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What are the side effects of XTC

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Since XtC is fairly new they dont know what can happen to you 10 years down the road after abusing it

I heard parkinsons might be a side effect after abusing the drug

when I say abuse I am talking a hit on friday then 2 on saterday for 4 years straight (and within 2 of those years I was mixing other drugs with the x as if i was a cemist)

(I am clean now- but my head is still SKREWED)

am I going to DIE?

are you people heading towards the same path



more fun than 4 hookers and an 8-ball of coke

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Guest clubkid77

Parkinsons WILL NOT come from using MDMA

Drug induced Parkinsons disease comes from

MPTP a synthetic OPIATE (china white) it is

caused by the destruction of dopamine neurons

in a certain area of the brain. This only begins to show after 80-90% of the neurons are destroyed in this brain area.

Long term side effects of MDMA are not entirely know, but speculations point towards

depression, and memory loss. due to posible dammage to SERATONIN nerve axons. however no real side effects have been proven in tests, that is people dont seem fucked up, which proves once again the human brain is quite redundant, and can to some degree fix itself. It is known that seratonin neurons seem to grow back in some parts of the brain however they may not grow back to their full size and in some casses grow back 2 fold.

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The worst side effect I can think of off the top of my head is you get bored with it.

All those times you roll YET AGAIN because you're convinced it'll be fabulous again, not like the last 10 or 15 times you did it... gross.

Not that I'm repenting.

Another interesting side effect is your appearance the next day.

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if you need drugs to truly "feel" and "experience" the music, then you don't belong in that party/club that your at. enough said. cuz i am right and you know it.


we are the dreamers

we are the music makers

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Guest blckraven

Depression will be a part of it if you abuse it. best thing to do with X is to just stop....I mean I know people who cant go to a party and stay sober. I can and I have for years partied clean. To my knowledge the most I have ever abused X is taking it 6 to 7 weeks in a row. taking 1 or 2 pills each time.

After that I got so depressed. Not just because of X but because of normal everyday problems. Granted that they were not that bad. but the fact that I was so low on serotonin it made it seem 10 times worst.

The cure I just stopped for almost 3.5 months. saw a doctor, read some facts about X and side effects and found out that moderation is key. I mean when You are on X it is fantasy. you feel happy and pretty. weeks and weeks in a row you get used to it. best thing to do is to stop and only use X once in a blue , like 4 to 6 times in a year.

If you want to minimize any damages to your brain. Take some Antioxidant before and right after you take X...drink plenty of liquids....eat plenty before and after. and remember moderation..once in a while and you will be fine

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Guest blckraven

Moderation is the key word...once in a while by that I mean 1 or 2 pills every 3-4 months...not every damm week....go for the music...dance clean try...once you do you will realize that it is not the pill but it is you...stay safe..take antioxidant vitamins before and after you take X you will be fine....

as far as side effects.... depression, anxiety attacks, panic attacts, edgy . nervous.. all part of it.

If you experience any of the above. just stop, see a doctor, get some antidepressants ie: prozac, paxil

and stop for a few months you will be fine and you will learn that you cant drop every week.

If you cant stop and go clean when you go to a party then just stop partying. I know that is hard for some..try it. go to a party and go clean. It is the music not pill. love the music

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I am clean now

my head is just warped not from depresion

but i am just out there at times

people would be talking to me and I would give them the quarter mile stare with a confused look

- or I would be talking to someone and turn my head and find a tree to be more intresting than the conversation?

( this does not happen often but it does happen )



more fun than 4 hookers and an 8-ball of coke

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more fun than 4 hookers and an 8-ball of coke

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We hit up Twilo this Friday and didn't drop or anything, just blazed a bit, but I realized how much the music/atmosphere/crowd makes us fired up, not the bombs.

We stayed longer than our friends who dropped 2x... and danced more - theres no dopey part of the night when your sober.

I will still roll once in while, but I now know that when people say "There's no reason to go to a mega-club if you're not gonna drop" that they haven't tried it yet.

However, I must say that part of the fun was watching other people who were out of their heads just wildin out...

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GonzoJ -

I used to drop every weekend - A bad pill put me in the Hospital for a few hours once - The first 10 - 15 times are great but it kind of sucks after a while - I started tripping and thought that a poster of someone was actually my friend standing behind me - Like you it's been a while and I still feel banged up and a little bit of memory loss. I don't repent though - alot people have to experiance it themselves. Most of the people I know only do it ocassionaly if that anymore. PEACE


It's all in the music

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the truth is (and we all know this), is that drugs are bad for you in one way or another and we shouldn't do them. but we still do them regardless of feeling like shit the next day, or for a week straight, all we want is too feel awesome for a little while. is it really worth the damage we're doing to our bodies and minds. there is not one person i know that's been doing drugs recreationaly for a while that is not fucked up in some way, even minutely. we don't worry about long term effects, we just worry about how we'll feel the next day, if that, we even have that under control with stuff like st. john's wort, 5-HTP's, chew toys to prevent us from fucking up our mouths, etc., although there are basically none or few long term side affects of xtc that we know of, we still need to be careful, and more aware of the decisions we're making to use drugs. drugs are not safe, we're taking risks each time we use them. we all need to be careful, who really knows what's in those pills.


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Originally posted by frankie_pep:

7. E makes you think your the biggest smoothest pimp in the world, to point where you think your game is flawless.(The Pimp syndrome is effective sometimes)

SOOOOOOOOOOOOO TRUE! I could go up to anybody and rap till I drop.....

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I take ginseng when I dance. Actually I take it every day anyway in small dose, but will take 4 or 5 with me for a night out. Very effective, and all-natural! Doesn't work for everyone though. Also I used to love that caffeinated water "Aqua Joe" but they don't seem to sell it at the clubs anymore. Probably very bad for you or something. LIke 6 or 7 Long Island Ice TEas AREN'T bad for you. Oh well.

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1. Half the time people look like they're dying or all already dead when on E.

2. Certain pills make your jaw shake uncontrollable like your butt naked in the snow.

3. Certain pills make you chew on your lip like it's candy coated.

4. Makes your vision so blurry sometimes to point where you can't even light your cigarette when it's in your mouth.

5. When the "rolling" sensation stops,E makes you think your not fucked up and tells your brain to consume more(but your really still rolling your face off) so by the time the next pill kicks in your Fucked till the process repeats it self again.

6. Makes you drink nasty digusting tap water (which you wouldn't even think about drinking if sober)

7. E makes you think your the biggest smoothest pimp in the world, to point where you think your game is flawless.(The Pimp syndrome is effective sometimes)

8. When sleeping after a night/day on E you wake up suddenly feeling like you could run a marathon.

9. E makes some of the worst songs sound like masterpieces.

10. For a man, E makes your dick hard for hours without being able to release till atleast 24hrs.(now that could good or bad)

11. for a woman, E makes your boyfriends/husbands sexual drive so intense that he's able to perform hours upon hours to point where your walking funny for week(now that could good or bad)

"steady putting pep in yo step ....."

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