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What 2 do w/#2 @ a club?

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I know that this may sound stupid and not in line with the 'keepin it real' requests, but... I was wondering this:

You are at a club, getting your groove on, it'three in the morning, the place is rammed to the gills and all of a sudden you got that feeling. That I just drop an e and I need to drop something else to make up for it. The line to the can is around the corner and has been all night. The floor is wet from the bar crowd and the toilet looks like something out of 'trainspotting'. WHAT DO YOU DO? :eek!

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if u are really desparate .... sneak into girl's bathroom ... they are usually cleaner. or pay off a bouncer to use the staff bathroom. my friend paid $20 in Twilo to use VIP bathroom one night.


Everything will be perfect .... tonight and forever....

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Originally posted by spreewell:

I bring a zip lock bag to all clubs, when its time to go I make a chocolate Zip-Lock surprise and put it behind one of the speakers and watch the fun unfold all night!!!!!

Thats funny as hell ...i hope your not serious ....

The soultion to all your shitting in clubs problem is simple, "HOVER" ...its a great quad workout also ... haha

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Man this is exactly the kind of shit that I can't stand. The bathrooms at most of these clubs are out of control. Ohh man the doodie at 6:00am. I remember when I was in Cancun I got one of those Mexican workers to windex the seat down and get me some TP. I paid the guy a couple of pesos and he was happy as a pig in shit. NYC is a diff story. I have dropped a doodie or two at EXIT but never late at night. I was a lucky one. The two times I went it was early and the bathrooms were relatively clean.

If you have to go I like the zip lock thing. A brown paper bag would be better. Zip lock tends to hold that stik in too much. You really need to share it with everyone if you are going that route. HAHAHA!

Now the funniest thing that I have seen was a buddie of mine had to take one real late. He goes to the coat check to get take off back to his pad and come down to say goodbye to everyone. All of a sunddend the music gets way out of control and he can't leave. He has is coat in one hand and his other hang on his asshole and he is dancing like a freak. That was a funny sight.

If you have to doodie, pay the Mexican's. They work for peanuts!

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Originally posted by spreewell:

I bring a zip lock bag to all clubs, when its time to go I make a chocolate Zip-Lock surprise and put it behind one of the speakers and watch the fun unfold all night!!!!!

hahaha, that is hysterical. I did that once when i was in the second grade, i believe.

(p.s. use the freezer-brand kind) lol


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One better than the zip lock, in cancun, were all at Senior Frogs, all hammered when my friend claims when he farts smoke comes out his ass, so we all bet him hes lying. He gets up on a table bends over and pulls his pants down, then he squezzes to fart, but he dosnt fart, he shits all over. A nasty wet shit too, it went on people sitting on the table we didnt even know. It was great, then the bouncers kicked him out carrying him throught the club with his pants around his ankles and shit down his leg!!!!!!

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Originally posted by spreewell:

One better than the zip lock, in cancun, were all at Senior Frogs, all hammered when my friend claims when he farts smoke comes out his ass, so we all bet him hes lying. He gets up on a table bends over and pulls his pants down, then he squezzes to fart, but he dosnt fart, he shits all over. A nasty wet shit too, it went on people sitting on the table we didnt even know. It was great, then the bouncers kicked him out carrying him throught the club with his pants around his ankles and shit down his leg!!!!!!

OMG. Lol. Hahaha. Too F*ckin funny!!


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Another suggestion:

HANG TIME - You go into the stall drop your pants, grab on to the walls that divide the stalls and hang on. Start swinging like a little kiddie in the play ground and hope that the doodie hits the bowl.

Two point for a rim shot, one point for just the water and 3 points for a messy floor.

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another topic worht reading every post

some funny shit, no pun intended

i think it is funny though how every toliet in the club is clogged wit shit, jars of k, toliet paper, peoples shirts, and just about anyhting that will fit in a toliet bowl by 4am




EXIT GUESTLlST, firday or saturday 201-725-8858

(oasis guestlst)

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Ok this is the absolute worse and quite embarassing, but one night I was at Twilo rolling my face off - go figure. I was in one of the bathroom stalls looking in my wallet for another hit of 'e' that was in one of the pockets. I pulled the 'e' out, but then dropped my wallet into the toilet bowl which was far from clean considering it was already about 5:30 AM. Well, as you can imagine I had to fish it out of the bowl. At the time I was slightly grossed out but it didn't phase me too much, however, in retrospect it was probably the most disgusting thing that I had ever have to do.

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1. Go before you go out.

2. Avoid eating after 8pm if you are going to roll.

3. Get a supply of napkins from the bar!

4. If you tend to always get this feeling, take Immodium or something before you leave your house...you don't get that feeling

5. Plug that pill. Don't get that feeling or an upset stomach and much stronger roll.

6. Go at your own risk and get your shots the next day!

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A similar thing happened to me recently. It was July 4th at Studio in AC. I go in the stall to check my money and the next thing I hear is "bloop-bloop", two friends gone. I didnt even bother looking for them though. I just took my losses and went on my way. $40 literally went down the toilet.

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Down here i was @ some outdoor rave way out near the everglades where they had this incredible line of port O potties I went in and nearly puke and had to run out. Someone had had a miscarriage in the bathroom that shit was extremely sick. So now whenever me & my friends talk about a dirty bathroom we ask who had miscarriage in there.


"Take the red pill and you stay in wonderland"

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Down here i was @ some outdoor rave way out near the everglades where they had this incredible line of port O potties I went in and nearly puke and had to run out. Someone had had a miscarriage in the bathroom that shit was extremely sick. So now whenever me & my friends talk about a dirty bathroom we ask who had miscarriage in there.


"Take the red pill and you stay in wonderland"

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Originally posted by meta4z:

Down here i was @ some outdoor rave way out near the everglades where they had this incredible line of port O potties I went in and nearly puke and had to run out. Someone had had a miscarriage in the bathroom that shit was extremely sick. So now whenever me & my friends talk about a dirty bathroom we ask who had miscarriage in there.

Dear God... that is RANCID!!!!!! by far that is FUKT UPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by oasis:


another topic worht reading every post

some funny shit, no pun intended

i think it is funny though how every toliet in the club is clogged wit shit, jars of k, toliet paper, peoples shirts, and just about anyhting that will fit in a toliet bowl by 4am

OMG, dude i hear ya on that one. i must admit that this board has tikkled me silly bc yer responses are outta control!!! so friggin funnEEEEEEEEEE!!! and i thought i was da only one who pays attention to wats left behind in da nastee dump bukkets in da clubs... jars, baggies, inhalers, shirts...thats a good one.

wat peeps will do for "shits n gigglez"

mEOW!!!!! keep the responses coming, i'm havin a blast!

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I went to some New Years rave in Philly 95-96

---L S D--- "lets start dancing (nice cover up for the media,lol)

well anyway the party was shut down at 8 in the morning after 20 people overdosed

but what really got to them to shut it down was some girl decided to shit on the dance floor and the cops, ems, along with 5000 others watched her doing this#!@$#!@@$#$#@???????????????

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