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SO what IS the deal with the Crobar?


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I keep hearing people go on about it maybe shutting etc. Whats the score, is it just being watched or are they looking at their licence?

Any deaths or incedents i should know about?


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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The city of Chicago has been f'ing with Crobar for years. I personally don't think that they are going to shut it down, or change the license, the place brings too many tourists to Chicago.

The city is just paranoid because they suspect drug use and all that stuff, but I don't think it will go anywhere, they are just rumors. I think they are rumors started to draw people in thinking that this might be their Last night at Crobar....



AOL IM BouncyBy

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my perception/understanding is this:

crobar got tagged with a 30-day license suspension in 1999 which has been under appeal ever since. I think they're about out of appeals and i don't see them getting this particular stint overturned.

i think cbar is trying to get their ducks in a row and settle all their differences with the city so when they finally serve this suspension the city wont jack them and pull any of their lcienses while they're shut and force them to reapply (ppa, late liquor, general liquor) which would take the better part of a year under the best of circumstances. (i've dealt with ppa apps before and it is a huge pain in the ass even under ideal cirumstances)

If we meet up before francis k tomorrow we can talk about this.


"He sought to know all things, but nothing did he learn"

-Gerard de Nerval


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well this is what I've heard so far.. who knows how much is true..

crobar had a 30 day suspension of their liquor license back in 1999 for some violation.

they've been appealing and stalling and delaying the enactment of the suspension since then.

since the original suspension, they've had a couple more violations against their license.

all this has lead people to believe their time will be up soon.

i think they're doing a good job with their lawyers, bribes, whatever to stay open.. something Karma was unable to do..

they're still drawing lots of people, maybe not the huge business they were doing last year, but its still a major attraction.

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no no no - you guys got it ALL wrong

rudy giuliani, the mayor of nyc and the mastermind behind the closing of twilo, is flexing his underground dictator tactics from here.


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

my choice is what i choose to do and if i'm causing no harm it shouldn't bother you

your choice is who you choose to be and if you're causing no harm then you're alright with me - ben harper

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There are (so far unconfirmed) rumors that a man like peeps COULD be in Chicago next week.


All information contained within may or may not be true. If it is then yipadidoda, if it isn't tuff luck.

back2basics - he'sonlycomingbecausetherearenoclubsopeninNY


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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yeeeehaaaa, peeps is coming to the second city that actually has clubs that are open.. lookin' forward to meeting you bro, that is if the information in the post above is true and accurate...




AOL IM BouncyBy

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Originally posted by nauti5:

*Hey Peeps*

I am coming out to NY Aug. 10 - 12. I know that people posted info in the past, but what is good out there nowadays?? I was there 2 years ago and I got a chance to pay a visit to Tunnel, Twilo and Sound Factory. Now that Twilo is gone, where is the spot??


Vinyl baybee!!! It's ALWAYS been the place, it' the 'answer, to your problems, keep on moving, and you will solve them'

Danny Tenaglia, best DJ in NY apart from DJ Swinge.. so I here. Apparently Saturday at Vinyl is good too and Body & soul on Sunday, what more can I say.

Oh and Centro Fly,


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Vinyl baybee!!! It's ALWAYS been the place, it' the 'answer, to your problems, keep on moving, and you will solve them'

Danny Tenaglia, best DJ in NY apart from DJ Swinge.. so I here. Apparently Saturday at Vinyl is good too and Body & soul on Sunday, what more can I say.

Oh and Centro Fly,

b2b knows his shit, yo. i never really hit limelight or tunnel, but they are still open. you also have exit - a bit more cheesy/commercial than those two. then there is the pretty people place, world. fuck that place - ain't my bag.

there is the soundfactory, which i did go to appease some firends about a month ago. got the hear 20+ minute version of "hide u" - definitely a place to go and see at least once in your life. wild shows, lots of drugs, perhaps even a sex sighting or two. some people love it there, some people don't.

but as b2b said, i too dig vinyl and centro-fly. more so centro-fly. always good music and a good time there.

aug. 10-12, eh? cool - now i know when to leave town.

j/k - touch base around then if you want to meet up. i'll let you buy me drinks



you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

my choice is what i choose to do and if i'm causing no harm it shouldn't bother you

your choice is who you choose to be and if you're causing no harm then you're alright with me - ben harper

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Originally posted by scratchapella:

I heard that too. My friends in NY told me Gatien got deported, hence the end of Tunnel and Limelight, somefink like that. Anyways, no one knows anything about nothing. Why people find the dirty little secrets of the club industry confuses me. I just go to dance and hear some good choons, that's all I care about. If the places closes down, the promoter will take it elsewhere, or some other Twilo/Nation/Crobar will open up.

As for Gatien the guy ripped off loads of people. I was talking to a girl who used to work for him. He screwed all his staff on tax, THEY had to pay his tax for him.. fucker.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Tough Crowd!! Thanks guys! I will keep in touch & then we should meet up!

*Have a nice weekend*

--oh, is anyone going to see DJ Rush this evening @ Zentra? J Long, Sativa and Rush. Should be good!


R U nauti 2?

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Originally posted by bmitch1114:

Actually, what is the deal with that? I heard Tunnel and Limelight both got shutdown but I only heard it through the grapevine so I was wondering how much is truth.

I heard that too. My friends in NY told me Gatien got deported, hence the end of Tunnel and Limelight, somefink like that. Anyways, no one knows anything about nothing. Why people find the dirty little secrets of the club industry confuses me. I just go to dance and hear some good choons, that's all I care about. If the places closes down, the promoter will take it elsewhere, or some other Twilo/Nation/Crobar will open up.

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*Hey Peeps*

I am coming out to NY Aug. 10 - 12. I know that people posted info in the past, but what is good out there nowadays?? I was there 2 years ago and I got a chance to pay a visit to Tunnel, Twilo and Sound Factory. Now that Twilo is gone, where is the spot??



R U nauti 2?

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Originally posted by nauti5:

*Hey Peeps*

Now that Twilo is gone, where is the spot??


there is no spot, that is why rumor has it that the peeps is coming over to chitown for a few. thatisiftheinformationcontainedinb2bsmessageisinfacttrue???



AOL IM BouncyBy

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