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APB on The Glowstick Bandits

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I heard that there's a group of guys (good looking) that hate people with glowsticks on strings. They feel that this is rude and takes no talent what so ever. They feel it also takes up a lot of space and in no way resembles dancing. I heard there were three sighting in South Beach Miami over Memorial Day Weekend. One of their members consistantly backs into the area where the rude person is taking up and "takes the hit" so the rithem is broken. One scared clubber actually reported seeing these "Bandits" stealing glowsticks, tearing the strings off, and embarising anyone who thought they were good at using them. Please note that these "bandits" do recognize that glowsticks went out with Parachute Pants, however they are very good at using them and in many instances manually "shit" on anyone using them WITH strings.

Johnny Blaze "ain't a damn thing changed"


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That's some funny shit. I personally don't like them either, but you can't say that doing them on strings doesn't take any talent. That shit is hard as hell, and if done correctly, can be fun to watch. I agree that it takes up too much room, and if the floor is packed, they shouldn't be able to do it. However, if there is room, then why not. I haven't gotten hit yet, but have seen, and I'm not joking, and girl get literally knocked unconscience for about 5 min. It was kidna funny though.

But yea, I hope people do stop doing them. Especially the girls that dance around with only one of them in their hands. Now that is wack!!


Keep it movin'!



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I agree that it does take a lot of space, but by no means is it easy. It DOES take skills to make it move like that. It definatley shouldn't be used in clubs cause people do get hit and hurt, but at such venues as in raves (where there are plently of space) it's fine. And Cholo, I agree, that it is nice to look at when done correctly. cool.gif

However, glowsticks did not go out with the parachute pants . . . Johnny Blaze. It takes skills to dance with glowsticks whether it be on a string or in a liquid form . . . to me they're very pretty. Cholo, I agree it is annoying when I see girls jumping around waving one in their hand. But when I see a sister raver, flowing and moving in unbelievable ways with them, I'm in a state of admiration.

I love dancing with glowsticks!! I never use to dance with them before, but after I learned how . . . I can't dance without them!

Sorry, glowstick haters. biggrin.gif


Music is the language of souls . . .

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Judge Jules, last year said that glow sticks should be banned from Gatecrasher. He was not a popular bloke for a while after that. He soon retracted it.

Blue, I am coming over in August, so are you going to show me how to use them or what? I will show you how to dance without them if you do ;-)


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

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I sorry but it does take talent & skill to swing those sticks ... yeah you can just swing them around in no particular patern ... but i swear to god there was this one kid i used to see @ the tunnel that was amazing .. he could create this angel like figure while swinging the sticks in a cerain pattern ... it was crazy


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Originally posted by Johnny Blaze:

I heard that there's a group of guys (good looking) that hate people with glowsticks on strings. They feel that this is rude and takes no talent what so ever. They feel it also takes up a lot of space and in no way resembles dancing. I heard there were three sighting in South Beach Miami over Memorial Day Weekend. One of their members consistantly backs into the area where the rude person is taking up and "takes the hit" so the rithem is broken. One scared clubber actually reported seeing these "Bandits" stealing glowsticks, tearing the strings off, and embarising anyone who thought they were good at using them. Please note that these "bandits" do recognize that glowsticks went out with Parachute Pants, however they are very good at using them and in many instances manually "shit" on anyone using them WITH strings.

Johnny Blaze "ain't a damn thing changed"

I heard the same thing.. Hopefully they will make their way to New York and tackle every single cheese ball twirling glowsticks..

You want a night out w/o glowsticks??

Go to Vinyl..


Nothing makes me more pissed then when some kid comes in my face and starts moving his glowsticks in my face.. It happens a lot at Twilo, that's why I dont go there anymore.. You cant even walk past those steps w/o having some asshole, mangled on esctasy, try to impress me with his neon lights.. FUCK YOU AND YOU NEON LIGHTS!!!


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alright, so glowsticks are annoying when not used properly . . . but blueangel, you and your bf keep doing what you've gotta do - a couple of my friends do nothing but wonder if you'll be there if they go to twilo! you two are like the highlight of their night - not b/c they're on drugs (some of them aren't) it's just that you two put everyone in awe . . . they see you coming from a mile away, and make everyone back up to give you room.

lol, your bf comes too damn close to my face every time i'm there . . . but i've never actually been hit.



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Awwww . . . thanks for the compliments! wink.gif

Yea, he does do that sometimes . . . come real close to your face. Then thing is that he's soooo caught up with the music he doesn' realize how close he is. I've got hit in the face once . . . ONLY ONCE. But if he get's too close, do take a step back. Most of the time he knows what he's doing . . . but on PVD nights . . . well he's just too caught up with the music. Hehehe. I'm sure a lot of you can relate.

Anyway, thanks, Brandie. And say hi, when you see me again, so I'll know who you are.



Music is the language of souls . . .

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I definetly agree w/ Tranza, glowsticks are annoying b/c 8000 people have them and very few use them well. And even if people use them well, its just too commercial. I think it sucks seeing so many people w/ them and kills the vibe. Limelight had the right idea for a while back when they weren't lettin glowstix in, and of course theres vinyl.



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Wwwhhhaatt??? rolleyes.gif How can dancing with glowsticks be too commercial?? That's like saying dancing is too commercial.

And THAT is just plain silly. Answer is very simple fellas . . . don't like it then don't look. wink.gif



Music is the language of souls . . .

