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Ok so I met a porn star...


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Well actually hes "Retired". And is graduating college with his masters in media. He's good friends with one of my close guy friends. I met him last weekand in the Hamptons. After hanging out with him all night((And a few kisses)), my friend Mario had told me he was an "Actor" in the sex world. He was honest and told me that it helped put him through college. Hes very nice, but the thought of dating an ex porn star grosses me out. I spoke too him twice on the phone already...seems nice. But who knows...it would be kind of dating an ex hooker.

Date him?



SuZie cwm25.gifcwm25.gif

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aside from all the "things" he has done, lets take this psycologically (sp?).

GOOD: he can probably rock your little world.

BAD: the guilt on "how" he rocks your little world.

THen is it mentally or psyically your even thinking about him? HONESTLY!!!



DJmikeDR@aol.com aim: DJmikeDR

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He may teach you a few things!

But was he nice to you and did he treat you with some sort of respect is he good looking??????

I'm sure there are plenty of woman that support themselves like that and I dont think a guy would turn down an ex porn star!


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

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I doubt I would. Just the thought of being with someone who's had sex with all those women who've have sex w. all those other men, I dunno...that's a bit much for me.

I know normal people you may date may have had sex with lots and lots of people but it's not like you could go to a video store and see him with all of those women!! That's just too weird for me.


You're only young once


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There is no way I could handle it. I am way too sensitive for stuff like that, and my self esteem is lacking. I think I would have some serious issues. But hey, if you can handle all that and you really like the guy, go for it. Let us know what happens. cwm4.gif



"No further evidence is needed to show that "mental illness" is not the name of a biological

condition whose nature awaits to be elucidated, but is the name of a concept whose purpose is

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go for it


Brian Transeau (BT) on Music

Totally. I love what guys like Oliver Lieb and Paul Van Dyk do. I hate that ATB and those sorts of people have prostituted this stuff. You listen to an ATB track and then you listen to Sasha, and the difference is as obvious as listening to Led Zeppelin and Rachmaninoff.

Laurent Garnier on Music

For Garnier it's also a question of quality. "The problem is a lot of things I hear out here on the radio are not trance - I mean that ATB track I heard the other day - is this trance? This is fucking Tellytubbies music."

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Hmmmmm.... I am on the fence here:

On one hand I think; Like him? Then date him. Don't like him? Then don't.

But on the other hand, that might be the equivalent of prostitution that he was doing back there. That leaves a really bad taste in my mouth...

Judgement call, sweetie. I think I might decline unless I was really, really into the guy.



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O.K. Folks I C some of you have totally missed the boat on this one......

Think about what would be worse... cwm13.gif

Dating someone of the opposite sex, where you pretty much know exactly WHO they Fu(ked and WHERE ?!?!?!


Taking your chances with someone else who has probably seen more action and more STD's but they LIE about it ?!?!?

cwm15.gif A wise man once said cwm15.gif

~ It is far better to have an Honest Whore...

.... Than a Sacrilegious Nun ~



The DJ From Another Planet ™

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Perception is everything, it's true. If that guy didn't tell anyone that he was a former paid-professional, she'd be none the wiser and may even have gotten it on with him or be falling for him already.

Scary when you think about all the things people *may not* be telling the truth about...

I still think I'd rather take my chances on door number 2 if I know there's a prostitute/porn-star behind door number 1. And yo, I'm pretty open-minded about this stuff but taking money for sex... that just takes a certain kind of person that I don't think I wanna be dealing with. There's plenty of other ways to make a buck.



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dating a porn star would creep the hell out of me, even if she wasnt one anymore




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3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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