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Does anyone know Oakenfold's playlist?


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D:Fuse - impressive, really worked the crowd. Oakie was much better at Crobar last August, but I think that had more to do with the venue and sound than anything. Besides, I have mixed views on the guy. BTW, what was up with the sound system? Was it me or all you could hear was the bass? Overall, good show, good vibe... yes, very hot...



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For the size of the venue I thought it was a good show. I can def understand that his crobar show was much better. More intimate.

Ted from Chicago-scene.com was there taking a few mugshots, they should be up next week.

P.S. Did anyone happen to find a green photon lite by the water bar?



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Originally posted by kimberlyco:

D:Fuse BLEW oakey out of the water. I was so disapointed. Oakey was SO much better when I saw him at Crobar last year. COULD IT HAVE BEEN ANY HOTTER IN THERE?????

-Yeah, DAMN HOT!!! And Dannon water poured over Chicago ice for $3??? -Ouch



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Well I didnt get a chance to see oakenfold, however I did make it to Crobar for D:Fuse..

and damn he was impressive... he started off kind of slow but it was definitely one of the best sets @ Crobar in a long, long time.

The crowd was so-so, but things really started to pick up after 1:30 when people from the Aragon started arriving..

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Well, don't know / remember his playlist, but his opener was Animal by Lost It.com. That got me all hyped "hell yes, he's going to play a bunch of Perfecto!" but unfortunately the rest of his set was rather bland.

He was saving it all for the METRO. Although that show was much shorter (he spun from about 3-5) it was a LOT more intimate and the tracks were a $hitload better, less repetitive, more operatic interludes.

It was worth spending the extra 25 bucks to see the Metro show by FAR.

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Not so brief review of metro show (actually this is an e-mail to a friend...)

Anyhow, I went to one of the Oakenfold shows on Friday.....a music industry AIDS benefit at the Metro. which started at 11 with oakie to come on at 1:30-2. (It turned out

this was a good deal since the Aragon was supposedly hot as hell-I'm hoping

this isn't always the case b/c I'm going there for Fatboy slim in 3 weeks.)

Anyhow, I walked over there at 11:20 and naturally they hadn't let anyone in.

The crowd for this was older than Digweed.. It was the most diverse crowd I've ever seen at a show...gay/straight/club kids/older people... (i'm guessing i got in around 11:40-11:45...(i don't wear a watch and i'm not one of the dorks who tote their cell phones to shows so they can call friends with the music in the background)...

The opening act was a guy named Barry Harris, who's best known for "dive into

the pool". I'm guessing the reason I've never heard of him--and I don't think I'm going out on a limb here-- is that I think he plays gay circuit parties most of the time.

There was a large contingent of gay guys..who on the whole were way too good looking. Most followed an unwritten rule and took their shirts off ten minutes after hitting the floor. I refrained from doing llikewise lest my resemblence to austin powers with my shirt off be commented on. It was funny to see the gay guys turning around + facing all the kids on the balcony who were just standing there and start whistling and exhorting them to get into it during Harris's set.

Harris played mainstream lighter "party" dance stuff..no clue what genre..., "what it feels like to be a girl", "dive into the pool", some song whose refrain was "you had it so good, why'd you have to go & fuck it up", etc. Got the crowd moving with good feel-good fluff.

Eventually Oakenfeld showed up around 2-ish I'm guessing. Crowd went crazy when he walked on stage. He played until 4. He really seemed to be into it...not phoning it in at all.. dancing behind the turntables...he had some skinny guy in his crew in a cowboy hat and aviators dancing around and working the crowd from the stage...i couldn't figure out what was up with that.

The show ended with a bunch of people...maybe 50+/- getting up on stage dancing for the last song. The lights were low & pointing outwards so all you really could see where sillouttes...it was pretty cool.....great show...excellent vibe... didn't see anyone e-tarded/k-holed/otherwise making an ass of themsleves...excellent scene


P.S. Oh yeah...it was cool temperature-wise as well...and red bull w/ vodka (w/ a GOOD amount of vodka...were $5)...pretty close to heaven for the night


"What else do you do there except lie - lie to yourself and others, lie about everything you recognize in your heart to be true? You're obliged to pretend respect for people and institutions you think absurd. You live attached in a cowardly fashion to moral and social conventions you despise, condemn, and know lack all foundation. It is that permanent contradiction between your ideas and desires and all the dead formalities and vain pretenses of your civilization which makes you sad, troubled and unbalanced. In that intolerable conflict you lose all joy of life and all feeling of personality, because at every moment they suppress and restrain and check the free play of your powers. That's the poisoned and mortal wound of the civilized world."--Octave Mirbeau

[This message has been edited by fiatmusica (edited 04-16-2001).]

[This message has been edited by fiatmusica (edited 04-17-2001).]

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I personally thought that the entire show was pretty disappointing. D:Fuse defenately put on a better show then Oakey, even though after about an hour and a half of him I was ready to fall asleep. The place was totally hot, sweaty and muggy. My clothes were soaked by 10:30. And the sound system was all bass and distortion, you'd think the Aragon would have done a little better. Why did Oakenfold come on so late? And then when he did come on he played like 2 or 3 decent tracks, I have more fun listening to his CD's.



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