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NYC trip report (Twilo/Digweed & SF)


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i agree with peeps, twilo is bigger then crobar, but it also gets more crowded which might make it seem smaller.

lol...whats the matter you dont like steroidheads dancing with eachother at the factory?? lol...

I like the way they search you there too, just top you on your knees and youre in..



"Nobody picks on a strong man." - Atlas

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Hey All..

Last weekend a few friends and I made a road trip up to NYC to check out Digweed @ Twilo and Sound Factory..

Here's a quick review of both places, with a Chicago perspective..



We arrived @ Twilo on Friday midnight, the place is roughly about the size of Crobar. It has one large central dance floor with a huge disco ball hanging from the ceiling. The lighting and sound system inside are absolutely incredible. The lights do an absolutely incredible job of raising the energy and getting people rolling.

The crowd was 18+ and it was mostly a raver crowd mixed in with a few older clubbers.. kind of what you would see at XL (without the shady people), a pretty friendly vibe, even at the opening. It was a pretty good mix of guys & girls and stayed that way until closing.

Sean Cusick was opening for Digweed and was doing a great job.. The best thing I can say about a DJ is if he gets me dancing when I'm completely sober, and Cusick accomplished that..

Digweed came on at around 3AM and was phenomenal.. I cant describe how on point he was and the night progressed to a fever pitch.. The guy was sick.. insane.. crazy. The place was packed, yet you still had room to move and dance around. The crowd started thinning out at around 7AM and that's when things really started to happen.. I would say at least 95% of the people left were rolling hard and all having an incredible time.. It seemed like everyone was family and just showing their love by dancing for Digweed. Most of the people I met were from out of town, I guess the NYC regulars get to hear Sasha & Digweed on a monthly basis so they pretty much chilled in the lounge while us tourists went CRAZY on the dancefloor.

Digweed was incredible.. he played encore after encore and finally finished up around 11AM.. almost an 8 hour set.. that's what everybody loves about John Digweed.. he loves to spin and has to be dragged out of the building.

The only thing that sucked about the place was no cameras/pictures allowed inside.. However I did manage to sneak a few pics here & there.

I would tell any techno/trance lovers from Chicago, get your asses to Twilo, check out Sasha/Digweed, or Van Dyck and have a blast.. It was by far the best time I have ever had at any club or rave and I'll be having flashbacks to this incredible high for a long time to come. I cant wait to go there again and re-experience everything. ROAD TRIP!!!

FIVE STARS ***** for damn sure.

Sound Factory


After getting to a hotel and sleeping, we headed back to check out Sound Factory.. It was their Saturday night resident Jonathan Peters' birthday, so it was bound to be packed.. Peters played a mix of progressive, house, trance, vocals, and even some jungle..

The Factory has a somewhat religious following, much like Crobar.. The "Factory Heads" love that place and think Peters' is the messiah.. much like the Crobarites treat Psycho..

The place is pretty large, with three floors and a VIP floor.. The sound system on the main floor is *incredibly* loud and enough to give you a heart attack.. I would suggest ear plugs if you want to be there a long time.

As far as the crowd, it was mostly guys (about 60% early up to 70-80% later), lots with muscle shirts & shirtless , with a significant gay presence.

As far as the women, there were plenty of women - none of them conservative.. wearing everything ranging from the standard leather pants.. to bikini tops & shorts, to fishnet outfits.. As a guy, I was absolutely fucking amazed at the quality of women and the outfits they were *almost* wearing.. One thing I absolutely love about NYC is the ethnic diversity which exists.. People are forced to get along with all races & colors because its so in your face.

As a minority in Chicago, I get the feeling a lot of people in Chicago are too segregated.

At around 6AM it started to get ridiculously packed, it was a fight to move a foot.. I cant express or explain the incredible numbers of people jamming into that place. That's when we decided to leave because of the long drive home.. it took us an hour to get to coat check and back.. absolutely nuts.. When a place gets that packed, forget about any "friendly" vibe that may exist.. people get mad.. pushing & shoving. It seemed to be a contest between the largest, biggest, guys to see how many people they could shove aside to get where they were going. The dancefloor was even worse.. the larger the guy, the more he could bounce around and not give a damn who he was pinballing around.

During my time there, I was mostly observing, meeting people, and walking around.. and the thing that pops out was the incredible drug use going on.. people were snorting Special K out in the open and E was probably the mildest thing people were dropping.

