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32bit encyption reverse algorithm cipher


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Originally posted by georgeacasta:

If you have a 32bit encryption key for a ciphertext output file I don't think that it's very realistic to brute force hack those exponents in 60 seconds. What do all of you people think?




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i think someone saw 'swordfish' over the weekend...i know i did and all that techno-babble confused the heck outta me!!!!

but it was worth it just to see halle berry prounce around in her undies!!!

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Originally posted by Ph0eniX:

dude, these days high school kids break 128 bit encryptions [out of boredom] in like two minutes.

They did not crack it a mathmatician cracked it. It's all math....128bit encrytion=3.4 10 to the 38 power. That's alot of possiblilities for a high school kid to brute force hack with a home grown password cracker program. Especially since our current cpu instructions per second are way to slow to hack 128bit encryption in any reasonable amount of time. That only leaves one other possibility. That would be the mathmaticians that invent the algorithms for the encryption.

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Originally posted by georgeacasta:

If you have a 32bit encryption key for a ciphertext output file I don't think that it's very realistic to brute force hack those exponents in 60 seconds. What do all of you people think?

You aren't a script kiddie that has learned some new slang, are you? cwm13.gif

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Whatever, someone else figured it out not these pseudo hacker kidz...don't take credit for other peoples hardwork.....btw it's astalavista. Granted there are known hacks to some encryption schemes out there but there are many that you can only brute force hack. How about I encrypt a file for you and you decrypt it. PM me your email...if you can decrypt it then I'll be impressed. Until then this is all speculation.

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Originally posted by georgeacasta:

Whatever, someone else figured it out not these pseudo hacker kidz...don't take credit for other peoples hardwork.....btw it's astalavista. Granted there are known hacks to some encryption schemes out there but there are many that you can only brute force hack. How about I encrypt a file for you and you decrypt it. PM me your email...if you can decrypt it then I'll be impressed. Until then this is all speculation.

why the hostility?


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George, are you venturing off into the other rooms again? what kinda controversy are you stirring up in here? cwm4.gif pseudo hackers and sex? cwm25.gif

peeps in the sex board, get ready cwm2.gif




Respect the Floori.d.a. scene!


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