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The city is going to try to close Twilo

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I just saw on channel 7 news that the city is going to try to close Twilo "due to the fact that 2 people have died there and they really don't do enough about the drug problem there"...hopefully it won't happen...they said they were going to use the public nuisance law...the same one that the city failed to close Tunnel with...

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I wish these fuckin' lightweights would learn how to handle their shit & stop dropping dead all over the place.

And before you start bitching how insensitive I am, that it could've been someone's friend, brother, sister, dog etc. I am fully aware of that aspect & train of thought and I DON'T GIVE A FUCK about anyone except my drug dealer & myself.

Have a nice day. :P

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If it was up to the city, there would be no clubs to hang in at all.. People keep dying, and that's how they are going to succeed..

M O D E R A T I O N I S T H E K E Y ( If you choose to use drugs )


Hit My Damn Music...

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Originally posted by boredofhouse:

I wish these fuckin' lightweights would learn how to handle their shit & stop dropping dead all over the place.

And before you start bitching how insensitive I am, that it could've been someone's friend, brother, sister, dog etc. I am fully aware of that aspect & train of thought and I DON'T GIVE A FUCK about anyone except my drug dealer & myself.

Have a nice day. :P

You insensitive ??? Nooooooooooooo

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I agree with Tranza, moderation is THE key. People can't behave themselves & when Rudy comes & closes down the clubs everyone will forget what initially brought this on & bitch & cry about Giulliani being a fascist & all that other stuff.

People need to educate themselves on what they're putting in their bodies & the possible risks.

Tranza, what ^ by the way ! How the hell are ya ?

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Originally posted by gene2k:

I agree with Tranza, moderation is THE key. People can't behave themselves & when Rudy comes & closes down the clubs everyone will forget what initially brought this on & bitch & cry about Giulliani being a fascist & all that other stuff.

People need to educate themselves on what they're putting in their bodies & the possible risks.

Tranza, what ^ by the way ! How the hell are ya ?

Geeeeeeeene!! Sup bro?? I'm iight.. Taking it real easy lately.. No break for three years is a long ass time, I think I need one.. smile.gif

Will see you in the fall tho!! No better place then SF when the summer's through.. Tell Ally I said hello!!


Hit My Damn Music...

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In my humble opinion, there is no way that they are going to be able to close Twi. They couldn't close Tunnel, and we all know that Tunnel was about 400 times worse than Twi chemically. And none of us can be so naive as to think that our judiciary/police systems aren't brimming with folks ready to get paid off. Twi just makes too much money to worry about it.

my .02...

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It'll never happen...Guilliani and the city has other more important thing to worry about. Like the " deadly " virus that's going around, the rat problem, and his own health. How is the club a public nusiance? It's not effecting anyone. The club generates money for the city i.e. tourists. There are many people from other countries that come to visit NYC, and to see this club 'cause of the DJ's and word of mouth. It's the schmucks in city hall and the media who have too much time on their hands. The only reason why the media is into it because they think it can get ratings by doing exposes on why clubs are " bad ". Then there are those who are weak minded and live under a shell that believe the media. City Hall just says clubs are bad so they can divert attention from what's the real problem that they can't fix.

Just leave it be...and let us have fun dammit.


Are you feeling it???

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At the right time, this will be a terrific 'save the children' political potato. The politician with the right timing will jump on this and make it an issue.

Until that time, it will wind its way through the courts as it has for the last two years. It won't help matters, but with the rats, and the fact that Central Park was closed down tonight, Rudy has better things to do than to stand in a very industrial part of Chelsea near some old rotting buildings to say that this is a hazard to the children as rats are carting off small children on the east side.


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Originally posted by jdogg:

At the right time, this will be a terrific 'save the children' political potato. The politician with the right timing will jump on this and make it an issue.

Until that time, it will wind its way through the courts as it has for the last two years. It won't help matters, but with the rats, and the fact that Central Park was closed down tonight, Rudy has better things to do than to stand in a very industrial part of Chelsea near some old rotting buildings to say that this is a hazard to the children as rats are carting off small children on the east side.


LMAO!! Bunch of comedians over here today.. biggrin.gif


Hit My Damn Music...

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I think that the only reason that Tunnel is still around is 'cause Gatien has a lot of experience and legal savvy dealing with this kind of stuff. According to what I read, his legal team even had to manipulate their way into having the cased heard by right, favorable judge in order to get a good outcome.

Twilo's legal standing right now?? Not very good. 2x against it, a pending lawsuit, and an admin. looking for blood. SUCKS. would hate to see that system and that lineup go.

Hope for the best.


There must be a party going on around here!!!

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