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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

What's wrong w/ cj???

Guest eroc0411

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Guest eroc0411

This use to be a cool place to check and politic about different points of view... Do we really need 15 threads about how cool or fat the V-man is??? Frankly this place has gotten boring... It’s a real shame I’ve met a lot of cool people thru here. It's i don’t know, its mundane now...

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Guest mr.miami

So what is a better a message board with no new posts and threads? The threads are pretty relevant to the local scene plus they are hilarious and I don't find anything mundane about them. How can you not find a thread with this title, People should not threaten to kick my ass, entertaining?

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Guest Christopher Ellis
This use to be a cool place to check and politic about different points of view... Do we really need 15 threads about how cool or fat the V-man is??? Frankly this place has gotten boring... It’s a real shame I’ve met a lot of cool people thru here. It's i don’t know, its mundane now...

I've been reading this forum for about a year plus and it seems like every month there is a "what's wrong with cj?" thread. Well, post something interesting then.

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my two cents why the site has gone to the dogs...

1. the posters that contributed stuff even if it was to just make us laugh dont post

let me see i can name a few off the bat

a) lulamishka..-she rarely posts now even in food junkies (best reviews for food junkies there are)

B) old skoolers like -carisa, lolahotass,webnorah....etc barely post

c) marlon was banned.... u have to admit he was hilarious

d) nickjunkie banned from his own site

d) renzo barely posts...=humor has gone down quite a bit

e) trancepriest doesnt post his crazy threads that gets everone riled up and debate interesting political/religious topics

2) no more house parties (lyrik is in dallas....)

3) music junkies is a ghost town.... no one is posting decent music anymore

4) junkie chat is dead

5) miami junkies is just promotion garbage... or polls about barbarino,, or yet another thread about how club xyz cant sell liquor after 5 am.. and if they do its the end of the world as we know it...

6) pod is on the board a lot less (while some may see that as good.. i see that as a sign that the board is INDEED slower and even dan realizes this)

7) awesome old skool topics are not bumped anymore.. things like what are you listening to.. or space toes as much....(tells me the old skoolers have left the site pretty much)

only good things i see that keep this board alive still

1) galleries from dan and gypsy

2) some revelant info .. for parties and lists.. but u have to cut thru so much crap to find it.

not sure exactly what needs to be done to fix the site but. i def dont want to see it go the way of CP... that would be a sad day indeed

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Guest jkfunkee

i still havent figured out how to post new sets.....

if someone gives me the tutorial, i will be dropping bombs again.



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Guest DigitalPhoenix

Old skool folks are tired of the same shenannigans, new skool dont know how to act

most people act condescending, and that's a turnoff to new would-be members

the board has clicks that stick together, and dont necessarily accept new people with open arms...furthermore,

Nick? why do y'all give a fuck what Nick says?

when the fuck did y'all stop making your own decisions?

He's an attention whore and has been for years, this shit aint new...quite old

My opinion:

Welcome new people, when they act up, straighten them up but no need to be harsh..

given: if they act up again, then warnings and week bannings....

they'll learn and come back 'cos let's face it, boards are boards but just like your email if you lose it for a week, you welcome the connection back..

Industry related posts: Ramon is the guy on the ball - the man posts about events going on worldwide!

And yet some of you fucks chastise him 'cos it's not local?

When did you lose the love for our music, even if it was for events in other countries? Didnt that make it even more exciting?

Because you know someone somewhere might be able to come in here and tell you all how the dj's performed, or better yet, have a recording of it?

Maybe i'm just an old skooler with a different state of mind..

but my passion for music, the people around it and the atmosphere it builds, is still there

My 2 cents. Keep the change.

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Guest pod

Honestly, I would rather have 100 quality people than 10000 chimps. CJ prides itself on quality, not quantity. I ban people frequently just to maintain community standards. Call me fascist, but I don't care. The downfall of many online communities is the proliferation of drug addicts, monkeys, and garden variety morons.

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my two cents why the site has gone to the dogs...

1. the posters that contributed stuff even if it was to just make us laugh dont post

let me see i can name a few off the bat

a) lulamishka..-she rarely posts now even in food junkies (best reviews for food junkies there are)

B) old skoolers like -carisa, lolahotass,webnorah....etc barely post

c) marlon was banned.... u have to admit he was hilarious

d) nickjunkie banned from his own site

d) renzo barely posts...=humor has gone down quite a bit

e) trancepriest doesnt post his crazy threads that gets everone riled up and debate interesting political/religious topics

2) no more house parties (lyrik is in dallas....)

