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waiting to have sex


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My fiance and I waited 2 years before having sex. It was my choice, I was actually going to wait until we got married. But I decided I knew he was the one so we finally did it after two years and now we're engaged. What does everyone think of that? Guys, would u wait that long? cwm38.gifcwm38.gif

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I'm happy you have found the right one for you! Your fiance must really love you.

I don't know if I'm evil or what but I could never wait two years for a guy.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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u know

my tainted brain forces me to automatically think

"2 years? he cheateD"

but -- in all seriousness

that is great ---

good 4 u for treasuring yr virginity --- ..

i tried to wait w my current boyfriend

but u know - he smacked my ass and that was it - it was all over =/


dont hate the playa - hate the game

"ouT 4 doL"


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wait two years to have sex with a girl i'm going to marry...sure why not cwm6.gif

but while were waiting for the marriage date to come i will have sex with other girls that i'm not going to marry cwm4.gif




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Originally posted by trevor69:

wait two years to have sex with a girl i'm going to marry...sure why not cwm6.gif

but while were waiting for the marriage date to come i will have sex with other girls that i'm not going to marry cwm4.gif




You're only young once


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so what happens if after 2 years you go to have sex... and he cant get it up? i think i saw something like this on sex in the city?

personally not only can i not wait 2 years.. but imo i think sex is a very important part of marrige...


i wanna see! i wanna see!

:::GRRR be nice:::

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i waited 18 yrs. before having sex and i'm glad i shared it with a wonderful person, whom i'm still with.




Big brown bear, blue bull, beautiful baboon blowing bubbles biking backward, bump black bug's banana boxes and Billy Bunny's breadbasket and Brother Bob's baseball bus and Buster Beagle's banjo-bagpipe-bugle band and that's what broke Baby Bird's balloon.

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Ok, so you're all wondering how we lasted for two years....well.......I forgot to put in one important detail. We did everything else but sex for two years. Lots of oral, and we were totally happy and satisfied with that. Would all u guys and girls be able to deal with just that for two years? cwm30.gif

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But why he distinction between oral and vaginal - to me if people are getting off then its sex. If you can eatapussy what is the big difference ifyou stick your dick in too? Morally speaking that is?

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Sinergy... I'm not saying that it isn't amazing to have sex w/someone you are so in love with... but you really are one of the lucky ones.

My best friend's mother is under the misconception that if somebody loves you enough, they'll be able to thoroughly please you in bed. Unfortunately that is absolutely not the case. "Willing" and "able" aren't synonymous.

It's also ridiculous to say you should have sex w/many people to find "the one." Sex and love are two separate entities, you're a very lucky person when you can combine the two.

On the flip side... I heard a horror story from a friend of mine about this guy she used to sleep with. Apparently the first time they had sex, she literally asked him "Is it in yet?" and he was already done!

This man wound up marrying a virgin. Poor thing!


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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A little bit of the autobiographical in there TastyT?

Sex and love are one and separate at the same time.

But I don't buy this easy distinction between being willing and being able to satisfy a woman in bed.

Sex is not that complicated. If you love someone that is not able to satisfy you in bed and you swear he tries then his inability is psychological and not mechanical. Basic technique should get him to the point where he can make the girl orgasm all the time. Just train - if he wants to he will learn. Buildup the PC muscles and control. Read some books. watch some good porn. Eat a lot of pussy. Communicate. Ots not like learning howto fly the space shuttle for god's sake.

But if they won't do that or they do and you are still unsatisfied because the sex is not inspired then you are probably someone who needs an energetic and intense sex life more than your partner. You are probably more adventurous, needing of thrills, and perceptive. None of these qualities apply only to sex - they just manifest themselves through sex the most clearly.

But it begs the question - what else might you be missing in your relationship that a man with those qualities could give you?

I myself have little relationship experience. But I have learned the hard way, time and again, that my needs are rare and demanding. I need the women I am with - even casually - to be aggressive, adventurous, energetic and experimental. Not everyone needs that or needs tons of intense sex or lots of adventure or craziness. But some do. I guess you gotta really know whatyou need.

Just rambling at this point. Bored & tired. No idea if I made any sense or am anywhere near the topic anymore lol.

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Like I said Dick, willing and able ain't the same thing... on the flip side of my previous point, just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you will do it...

But anyhoo... I think we're saying pretty much the same thing... most people need to experiment w/multiple partners to find one they're sexually compatible with... there are lucky few who get it right with the first person.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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Originally posted by sexy27:

Ok, so you're all wondering how we lasted for two years....well.......I forgot to put in one important detail. We did everything else but sex for two years. Lots of oral, and we were totally happy and satisfied with that. Would all u guys and girls be able to deal with just that for two years? cwm30.gif

OH!! OKAY!! I figured that there had to be some oral there somewhere. But two years of JUST oral!?!

Damn girl, you are better than I am b/c I know for sure I wouldn't be able to hold out after two years of just oral....I'd want MORE if the oral was that good!


You're only young once


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I am curious, hypothetically speaking of course, of what it would mean exactly for a guy to be willing and not able to please his woman sexually?

Is it lack of technique? that can be learned unless maybe there are certain things a guy just won't do like say eating pussy? Then is he really willing?

Or maybe a guy could have a pre-mature ejaculation issue - but that can be solved - if you really are willing. And in the meantime there is always your tongue.

I can see not satisfying awoman emotionally if you are not into it - and that lack of emotional connection can mean that there will be no sizzle to the sex. But at the same time thewoman's life should be full of orgasms. Its just not that hard.

But maybe some people view the world different than me and just don't get into the whole hedonist, sensuality, exploring thing. I imagine if you were psychologically built that way then maybe you could never be good at sex no matter how hard you tried.

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That's a pretty big detail to omit! Yes, I could handle two years of just oral.

Of course, you always want the one thing you can't have, so I'm sure I would be pining for intercourse, buuuut... I think I could deal!


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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I was going to wait until marraige, but right before I turned 19 I met the most wonderful man, I knew he was the one. Sometimes I wish I had waited till marraige, but I didn't, and there is not a whole lot I can do about that so there is no use dwelling. I am still with him, and I always hear from people that you should sleep with a couple people before you really know if he is the right one... BULLSHIT! I don't think I could handle anyone better than him in bed! I'm pretty sure I would be met with dissapointment, besides there is nothing better than being with the one you love more than anything in the world.



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im 19 years old and still waiting... i have a great bf.. but my virginity is something that i value so much and other people respect me so much for it so i congratulate anyone who is able to wait cwm38.gif


"cLuBBeRs DoNt FaLL...ThEy tRiP aNd RoLL"

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I been in a lot of seriouse relationships before all of them were very nice but I have to say that the were not good in sex I love eache one of them and still have a nice relationship with all of them as friends but I can't say they please me at all.

I will love to find a partner that please me on sex and ofcoars love me, maybe is not that easy to find someone who can fill all what u want ur needs and desires etc..



Making Love And Having Sex The Biggest Pleasures in This Life. ScaredGirL.

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Originally posted by mrdick:


But why he distinction between oral and vaginal - to me if people are getting off then its sex. If you can eatapussy what is the big difference ifyou stick your dick in too? Morally speaking that is?

I'm in total agreement here. Sex acts = sex. If I'm doing one or some I'm def going for it all!



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