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do u still have feelings for your ex (s) ??


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for example have u ever tried getting back together?? did u get jealous when your ex replaced u?? are u friends with your ex(s) or would u be content if u never saw them again??

p.s. ex(s) meaning people u actually had a real relationship with, not hook-ups, etc.!!



*make a pussy wet*

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I tried once to get back to gether with an ex.... it didn't work out at all. With another ex I tried the old let be... "friends" and he ended up ripping me off big time. He's a total loser now though so I guess what goes around comes around!!!!



I'm not in this world to live up to other people's expectations, nor do I feel that the world must live up to mine

--Fritz Perls

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friends with my last two ex's. the most recent one we're just friends...dont hang out much, just every now and then. the one before her is my best friend. didnt speak to each other for over a year (which is probably why we're best of friends...no feelings anymore), then one day she just calls me and we've been buddies ever since. its a weird relationship and most girls that i meet just dont get it, which is one reason most girls cant handle dating me.

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wow this is so weird you posted this. my ex just tried getting back together with me about 1/2 an hour ago. let's put it this way, i hung up the phone on him. TOO LITTLE TOO LATE BUDDY!! oh what a feeling.



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i have a bad/good habit?? which one. of being good friends with my exs. most have been good break ups. last one wasn't the best... we hang out all the time bc we're in the same group of friends... tryin to be as nice as possible but i think she could care less. still like her a bit i admit. advice?


"just because I rock doesn't mean I'm made of stone."

"come down on the street and dance with me."


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My ex fiance broke up with me in Jan and I still want her back but she doesn't take my calls or respond to email. Doesn't talk to any of my friends anymore yet tells everyone how good of a guy I am/was. I am dying for another chance but it will never happen

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mm if u asked me that question last year i would say yes but now ? no at all we still friends but he lives in San Diego I live in Mexico so is easy to be friends :P hehehehhe

i dont get jelouse iam HAPPY TO BE SINGLE smile.gif



Making Love And Having Sex The Biggest Pleasures in This Life. ScaredGirL.

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I have absolutely no feelings for my ex g-friends.

Okay, well, I lied. The childish part of me wants to really succeed at everything just so I can rub their noses in it. That's about the only significant thing I feel for my ex(s).

I would also never get back with any of my ex g-friends on any level besides "just fucking." Sorry if that seems jerk-like or anything, but there's usually a good reason that they're my ex, and it should stay that way.


Coming soon...

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i used to want to get back with my ex but thank god i dont anymore ......he used to be so awesome but then started doing roids..so now he thinks he's the man....cant believe how much he changed...i hate that he got so insecure about his looks that he is juicing(he was hot to begin with)...also helps he lives in eastern LI (im in NJ) cwm12.gif

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I got back with an ex about 5 months ago. he proved to be a totally different person.

Oh was I wrong, but there is something about him that I miss and there are def some feelings there....like hate ..yeah thats it

There is another guy i was with for a year and he has a new girl but i still have feelings for him and i want to be with him!


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

also downtowngirl101

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

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I've had my share of girlfriends over the years and I'm happy to report that I make it a point to stay in touch with all of them so we can always be on good terms...and you never know, if your ex is inclined to know what kind of girl you like (in terms of what you liked about them), they can hook you up with a friend when you least expect it. I only loved one girl in my life and the rest were all flings...that was over 5 years ago and I can honestly say that I will always have feelings for her because she was my first...even though there are no plans to get back together she will always be in my heart

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I have two ex's that I stay in touch with. They are both very good friends. One of them I dated for 2 years (probably the best relationship I've had to date...). When we first broke up, we broke contact completely for a time. Then, suddenly we were talking again and everything was cool. We've both been with other people and she's in a serious relationship now. No problem... The more recent one is a little tougher (on going)issue ... We'll just leave it at that...





email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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There was only one ex I ever wanted to get back together with... we hooked up a few times about two years after we broke up; but that was right before I graduated so it didn't lead anywhere- he lives in Louisiana! We're still friendly, tho.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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