will. He can't live off of his parents or welfare and hope to make music. Gotta have some income.

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as much as i dislike t his person i do not want to stoop to their level and post names but i will say that is a dj that is known to some in miami. also i do plan on doing music the rest of my life whether it is djing or producing or just being a sound engineer or someone who works in a studio hopefully i can get to the point where i am still making music or being involved in the music scene when i am older hopefully i can go to berklee school of music which is a dream for me

spit it out.

name the name, son.

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Guest mr.miami
spit it out.

name the name, son.

Hah. Doesn't pod have the ability to check the personal messages himself, or is that no longer an option? You shouldn't pressure the guy if he doesn't want to say it.

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Just remember Sasha and Digweed, Hawtin, and Sven Vath have been DJing forever so dont get a big head. If its a career you want you have to think somewhat long term. If you put your time in things will happen. Also most DJ's work in record stores, distributors, studios, as promoters, gigolos etc. Diversify.

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Hah. Doesn't pod have the ability to check the personal messages himself, or is that no longer an option? You shouldn't pressure the guy if he doesn't want to say it.

Why would you want POD to do that? If the kid wants to post it he will if not no reason to have POD bust out his private messages. Pardon my French but that would be f@%-ed up if he did.

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