The VIP loung on the top floor is absolutely incredible.. It has a great vibe in there.. a good size dance floor, surrounded by couches and on the sides are little small rooms where its a little quieter and can do anything from talk or hook-up.. The bathroom in the upstairs is unisex (as is the ones downstairs).. guys have to drain themselve s in the urinal right behind the girls doing their makeup.. However, the VIP bathroom also has showers & a jacuzzi.. it is something else. I have never seen a place more designed for people who want to hook-up than the Factory's VIP lounge.

I heard from friends that it wound up staying packed until 10AM and then started to thin out.. They closed the place with about a hundred people still on the dance floor at 6PM Sunday!!! What I wouldnt give for a place in Chicago with those kind of hours.

Its hard to give The Factory a rating, since this was such an insane night. I will definitely check out the place again on my next trip on a "regular" night.


If anyone is interested in a trip to NYC or is going up there soon, let me know.. I am *definitely* planning on making it part of my regular travel plans.

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glad to hear you enjoyed your stay here - you definitely picked a great weekend to come out here and hit up the clubs.

your review hit the nail on the head (at least in my opinion)though i think that twilo is a bit bigger than crobar. regardless - driving from chi-town to nyc for the weekend is a ballsy move - it sounds like it was worth it.


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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Hi, thanks a lot. It's almost perfect timing, since I'm thinking of going to NYC this March, and should be hitting Twilo, but not SF, since Tiesto is playing at Limelight that night. BTW, anyone been to Limelight? I know it's an old church and have seen pics + Lenny Kravitz's vid, but a firsthand opinion would be cool. Thanks.

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Originally posted by scorpio876:

Hi, thanks a lot. It's almost perfect timing, since I'm thinking of going to NYC this March, and should be hitting Twilo, but not SF, since Tiesto is playing at Limelight that night. BTW, anyone been to Limelight? I know it's an old church and have seen pics + Lenny Kravitz's vid, but a firsthand opinion would be cool. Thanks.

What's up bro.......as for your Limelight question, it's basically, like you said, an old church.......which makes the aura in the club really something when your inside.....no other club really has the same type of decor, with huge stain glass murals and such......the club took a little downside the past 6 months but considering your coming in March, that is perfect timing with a huge party going on on the 2nd with Mike Macaluso, Brutal Bill, and Ani Phearce......it's gonna be the NYC hard house party of the year in my opinion(my very good friend helped engineer it so I know the details).......then on the 3rd is the Gatecrasher party with Tiesto and either Guy Ornadel or Ashley Cassele I believe.......that's spoken for........finally, Jeff Mills begins his residency there in March so basically LL is gonna be a hot ticket in March.........anyhow, you got it perfect, if you do anything while your in NYC, make it out to Limelight and Twilo........you will be more than satisfied........any questions throw me a PM.......peace.



"Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

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Originally posted by tranceaction:

....I guess the NYC regulars get to hear Sasha & Digweed on a monthly basis so they pretty much chilled in the lounge while us tourists went CRAZY on the dancefloor.

First, great review of the NY clubs.....I really enjoyed reading what a great time you had here........just to clarify what you said above though.......many of those people were probably part of a core group of people who are there each and every month during perhaps the best club experience you can get anywhere in the country these days (that is S&D @ Twilo from 6AM-11AM).......it's really the hardcore Twilo people, oddly enough, which consists of many out of towners but they're def not tourists.......just very loyal to the club and their brilliant resident lineup.......anyhow, I hope you make it back out again.......



"Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

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  • 2 weeks later...

nice reviews...next time you show up in nyc, drop a message on the nyc board. peeps meet up all the time. things aren't as spread here as they are in the midwest. see you at the anniversary!

Originally posted by tranceaction:

I'm going up there again in March for the Sasha/Digweed 4 yr anniversary.. and probably April for PVD.. I have yet to hear PVD live so I cant wait.

I absolutely love the fact you can stay in one place for 12 hours and hear awesome music every minute.


I buried gravity twice, and now own him....he is a racist, and a hypocrite

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know the undreground of NY is alot better than the big clubs, although there fun to!!! We have a few amazing DJ's who play the underground events here in NY and I believe they blow away these UK cats!!! I think the peolpe in the US ned to start supporting our own DJ's alot more!!!For instances you guys(im from NY)in Chicago have two of the most amazing DJ's - Mark Jandes and Sean Jackson - last time they were here in NY they blew up Limelight and Liquids for me!!! If you have the chance to here these kids degfinitly check out the sounds - one luv chicago im off to the Slimelight!!!LOL




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