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OK, I remember spending a LOT of time arguing with some of you about the Oakenfold on MTV situation. I hope I did not offend anyone with my opinions. If I did, I apologize.

Now then, I just picked up the latest issue of MUZIK and the cover story was how the "UK clubland has cracked America". It has a big story about Oakenfold and how a lot of the UK was bashing him the way some of you did here.

Now I don't want this to be a "Oakenfold Bashing Session". What I want is an opinion on the fact that club life and club culture has gone beyond the small clubs and secret raves here in America. Suddenly, people in small towns and suburbs know of Oakie and Ibiza. They are going to raves and downloading/buying trance mixes. I want to know what everyone thinks of this? Is Oakie on MTV and the entire country getting into electronic dance music a good thing?

I want HONEST, THOUGHTFUL OPINIONS! I don't want bashing or arguments. Just say who you are and what you think. Are you a DJ, producer, promoter, or just a club enthusiast? Do you think the explosion of club culture is a good or bad thing?

You all know my opinion, now I want yours. I want to write an article for OS Magazine on BOTH sides. I want to quote some of you to show readers the pluses and minuses of this.

THANKS!!!!! biggrin.gif


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This is a good topic and it's times like these that I wish I could articulate my thoughts better, but here's what i got.

You can sort of compare the club scene with the boom of the alternative rock scene. It was given the title "alternative" due to the fact that it was a different style that was only popular amonst a specific crowd. Well, that trend began to catch on and it was no longer alternative, it was mainstream and popular to be the "alternative". Did people or bands sell out? No way. That's the nature of a new style, be it music, art, clothes, and anything else. There's a cycle to all things. Something new is created, it catches on, and if it happens to appeal to the masses then it will become known to the masses. Eventually something else will come along, another new and creative style. If something is good then you can't hold it back, and if you do keep it from everyone else, then what's the point of creating it? So, no, I don't think Oakenfold has sold out, I'm gratefull that I've had the opportunity to hear his talents. It opened the door to a new style of music, from which I have ventured out and found dozens of other new talents and leaves many more to be explored.


"Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead."

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I totally agree with Bmitch, Oakenfold didn't sell out, he is actually taking this type of electronic music and bringing it out into the open, maybe if more people get into it, then more people will understand why we enjoy partying to it. Then they can stop trying to banish electronic dance parties, and they can quit trying to shut down our clubs.



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I think mainstream acceptance of electronic music is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, if authority figures learn that clubbers/ravers are a growing, popular group, they'll be forced to face the reality that we won't go away. That opens all kinds of doors - less hassling of clubs, re-consideration of certain drugs, and the opportunity for a dialogue between the kids and the people who don't understand our entertainment. On the other hand, if electronica goes the way of pop (ie - if Oakenfold somehow leads to a boy band of DJs...ew) I think we'd have a serious problem. The challenge for clubbers/ravers, promoters, and artists is to keep the scene fresh and on the edge, so that it never has the opportunity to fall into the flat, money-grubbing abyss that the music industry can so easily become.


It's pretty weird in here...

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A boyband of DJ's?? I don't see that being such a bad thing, say some of the worlds top DJ's teamed up to combine talents, that is something that I would love to see. And Oakenfold has already gone pop... mixing tracks for U2, Madonna and other's, and it hasn't had any effect on his touring or performing as an electronic artist. If he is the one that brings electronic music to the mainstream, and get's the whole world to understand then more power to him, now if only he could make our precious mayor Daley understand...



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I'm not saying that electronica and pop can't combine sounds. I think that freshens both genres and gives each opportunities to diversify their audiences. What I am saying is that the danger lies in the profit margins - if electronica becomes *only* about the money, and not about the music or the kids or the fun, that's when it's got problems.


It's pretty weird in here...

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I hear ya, money can ruin a lot of good things, it can also make them better. If you are worried about ticket prices then you are too late. They are already high. I think we paid like 35-40 bucks to see Oakenfold at the Aragon, that is a lot for what we got out of it.



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Whelp, I'm very mixed on this one. I can't help but be exited about the increase in the amount of trance out there. I used to have to search everywhere to find my music. My collection of trance was almost all burnt copies of burnt copies of a disk someone down loaded. In the last 2-3 years that has changed a lot, I can now walk in to even Best Buy and find a good (not great) disc. All the trance I listened to was at home, at friends or at the raves. Clubs played very little and radio…please. So now I have more music at home then I can listen to and I can go out most weekends and hang in clubs that play some trance. This is all a good thing you would think but… I remember when I got Oakenfolds Essential Selection 98 disk 2. I had a friend of a friend burn me a copy. It was every reason I loved trance, great music spun together perfectly. Oakie was the shit. I have many other DJ/disk and DJ/shows that have been huge to me. Dave Ralph has done things in live sets I've been to that I had to leave the room to keep from crying. Here's the thing. In the last year I don't think theres been 1 disc or show I've felt that strong about. There's been some sick sets and some grand albums but nothing like before. I'm happy I can get more but I'm not sure the more is better. That's just me. It may be one of those age things. *Breaks out his cane and musters up his best crotchety voice "I remember when…". So I guess I'm ambiguous about it and i'll wait to see where it goes next. That's right all this typing just to get to an "I don't know".


peace and stuff, Chaos.


Remember, Incase Of Fire You Need To Stop, Drop And…

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I know a lot of Dj's that now play mainstream and also still do their underground gigs, which I feel really benefits us and our community. The statement "the more the merrier" is proper on this topic. If I find something that I like I share it, I believe it is selfish to keep something so wonderful to myself.


0b32d3c0.gif Life is only complicated because you make it so. Remember what it was like to live carefree - and live that way again!

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I think it is the people that want to have the feeling of "I know someone you don't, or I know a song that you don't" (speaking childlike)... they are the ones that want to keep it underground.

Also it is the stupid people that ruin it for us. The people that don't know thier limits, the people that overdose on it. You all know what I am refering to. The IDIOTS that make the club life hard to fight for anymore. To them, I say, please, for the sake of others, for the love of god, stay the heck home.


0b32d3c0.gif Life is only complicated because you make it so. Remember what it was like to live carefree - and live that way again!

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What exactly is underground?? Why keep it underground?? I agree with the more the merrier, the more people that understand the scene and get into the music, the less people we will have to explain it to, and argue with to keep our scene alive...

and if you want to see some people that are described by the I know a song you don't, or I know someone you don't, then you should really check out the music board... it's pretty damn pathetic!!!!!



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