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your other hot spot??


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we all know that penis is king and vagina is queen, but what other spot gives you the chills?? here are some choices : neck, nipples, back, shoulders, ear, head, butt, anus, clit, inner thigh, hands, feet, stomach, etc. cwm4.gif



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my ear i love that...im getting chills thinking about it




1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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ears, neck, calfs, and pelvic crease area (that lil "V" area of my stomach)



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Definitely my earlobes! Having my earlobes sucked is the best feeling. Normally, I don't like people to come close to my ears, I can't stand whispering. I get the chills when somebody is that close to me and they're breathing all that hot air into my ears, cwm31.gif

But I could sit there forever and have my earlobs sucked. Feeling their breath on me and listening to them suck on my earlobes is SUCH a turn on! Holy Mother of Gawd!!! I'm getting all hot and bothered just THINKING about it!!! cwm12.gifcwm30.gifcwm29.gifcwm38.gif


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I love feeling someone breath lightly on my neck and back of my shoulders!! I also LOVE when my man is doing me and he kisses my feet!!! What else??? Ummm I love my forehead to be kissed. Ahh, someone lightly running their fingers over my ass, the inside of my thighs and lightly brushing my pussy!!!



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