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hey i was in the red room!!!


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i stayed in that room from 1:30-5

i was dancing most of the time. let me describe what i looked like that nite/mornin'

i had on a tight pink shirt, black pants, i'm afro-americano, i was dancin' by myself most of the time-which i didn't mind, "my hair" is wild and curly i had it down and up and i had on tan sandals...maybe someone noticed me.. cwm14.gif



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Originally posted by cmb1975:

First of all...harly1, dont come on this board and start drama, it just aint gonna fly...

Ain't gonna fly? Drama? Sorry! Lighten the fuck up!

[This message has been edited by harley1 (edited 05-21-2001).]

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Originally posted by harley1:

Ain't gonna fly? Drama? Sorry! Lighten the fuck up!

[This message has been edited by harley1 (edited 05-21-2001).]

So then your post wasn't supposed to be nasty? It certainly came off that way...


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Well I hoped you guys enjoyed the music..

It will be much harder this coming Friday!

anyway, hope to see you guys there, dont be afriad to come up and say hello!


Justin cwm1.gif


... to those who wait, good things shall come

The speakers were kicking out deep bass deep bass deep baaaaaass.

Email: En0rgize@aol.com

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Originally posted by harley1:

Didn't see you but I commend you for your unabashed cry for attention!

[This message has been edited by harley1 (edited 05-21-2001).]

unabashed cry for attention...what's that suppose to mean??




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First of all...harly1, dont come on this board and start drama, it just aint gonna fly...

Second...star honey, i told you the red room cause thats where mikey was supposed to be...then he called me at like 11:00 to tell me they switched him to the roof top and to let everyone know...unfortunately...i only have rachel's cell # and she already knew!!! SORRY!!!!


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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I believe after Mikey's set everyone swithced over to the red room????

But I dont know if you would have recognized anyone (from the first meetup we went to) and because there were so many babies in there ( I feel old biggrin.gif )



*Lick it, Stick it, and Smile cause your with it* ~^.^~

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Originally posted by cmb1975:

First of all...harly1, dont come on this board and start drama, it just aint gonna fly...

Second...star honey, i told you the red room cause thats where mikey was supposed to be...then he called me at like 11:00 to tell me they switched him to the roof top and to let everyone know...unfortunately...i only have rachel's cell # and she already knew!!! SORRY!!!!

Yes and I called her at exactly 10pm and she wasn't there... frown.gif



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Did anyone happen to see me there, I was wearing a long sleeve white shirt on that said "Sea Gull," and Dark Blue UFO's and at one point I was spinning bright green glowsticks on strings. Anyone???



"To sEe YoU wHeN i WaKe Up, iS a GiFt I dIdN't ThInK cOuLd bE ReAl. To kNoW ThAt yOu FeEl tHe sAmE aS I dO, I iS a ThReE fOld uToPiAn DrEaM. YoU Do SoMeThInG tO mE tHaT i CaN"t eXpLaIn. So wOuLd i Be OuT oF LiNe iF i SaId i MiSs yOu...."


ThE PHaZoN....InJeCtInG SoNiC StImULuS iNtO a CrOwD Of ThOuSaNdS BeGgInG fOr, AnD rEcEiViNg, CoMmUnAL ReLeAsE.

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