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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Goodbye everyone

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To all ClubNYC members,

I'm sorry to have to say this, but this is my last post on ClubNYC. Due to the actions of dicklicker/the_greatest, as well as all of the general negativity lately on the board, I no longer feel like this is a community I want to be a part of.

When I first started posting here in 1998, it was a small community full of intelligent and considerate people with interesting opinions, enthusiasm and most of all, respect for one another, no matter how differing their opinions may be. Many of us ended up actually meeting in person, and many of us ended up making good friends, contacts and even significant others as a result of ClubNYC.

I have always felt like ClubNYC was a place where I could be honest and open and have my opinions respected. I have posted some pretty personal stuff before and I have always been overwhelmed by the response I have gotten both on the boards and via e-mail.

However, over the past couple of years, and especially now that there is an extra incentive to post with all the giveaways, the quality of the board has gone down. Now, most of the "veteran" members are gone, many of them disgusted by how the board has basically become a collection of insults. I tried to avoid drama as much as possible, but now I no longer feel I can post anything without someone personally attacking me.

It is one thing to say "you suck" or "your favorite DJ/club/song sucks," but some members go too far and resort to personal attacks. The deterioration of the board has kept me from posting that often, but now I feel like I don't want to participate at all.

The slanderous things that have been posted about me lately are completely ridiculous, and while I don't take them personally, they make me fear for my well being. Even if they are meant to be a joke, it makes me uneasy to think some asshole is keeping tabs on me, and you know what? As much as I really enjoy contributing to the board, it is really not worth my personal safety, or at least my sense of security.

So, congratulations, the_greatest/dicklicker and everyone else who posts bullshit on this board just to start drama. You won: I'm outta here. To all of my friends on ClubNYC, it's been real. Keep going out, having fun, loving the music and making the most of moment. You will be missed, but it's time for me to go.

Good luck, and goodbye.



"Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


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aw man, that sucks frown.gif Oh well, maybe now, from this happening, people will see what has been happening, and maybe youll come back smile.gif Or, maybe all the real-deal people will leave too now...... Anwyays, good luck to you, and don't ever stop listening to the music smile.gif

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What the fuck,

I'm not jumpin ship just because a couple of knuckle heads can't control themselves. The solutions is simple... Do not reply to the drama and shit.

I've been reading and contributing to this board since way back and the board has changed like all things do. Get over it! It's time we make the board more interesting, useful, and entertaining. We have all made this board what it is today, good or bad.

Sorry this girl had to leave, seriously though...it's not going help anything if we all decide to.



When it's all said and done, we've still got the music.

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I'm sorry you are leaving Alexandra...we have never met, but I am sure I have probably seen you around and we know some of the same people...You seem like someone who really has a love for the music..which is getting rarer and rarer....

You know what...I will BET..that this dicklicker/greatest person is some guy who liked/likes you and you didn't feel the same...he is so wrought up over it, that the postings are the only thing he can do ...the posts he wrote just about SCREAM it...similar things (not on a message board..but just in general) have happened to me in the past, and all I can say is..ignore these insecure assholes...



Music is the answer...to your problems...:)...smoknjilly@aol.com

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Alex dont do it girl, I know you have come under some stick but try not to let it effect you.

Like quest says it's not going to solve anything. If you enjoy some of your time here then dont give it up because of a few idiots.

If you decide not to stay have fun, stay cool, take care, Lebe wohl, Arrivederci, Adiós,Au revoir.

Dicklicker if this is what your after... well done.

gehen Sie haben Geschlecht mit einem Esel


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

It's not just about the notes played, it's about the spaces in-between.


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We've never met but I've read many of your posts. No matter what people say about not taking things personally, sometimes a personal attack does hurt the persons feelings. I know I've taken some things a little personally (even though I know I shouldn't have) but whatever people wanna be assholes so be it. I totally understand your leaving, so many people have left because of so much bullshit. Good luck to you. Maybe we'll meet at S&D in a couple of weeks, I plan on being there.


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Originally posted by Rebecca07:


We've never met but I've read many of your posts. No matter what people say about not taking things personally, sometimes a personal attack does hurt the persons feelings. I know I've taken some things a little personally (even though I know I shouldn't have) but whatever people wanna be assholes so be it. I totally understand your leaving, so many people have left because of so much bullshit. Good luck to you. Maybe we'll meet at S&D in a couple of weeks, I plan on being there.


let me get the door for you then !!!

...I'm not trying to be rude or anything but first off why are you letting someone get in the way of your fun ...there are few assholes here, you'll find them in any community ...at least a few ...and since you decided to leave why announce it?? ...if that's your final decision then HAVE A NICE LIFE :-) ...just my $.02



[This message has been edited by Ph0eniX (edited 07-14-2000).]

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Its a shame your leaving, there can be a lot of negative posts sometimes but there is still a lot of good people here who have a love for the music, then again, if this kid who is bothering you knows personal information about you then I would be careful. Hope you return to a better board in the future.

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It's too bad that you feel that you must leave. But if you and others leave we will only be left with people like the_greatest and dicklicker!

A special message to dicklicker: People like you are exactly what's wrong with the world sometimes. Your overt preoccupation with your masculinty is hiding the real truth: A deep fear that people will discover that you have a tiny penis!

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lol.... that was funny...but it a never ending circle.. its a waste to even respond to people like the-greates... dicklicker.. they do it for kicks.. and as much as you maybe correct in you analysis... it only fuels the fire... let him.. or them burn out by themselves...it's not worth the repatition or the hurt it might cause those who take some of these posts personaly.

just my $1.05....



"lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..."


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Sorry to see you go frown.gif But you can't just leave situations like this. To leave would be giving into fear. If you let fear run your life you can't ever enjoy yourself. There will always be some asshole, weather it's on this board, walking down the street or while you're in a club. And if you let them ruin your good time and leave and give into fear, you won't experiance anything but regret. But take care either way, lol. smile.gif

And Elisha, what're you doin' givin $1.05 when you should be givin two cents. That's $1.03 wasted. rolleyes.gif Livin' pretty large for someone lookin' for a job rolleyes.gif



If a man does not keep pace with his companions,

perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.

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While I'm certainly not in favour of censorship, I do feel that someone at ClubNYC should remove the ridiculous posts from the board, the ones that are obviously designed to make someone feel insecure and have nothing to contribute to the group. I mean someone posting that some girl is ugly/fat etc., is not adding anything to the general purpose of this board, especially not if the person has never even seen the other and is admittedly just trying to cause drama.

Alexandra, I'll miss you frown.gif I thought you had some of the best posts on the board. Anyway, I will finally move to NYC on Tuesday, so hope I will come across you somewhere.


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