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How are BMW's???

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I do not like them. I went and test drove the X5 and 750i. For the price you just do not get much at all. They sure are a nice ride however.

I have a 2000 Cadillac Escalade and and 2000 Camaro SS. Much more car for the money and still look nice! smile.gif


Dave H.

Toxic Productions

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I started a few internet companies of my own.

I am thinking about going to Tunnel late tonight, but I am not sure yet.

Originally posted by gonzojournilist:

WHAT the 750 is the shit!!!!!!

the hell do you do to afford those cars?

The hell are you people doing on the message boards Saterday night of labor day weekend?

I'm out Joey Beltram tonight


Dave H.

Toxic Productions

[This message has been edited by toxic (edited 09-02-2000).]

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I thought he was talking about the car, since I do not do drugs it is not the first thing the comes to mind smile.gif

Originally posted by gonzojournilist:


maybe funkysoulbrother is talking about E!

is there a pill called bmw


the last pill I ever took

was the first batch of mits-sue-bishi

(drunk as fuck I can't spell)

If your talking about cars

buy the 750 if you can afford it

isn't it 740????


Dave H.

Toxic Productions

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dude-- i can go on a four hour lecture about how efficient (and FUCKING awesome) beamers are but i'll give u some notes in a nutshell... ok, aside from looking sa-weet as hell, they have the second best traction in the world (first is porsche). did you know that when you switch gears in a beamer, the car literally lowers itself an inch? it's true- why? better traction. also, bc they're built in europe, they gave it rear wheel drive so that it's easier to hug the road (especially with all the krazy kurves on european roads) and the stability is awesome bc the weight of the car is equally proportioned --which means it's physically impossible for the beamer to fishtail or swerve on the road, even with rain/snow/etc. that's all i can think of for now cuz i'm half sleepin but if i think of some more i'll be sure to type em! ciao!


Love, Peace, and Hair Grease!!!

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oh and p.s., anyone who says that beamers aren't worth the money or aren't all they're kracked up to be, etc, aren't weighin in the guarantees, 24 road side service and the little gadgets and awesome things that make u realize why bond used a beamer is his movie lol..


Love, Peace, and Hair Grease!!!

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Originally posted by mareluna:

dude-- i can go on a four hour lecture about how efficient (and FUCKING awesome) beamers are but i'll give u some notes in a nutshell... ok, aside from looking sa-weet as hell, they have the second best traction in the world (first is porsche). did you know that when you switch gears in a beamer, the car literally lowers itself an inch? it's true- why? better traction. also, bc they're built in europe, they gave it rear wheel drive so that it's easier to hug the road (especially with all the krazy kurves on european roads) and the stability is awesome bc the weight of the car is equally proportioned --which means it's physically impossible for the beamer to fishtail or swerve on the road, even with rain/snow/etc. that's all i can think of for now cuz i'm half sleepin but if i think of some more i'll be sure to type em! ciao!

Wow you sure know a lot about beamers....

Damn, guess I gotta add that to my list of what to look for in a mate..... there's something so sexy about a woman knowing a lot about cars......

Me? I don't know squat about cars, so go figure.

Hey mareluna, are you a really good driver too?



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks

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i Love cars!! my dream is to be a race car driver! i go to formula 1 in canada and car shows with my uncles and guy cousins lol it's awesome..

how's my driving? hop in wink.gif i have one rule: buckle ur seat belt. i love driving (especially in the city) but i know when enough's enough (hehe, radar helps too).. i've seen/heard so many tragedies (many were family and friends) caused by careless car accidents and granted, car accidents may happen no matter how u drive, i always say that it's better to be safe than sorry. i thank god i've never been in an accident. smile.gif

i uploaded my pic in hopes that it satisfies some curiosity.. ciao!! ~daniela


Love, Peace, and Hair Grease!!!

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Mareluna, Youre full of shit. BMWs do not lower themselves one inch while shifting gears. Are you insane? DO you think that is even possible? What kind of suspension gives you that much play?

BMWs have the second best traction in the world? Did you leave out the Lamborghini Diablo, The VR4, Perhaps the Jeep Wrangler?

As for impossible to fishtail, take a look at dado doing donuts at www.bmwmpower.net

ive fishtailed the M3 more than a few times.

Rear wheels drive gives you better traction? That makes zero sense. I wont even explain why.

And teh weight distribution is 50/50? On which BMW? NONE!!!! The M3 is the closes you get with 51/49......

Please dont make up more things about BMWs, I dont like it andn ow im gonna cry.

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My BMW is old as hell and it is the best car I've ever had. It's quick it handles beautifully and nothing ever goes wrong with it. If and when I have the $$ I'd buy a new one in a heart beat.

The only bad thing I can say (and I'm sure this has been remedied in the newer models) is that it f'ing BLOWS in rain and snow. I hydroplane and slide everytime the weather is shitty. I have never been a panicky driver but this car scares the shit out of me. It's worse than my Mother's minivan was!!


A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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i think they are great. i have an M3. and it has a nice tight suspension, its fast, great pick-up, i dont think any other car rides like it. but be prepared to spend alot of $$$ if u have to fix it or whatever b/c BMW pars are alot more expensive than most other cars..


~Music Is The Answer~

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OK, aside from the cars, I had some BMWs this weekend and last. They suck!! I don't think there's any mdma in them...just speed. However, if you roll on a good pill and THEN take a BMW, you get your roll back somewhat. However, my advice, if you can avoid them, avoid them!


I was born in Twilo, I have lived in Twilo, and I shall... (lets not go there)

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i have a 7 series, and yes they are great cars. but if youre looking fir something reliable that u never have to go under the hood for, then get a lexus (friend of mine has the IS300 and thats sweeet, typical numb rice cooker though) or a mercedes (clk430...wayyy cooool). bimmers, are like women, very tempermental, you have to take care of them A LOT, but when theyre happy, its the best feeling in the world.


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