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Wwwhhhaatt??? rolleyes.gif How can dancing with glowsticks be too commercial?? That's like saying dancing is too commercial.

And THAT is just plain silly. Answer is very simple fellas . . . don't like it then don't look. wink.gif


How can you NOT look when almost every single person out has them????Hmm...


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Listen to yourselves~! Like I heard many people say... u go clubbin to enjoy the music and move with the vibe right? It's all about the music... so umm... whether people dance with glowsticks.. and whether they stink at it or they are amazing... doesn't matter. It should be between u and the music! Okay.. so u guys might say "the glow sticks come in the way..." Just deal with it.. it's not a big deal. Don't let a little thing like that bother u. Personally I think glow sticks r cool... enhances u're moves... Like Blueangle =) .. she luvs using it. So let it be.... if u don't like it... go to a club that doesn't allow glow sticks.. or very few use them. Don't come to a club where lots of kids use it and complain about it afterwards. U know b4 u go...

anyways... that's all.

If u know how to do amazing things with glow sticks.. show it off =) It's quite an entertainment.. very enjoyable I must say.

It does take some kinda talent u know.. it's not EASY.


1 luv


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Hahaha....tony that is funny shit!!I agree 100%..clowns..anyway when are you gonna come down to Tempts..we got a house in Ortley..we got to all chill and get mangled...give chris a beep...later..Robyn..=)


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I hear a lot of anger in your reply. . . something that happened in the past perhaps??

Oh well . . . I really wanted to go check out Vinyl but I guess it's not my scene if they don't allow glowsticks. confused.gif



Music is the language of souls . . .

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Glowstiks rock baby !!! I didn't really know how to dance with them till I saw a friend of mine once and now I am quite hooked, but Glowstiks or not, it's about the music...I just find that glowsticks are a way of enjoying trance even more. Even when you aren't dancing yourself just watching other people dancing and getting into the music is awesome.

PS. Blueangle...I saw u at PVD last time and you and your BF were awesome....Maybe I will see u guys again at Twilo on Fri for Deepdish and Dave Seamen....my crew will be there Glowstiking the nite away...


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Glowsticks are fine it's when I see people put them in their mouths is when it annoys me. You have to goto TWILO and checkout BlueAngel and her man. If you hate glowsticks you will at least appreciate how they do it.


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Like trancenergy, I think dancing with glowsticks are the shit!! I love dancing with them or watching other people dance with them. Trancenergy, thanks for the compliment!! GLOWSTICKS FOREVER!!!!! biggrin.gif

mduzich, I agree with you too. I see no sense in it when I see those mouth glowsticks. Is that suppose to look good? Actually, the first and the last time I put that in my mouth I actually broke it by biting too hard. hehehe. Served me too!! wink.gif

back2basics, you make it sound like your experimenting days are over and you're so old now. rolleyes.gif I know you're still a wild "fly by the seat of his pants" type of guy. Right?? hehehe

Finally, to those of you who don't like glowsticks and the clubbers/ravers who uses them . . . all I can say is TOUGH! tongue.gif Dancing comes in all form.



Music is the language of souls . . .

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Guest blckraven

I personally love dancing with Glowstix. It allows me express myself..Plenty of times I find myself dancing On a PVD night with my GF. Beleive me when I tell you, it is all in fun. If done properly . It is art. Simple as that ! granted that not everyone can dance.They are just trying to fit in and have fun. I have been dancing for years yet I would take the time to watch a beginner. I love the look in their eyes when they pull off their first patterns. I have taught so many of my friends a few moves..nothing makes me more proud when I see my GF ( blueAngel ) or my other fav raver ( Star ) wrecking the floors... I may not brag as much as he does ( he is amazing by the way ) you prob all have seen him dance with me and blueangel...

The funny thing is when you get past the regular figure 8 moves and let yourself go. and start going with the music you really feel all sorts of emotions while dancing..happiness, laughter, joy, euphoria... I love to dance. simple as that. some may not enjoy glowstix that is your choice. please keep in mind that the last time I looked up TWILO it clearly say " dance-club " Glowstix are a part of our scene. love it or hate !!

P.s: while I went to gatecrasher on new years eve...omg !! these cyber kids do not in no way shape or form dance like how we do.. but at least they never make fun of each other, how they look,( I love all the cyber toys they have ) dress or dance !!

Plur anyone ? remember that ?

peace love unity and respect... then again most clubbers are not ravers. I should know better .


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I peronally am not a big fan, but there are a few people in my years of raving and clubbing that have captivated me because they truly know how to use them the right way. If you can use them that way, then by all means go for it, but if you are just going to practice swinging them around on strings for the first time please practice in the privacy of your own home (this will save you and everyone around you the embarrassment)

Dance is a form of expression and interpretation, so i don't think we should limit people from trying to add new elements of life to it, but they should be conscious and aware of the reaction and effect they are having on the masses.


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At the end of the day we all pay out cash and were all looking for that bit of escapism on a Friday/Saturday night.

Whatever is your thing let it happen, if it's not messing with other peoples heads then anything goes.

There's too may uptight people in the "Real" world, so if people want to let their hair down in whatever way (glowsticks, sex in clubs), let them.


you sussed me.


Always wondered what PLUR was, like it though.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

[This message has been edited by back2basics (edited 06-07-2000).]

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