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For all you leftover in NYC this weekend

Guest crystalmethodny

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Guest crystalmethodny

So I believe...

After speaking with Rebecca07, that a few of us stragglers are spending our dull Memorial Day weekends within the confines of the concrete jungle as opposed to laying out butts out on the salty fresh beaches of some far off land...

So who's up for an official 'we didnt go anywhere for Memorial Day Weekend' meetup... not at a club, but say, a lounge where we can all hang out? No clubs and NO DRUGS. Howabout Saturday night in Soho? Afterhours party in my apartment while I still have it... long long story.

If anyone is interested, let me know. No cover charge, just cool people. Oh, and be 21+ please, no offense to the young-ins, I swear!





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CM...I'd be down. I'm not sure exactly how my weekend is going, but it would be cool to hang out with you in a more serene environment than Vinyl wink.gif

I don't know the issues behind your pad, but I hope you don't have to go back to L.I. The city would miss your energy...Saint!!!

stjamesr@hotmail.com Peace


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Guest crystalmethodny


Yes it would be good to congregate in an element outside of the club scene. As for moving out of the city... I'd only be moving to some place like Sunnyside Queens, to kind of, re-think my game plan, live there for the summer, then head back into Manhattan in the fall.

As for a place to hang out, there's a very cool dark neighborhood lounge where I chill, in my building, which is a real cool spot. Most of the trendy SoHo idiots go to Veruka as opposed to this place, so most of my neighbors and crew hang there. Good spot. Let me know whatcha wanna do.



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You sure you can handle that bro? hehehe sorry couldn't resist! You know my drug-free ass is down...we need the barricade in full effect though! LOL...I'm down regardless, I'll bring some tapes :)



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sounds like an idea steve....V-Girl, don't worry about not knowing us, i've only met CM once, and although he did attempt to touch me inappropriately, i was able to fend off his advances rather easily. lol....j/k....relax, its cool....

talk to y'all later, duty calls...



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I don't trust anyone. No offense. I've been in some crazy shit lately if you only knew. People are very deceiving do not believe everything you see or hear. Just a few words of caution. This has nothing to do with any of you really, its just a warning for you all to be careful...i know too many people in the scene being F*&ed up lately.

CM- just be careful who you let into your place you seem cool and i would hate to see your stuff or you get messed up.

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Guest crystalmethodny

Its official, its only my place until next week... I need to find an apartment stat. Lease is up and the landlord jacked it over 300. Fucking asshole... ALL YOU LAND LORDS SUCK ASS

Anyway -- Vinylgirl, all of us at one time or another has gone through crazy shit, it sucks. Most of us have met or know each other from other people... Abstrakt is a good friend of mine, Wiz I met once, but he's harmless, Saint is just a porno-star... Tgoodnight I never met, he could be the serial killer... hmm...

Anyone interested in coming down email at 'CrystalMethodny@aol.com'

Peace out



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Originally posted by crystalmethodny:

Most of us have met or know each other from other people... Abstrakt is a good friend of mine, Wiz I met once, but he's harmless, Saint is just a porno-star... Tgoodnight I never met, he could be the serial killer... hmm...

serial killer or no, i'm a she.


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Hey hey hey, wait a minute, my films never hit the market smile.gif I don't think I receive such status, but hey, I'll just consider myself the celibate, STD-free poetic porn star and see what happens. I'll email ya CM...peace, Saint!!!


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Guest crystalmethodny


Hahahha, you crack me up kiddo.

Anyway, DEFINITE throw down at my place this Saturday. Any peeps I remotely know off this board are invited... we're starting downstairs in the lounge to give them some business (lol)

Goodnight: Well, there's some crazy sexy cool women serial killers out there Im sure... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Oh, everyone bring a bottle so we have plenty of liqour. LOL, did I mention I even have an outside balcony patio? You guys can smoke up out there.. LOL..

Email away, but keep in mind, no drugs of any hardcore status allowed. My name represents my love for the two industrial DJ's... just reiterating wink.gif


Goodnight and VinylGrl, you're more then welcome to come hang out.



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I don't know much about this site seeing as I'm new, but do you guys all know each other and just make plans to go out on this site. If thats the case I've got to move down to NYC.

Shit, when you said no drugs I thought you ment nothing, but honestly the blunts are nothing, smoke the gunja!. Sounds like it will be a crazy bash.



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Abstrakt you pecker.. SUP?!

Steve.. You know I would be down, but, you know the deal..

I'm looking to trade a perfectly good right leg for a night of maddness!!




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Guest crystalmethodny

Status update:

Saturday night, meetup at a lounge called Circa Tabac on Watts street and 6th Avenue.

This is across from the old Chaos/23 Watts if anyone knows of it.

Circa Tabac is a small dark lounge with a cool laid back atmosphere, no dress code, but an elegant place yet. They have cigarettes and cigars from all over the world.

Time: Howabout 8pm? I have some friends coming already, so we might have like 10-12 people, possibly more. My apartment is upstairs, so we can chill up there too. Pizza place around the corner and mexican restaurant as well, so we can all chip in and get mass food.




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Guest crystalmethodny


Shut that magic wand of yours up, eh? At least alcohol and nicotine is legal. =) The lounge is such a cool spot and I'd love to bring them some extra business. I guarantee if everyone hangs there, they'll like it. Dark, laid back, and chill.




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Steve? Whats up man? Great to see your post brung some familiar names to the board.

Well, unfortunately I'll be one of those people stuck in the city for Memorial Day weekend, but all's not bad since my 7 year anniversary with my man falls on it. So I'll be spending my whole weekend with my hunny.

Thanks for the invite, though.




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Guest crystalmethodny

Mi corazon,

Tu esta muy bonita, Latina...

I'm jealous! Just dump your 7 year long relationship and come particpate in an orgy or something.

Just kidding!

Its great to hear from you, glad you're still out there. smile.gif

We'll see each other at PVD or something someday soon!

Have a great weekend, and oh, happy anniversary.



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