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Circumcized vs. Uncircumcized


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I think its more of having your baby strapped down into a Dr.Megele like bed while they take some clamp and shred his dick while hes crying. My friends wife saw it done to her son and cried, vowing she'd never do it again.

In America chicks are weirded out by uncircumcised.

In Europe and rest of the world its the opposite.

Either way, circumcised or not , the Club Planet women have no room to be picky, hell if you dangle a kielbasa infront their outstretched mouth's, they should salvate like a St. Bernard in a sauna.

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pain? you want to talk about pain...ok girls back me up.... i fuck'n bleed for 5 days every month with cramps that would have a guy want to scream for mommy... most are babies when this happens... they cry a bit and poof that is it...

totally agree - and we won't even add childbirth to the mix, natural no drugs.....

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haha dude cmon, yea i still have awful flashbacks from that time when i was 2 days old.

I think its more of having your baby strapped down into a Dr.Megele like bed while they take some clamp and shred his dick while hes crying. My friends wife saw it done to her son and cried, vowing she'd never do it again.

In America chicks are weirded out by uncircumcised.

In Europe and rest of the world its the opposite.

Either way, circumcised or not , the Club Planet women have no room to be picky, hell if you dangle a kielbasa infront their outstretched mouth's, they should salvate like a St. Bernard in a sauna.

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Ok, i've been with both circumsized and non............I have no issues with either, never had a problem. I guess it depends on the guy as well, if the guy doesn't maintain good hygeine I think it doesn't matter if it is or not. Now on the only thing I can say I have noticed a difference is when you are giving head. The one that is not circumsized you can basically play with his foreskin a bit more when you up and down, on the one that is....you can only so far with the skin. But other than that in sex I have not felt a difference!!!!

Ok I will say this, there are some NONs that look funny(when not erected), but after liftoff it's ALL GOOD:grin3:!!!!

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Thanks for clearing it a bit sweetie. I rather think though that it's an American thing to do and has nothing to do with the religious origins (catholic that is). I still don't quite understand why you would put your son through this though but I think I'll just quit the discussion here as I realize that I'm just too different to most people on this board and/or that country. I've listened to so many different people, heard their arguments (and don't understand them) and decided now to just put it behind me as something I can't and I won't agree to. I don't understand the reasoning....oh well, I guess that's just something you really call "cultural difference"

No, you're incorrect. It's definately a religious thing, at least in Judaism and Islam.

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pain? you want to talk about pain...ok girls back me up.... i fuck'n bleed for 5 days every month with cramps that would have a guy want to scream for mommy... most are babies when this happens... they cry a bit and poof that is it...

http://www.pediatrics.org/cgi/content/full/104/1/e13 PEDIATRICS Vol.

104 No. 1 July 1999, p. e13. Procedural Pain in Newborn Infants: The

Influence of Intensity and Development . "We had hypothesized that

circumcision would be at the most invasive end of the spectrum, and

this procedure did elicit the most vigorous physiologic and

behavioral reactions of those we studied. Similarly, clinicians rated

circumcision as the most painful of 12 clinical procedures.1 Thus,

there was convergence in a hypothetical gradient of pain, a survey-

based gradient of pain, and the infants' actual responses to one

procedure, circumcision."

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Ok, i've been with both circumsized and non............I have no issues with either, never had a problem. I guess it depends on the guy as well, if the guy doesn't maintain good hygeine I think it doesn't matter if it is or not. Now on the only thing I can say I have noticed a difference is when you are giving head. The one that is not circumsized you can basically play with his foreskin a bit more when you up and down, on the one that is....you can only so far with the skin. But other than that in sex I have not felt a difference!!!!

Ok I will say this, there are some NONs that look funny(when not erected), but after liftoff it's ALL GOOD:grin3:!!!!


:rock: estas inna Roll chicka !

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Hur gör man om han är omskuren?

("What do you do if he is circumcised?").

"I have a boyfriend whom I love. We've been together nearly one year.

He wants to have sex and of course I also want to. But when he told me

that he is circumcised I became worried. Will it cause me pain if he is circumcised? Is there some difference between having sex with someone who is circumcised? How can I tell him that I think it is repulsive? How does the dick look when the man is circumcised? You can't really jerk him off when he has no foreskin? Is there some other option if you want to produce sensation? I have so much to ask, imagine if he breaks up with me if I say how I feel! Please help me, I really don't want him to stop loving me. Afraid."

"Jag har en pojkvän som jag älskar. Vi har varit tillsammans i ett år

snart. Han vill ha sex och självklart vill jag också det. Men när han

berättade att han var omskuren så blev jag orolig. Gör det ont för mig

om han är omskuren? Är det någon skillnad på att ha sex med någon som

är omskuren? Hur ska jag kunna berätta för honom att jag tycker att

det är äckligt? Hur ser snoppen ut när mannen är omskuren? Man kan väl

inte runka honom när han inte har förhud? Finns det någon annan

lösning om man vill skapa känslan? Jag har så mycket att fråga om,

tänk om han gör slut om jag berättar hur jag känner! Snälla hjälp mig,

jag vill ju inte att han ska sluta älska mig.


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"They say they will not be able to find nurses or doctors to help

them perform the ceremony because many health professionals

in Sweden view circumcision as a form of mutilation."*


"'It must be nice to be in Sweden now,' he observed yearningly.'The girls are so sweet. And the people are so advanced.'" ~ Joseph Heller in "Catch-22." (Major Danby speaking to Yossarian).

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< Playboy: "Justine is a Jewish mom and you're a Latino

< dad. Was there ever any debate about circumcising your

< kids?"

< JL: "Actually, no. We talked about it, and I said there's no

< way they're going to be circumcised, and she was totally

< cool with it. It's a beautiful thing. Back in history, so was

< lip plates and all kinds of piercing and neck-stretching,

< but I think to the modern world, it's not medically necessary

< at all. Actually, from what I've read, guys lose feeling by

< doing that. I want my son to have all the feeling he can have.

< Growing up in New York City, a lot of my friends weren't

< circumcised, and my dad's not circumcised and none of my

< family members are circumcised, so to me that was normal.

< When I saw some white kids circumcised, it looked like a

< mutilated monster. I thought someone had done a Frankensteinian

< surgery. It was weird to me...it was really bizarre. Leo DiCaprio isn't.

< I never saw it, but he told me." ~ Playboy interview.


Also -- http://www.circumstitions.com/Famous2a.html

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