3) music junkies is a ghost town.... no one is posting decent music anymore

4) junkie chat is dead

5) miami junkies is just promotion garbage... or polls about barbarino,, or yet another thread about how club xyz cant sell liquor after 5 am.. and if they do its the end of the world as we know it...

6) pod is on the board a lot less (while some may see that as good.. i see that as a sign that the board is INDEED slower and even dan realizes this)

7) awesome old skool topics are not bumped anymore.. things like what are you listening to.. or space toes as much....(tells me the old skoolers have left the site pretty much)

only good things i see that keep this board alive still

1) galleries from dan and gypsy

2) some revelant info .. for parties and lists.. but u have to cut thru so much crap to find it.

not sure exactly what needs to be done to fix the site but. i def dont want to see it go the way of CP... that would be a sad day indeed

bling, you need to understand, this board no matter how well moderated will go the way of CP. We are old, way old for the club scene. I'm shocked some of you guys can show up to work on Monday after all the partying you guys do.

The club scene is a major decline. I told everyone the last straw is booking major djs and those parties not working. We've seen recent evidence of that trend starting. This Hawtin party has about a 10% chance of breaking even. Guetta plays pure party music. Roger is playing commercial. LP told a well know dj to play commercial the other day.

It's over blingster, even you manged to hire a girl friend.

There will always be edm clubs in Miami, but they will be tourist traps. No longer can pablo refi his house and blow it all on bottles at Mansion. Now he's up to his eye balls in debt and has 3 dollar gas for his hummer he bought on his Heloc.

The only reason those patios are open is $$$$$$$. Trust me on that one.

After this March Spring Break/WMC how many clubs will close? Noc? Karu? Pawn Shop? Studio A? Club 66? Also do you know a lot of djs don't come to wmc any more. Sure the big guys do who get 340957349 bucks to play but the other 99% of the djs out there don't come any more.

People think Vegas is the next Miami, well it's not. Far from it.

Nick and Dan are my friends, sure Nick is british and should be deported and I've been lobbying ICE, but I digress. I'm sure they have plan B, maybe in this industry or another one, but they know the writing is on the wall. Check out CP NY, Miami and NJ, there is ZERO POSTS ON EVERY BOARD!

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Guest Devilicious

It's definitely different around here than it was a couple of years ago, but it's laughable to think that that is an indication of a suffering clubland overall. Things change, people change, friends change, lifestyles even change, but there will always be people who want to party, especially in Miami.

Yeah we're all older and many of us don't frequent the boards (or the clubs) as often as we used to, but it's still nice to have somewhere to get your gossip and obtain some guidance when you do decide to venture out for a rare night on the town.

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Guest slamminshaun

Sure, it's different....seems like people were really interested in meeting other like-minded people on here back in the day. Not so much anymore. It's a shame, because I've met some really fun people through this board. Remember the roll call threads? (Present!!!) Don't see those too much anymore. Remember the lengthy reviews and trainspotting threads? Don't see those too much anymore either.

Junkie Chat is boring as hell so I don't bother posting in there as much as I used to....only TechJunkie was clever enough to debate me and he's banned. All the rest of you commies suck a monkey's nipple, j/k. ( = <-- And there's another thing, gimmie my emoticons back damn it!

To me the board was like a funny TV show. We all have our personalities and idiosyncrasies, which made for GREAT entertainment when stirred together in the pot known as Cool Junkie. Today, I guess you could say it's more like an infomercial for clubland.

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Guest pod

I'm glad some people don't post as much. I don't have to babysit this thing like I used to. I can go away from my desk for a bit and not worry about some Down's Syndrome chest-thumper posting.

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Guest pod

I've seen this happen before though. Things change, people change, the crowd cycles over, and the old people pick on the new people. I've working with this forum and site for over seven years now, and have been in the community for over a decade now. And this happens every so often. Unless you actually work in the industry in a managerial, performance, business, or marketing role, the turnover and attrition rate is pretty high.

Let's analyze the factors here.

- "Flavor of the week". Clubs tend to attract crowds that are into a certain style of music, whatever it is at that time. That style gets passé, and they move on.

- Drug and alcohol use. A lot of people get drawn into that, sadly, and they literally fry themselves after two or three years of going out. I know people who are the epitome of this.

- General "life". Some people follow the predetermined path, of being wild for a few years, and then settling down. Hell the bloody Amish do it too. It's called a rumspringa. Amish kids get to "let loose" for a few years, and either A) decide to join the church, or B) leave.

- Death?

- They become music nerds and then hibernate unless some "you have to be this cool to come" party surfaces.

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