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Ladies at clubs: what the hells with you?


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I sometimes goto clubs to pickup chicks, which always ends in me and buddies going home alone. I understand that, chicks don't like studs.

I goto a bar and be a nice guy, and hang out with the buddies. I will talk to a few girls and maybe get there numbers or something. I'm a little reserved, but i still go dancing and and laugh around.

But When I goto a bar to get completely trashed (drugs or alcohol) and to go just crazy with no interest in lady. I wear absolutly retarded hats or something stupid and just go crazy at the bar, I act like a retard and yell out stupid shit(totally retard). I don't even ladies the time of the day and you keep flockin to me. I swear that you are all over me and I'm pushing you away.

I'm a fairly good looking guy, and I just want to know why like the retarded crazy man over the nice guy?

And then you complain, Where's all the nice guys? Well if you take your eyes off the retards, you would there are millions of fun nice guys out there!?!?! Dumbass's

Just my beef, thats all


I do drugs and I AM CANADIAN, eh!

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Well I personally do not go for "retarded crazy men" (what a lovely way to describe yourself) but here's my stab at an explanation.

The girls are probably after you when you look like a "retard" because you look like you're just out to have a good time, and not just to look for some pussy.

It's always nicer to meet a guy who is just acting like himself rather than one who's looks like a potential playa.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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ahh... the great mystery of life. why is it that when we get so drunk that we have no idea what we're doing, we get pussy? and then the next day you can't remember how it even happened in the first place...

so true. this is something men will never understand.

and as for "The girls are probably after you when you look like a "retard" because you look like you're just out to have a good time, and not just to look for some pussy." , that just doesn't make sense. why are you attracted to us when we're at our absolute worst? it's not like any ensuing sex will be GOOD...

boggles my hungover mind.


*i'm in love with the modern world*

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We're looking at this from two different angles. You're assuming these ladies want to get laid that night. I wasn't talking about girls just looking for a one-night stand.

And when I say we want someone who doesn't look like he's just out to get pussy... it's because we like to think that there's something special about us that made you want to talk to us... not that we could have been any ol' attractive woman who crossed your path.

Call me silly and idealistic, but I think a lot of women think this way... am I right girls?


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

[This message has been edited by tastyt (edited 05-03-2001).]

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i don't know, all i know is i don't do that. if u were acting this way i'd most likely stay far from yah.



"How did it get so late so soon?

It's nite before it's afternoon.

December is here before it's June.

My goodness how the time has flewn.

How did it get so late so soon?"- Dr. Seuss

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THEY HAVE CLUBS IN ALBERTA!!!!!!! and there fuckin fun too. They best part of alberta, legal drinkin age = 18. and one more point, calgary has the highest alcohol consumption per capita(don't know if this is good)


I do drugs and I AM CANADIAN, eh!

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I actually do go for the kind of quiet more reserved guys when you first meet. However, to a lot of girls, a more outgoing and "retarded" guy seems more approachable. A shy guy can either be concieted assholes..or gay or something. Not that there is anything wrong with being gay, but that means you won't be interested in us girls. I love when a guy knows how to joke around and just be stupid...but usually if I don't know them, I just think they are annoying as all hell. So it depends on the girl.

[This message has been edited by xtotaleclipsex (edited 05-03-2001).]

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ahh yes.. the sick and twisted turn on's is what some may find more intersting..it adds some spice in the picture.. otherwise who wants a boring pushover mr nice guy..

i think when people are searching for someone they look to others for traits that they are might be lacking in..


BeAutY MaY Be UsEd As BaIt~ThRu WoRdS iS tHe OnLy CaPtUrE~

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