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what's up for next weekend in middle america?


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what's up? You need to get your beeeotch ass out here that's what's up. You coming then?? We will make sure we find all the shiznit going on if your going to be here. Have to send you back to NYC hyping about chicago....



AOL IM BouncyBy

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Originally posted by tranceaction:

well if you're gonna get stalked it might as well be by a brit..

"So sorry, I'm afraid I must cut you with my knife old chap."

hey, we want him to come out here, so don't scare him off, until he gets here...



AOL IM BouncyBy

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Ok first VCR's are on the menu, just get your arse across.

Not a good weekend to be honest, i will have a look round and see what's goin on.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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i already love chicago - no worries. i think this will be the fourth or fifth time there.

hell, if i weren't working with family, i'd be out there probably living right next door to marcel and linds. i almost quit here after my first trip out to visit marcel.

i can't wait to get out there and hang.


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

my choice is what i choose to do and if i'm causing no harm it shouldn't bother you

your choice is who you choose to be and if you're causing no harm then you're alright with me - ben harper

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Next weekend is Hype Night at Crobar on Saturday. The theme is Super hero... what to wear what to wear???

It will be nice to finally meet you peeps! You up for crobar?


0b32d3c0.gif Life is only complicated because you make it so. Remember what it was like to live carefree - and live that way again!

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anything good going down next weekend kids?

i'd love to get my ass out there, but i've haven't actually *purchased* the ticket to fly...

besides my two partners in crime and their wacko neightbor, a crazy brit, alliteration boy and a crazy ex-girlfriend that stalked me at the fatboy slim show, what else is out there?


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

my choice is what i choose to do and if i'm causing no harm it shouldn't bother you

your choice is who you choose to be and if you're causing no harm then you're alright with me - ben harper

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Peeps, im from NY too. Next weekend is awesome if you in a mood to get fucked up and party with maybe 1000 more fucked up ppl @crobar. IM not sure if thats your scene or not, but everyone that came to visit me from NY loved crobar saturdays. Theyre mostly SF crowd though..

hopefully youll make it

cwm42.gif tommy

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on sat you've got

crobar: hype night, 'nuff said

transit: sean cusick late of twilo

smart bar: 19th anniv party with tony humphries + ralphie rosario + greg norwood

(original post had wrong 1st name]


"He sought to know all things, but nothing did he learn"

-Gerard de Nerval


[This message has been edited by fiatmusica (edited 07-16-2001).]

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Sean Cusick from Twilo at Transit, if his set this saturday is anything like the last time we saw him it is not to be missed.

Crobar Hype Night, still haven't figured out if that is called Hype night because everyone gets hyped up, or if it's because the place is full of hypes, either way it's a lotta fun...



AOL IM BouncyBy

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Originally posted by bouncyboy:

Crobar Hype Night, still haven't figured out if that is called Hype night because everyone gets hyped up, or if it's because the place is full of hypes, either way it's a lotta fun...

Stop babbling you hardend criminal you.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by bouncyboy:

sorry boss. I knowsa you ain'ts talkin to me... I ain'ts no ciminal... I's a edumacated suburban white boy....

Leave me alone man, everyone can't get away with everything all the time....

Yeh that's true but stealing a bus load of Champagne and then attempting to drink it all to 'hide the evidance', isn't the brightest thing to do wink.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by peeps:

i came real close to buying myself a one way ticket to the doghouse of hell...

this weekend is my mom's b-day, and i almost forgot. imagine that - i would have gone straight to the top of mom's shitlist for that stunt.

looks like that 28/29 weekend now.

Would have been classic if you had remembered after arriving here...

but peeps-isn't it time to cut the silver cord, stop clutching mother's dress, and to be your own man...j/k

of course, i remember showing up for a final a day late once...that truly sucked even if i got out from under it in the end



"He sought to know all things, but nothing did he learn"

-Gerard de Nerval


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What in the name did you boys do this weekend??? Stealing booze?

Hey peeps check out the Marshell Jefferson thread... you can now attend that with us!


0b32d3c0.gif Life is only complicated because you make it so. Remember what it was like to live carefree - and live that way again!

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peeps bro, being that you are from NY, I would highly recommend staying away from Kustom, we wouldn't want you going back to NYC talkin bad shit about our lovely Chitown. Stick to places like RedNoFive, Crobar, Transit, Zentra... Kustom is total see and be seen, they mix top 40 dance with Hip Hop and Rap, the drinks are about 6$ for a beer and 12$ for a mixed drink. And a 20$ cover taken by some dickhead bouncers. We tried to go there once, the bouncers were pricks and turned my buddy away because he didn't have a collar on his short sleeve shirt.

Kim, how dare you try to give a new yorker some chicago bashing ammunition... ugh, what are we to do with you?



AOL IM BouncyBy

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Oh and that liquor heist, that hasn't been proven yet... B2B do you still have the rest of those champers bottles at your place? Hide them, I heard the coppers are going to rade your pad bro... quick hide em....



AOL IM BouncyBy

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i came real close to buying myself a one way ticket to the doghouse of hell...

this weekend is my mom's b-day, and i almost forgot. imagine that - i would have gone straight to the top of mom's shitlist for that stunt.

looks like that 28/29 weekend now.


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

my choice is what i choose to do and if i'm causing no harm it shouldn't bother you

your choice is who you choose to be and if you're causing no harm then you're alright with me - ben harper

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Originally posted by kimberlyco:



MJ won't be playing any top 40 hits. It's like the House of Blues, the crowd differes with who is on. The best night out i have had in Chicago ws there, Franckie Knuckles. He picked me up spun me round for several hours, then gently placed me atthe exit, light headed and Euphoric.

Jefferson has so much history, he is the godfarther.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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